1. If you have full control of your own web page (your own domain or a site like blogspot.com) and can include javascript use the code below. This will give you a dynamic display of total votes so far, plus the action page as a convenient pop-up Blog Voices module:
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2. If your page provider filters out javascript when you try to post it (like MySpace.com), but you still want a graphic link, use one of these:
<div> <a href="http://usalone.com/blogvoices.php?Cheney%3F"> <img src="http://www.usalone.com/c1a.gif" border=0></a><br> <a href="http://www.usalone.com/cheney_impeachment2.php"> <font size=1 face=verdana style="font-family:verdana;font-size:10;"> <b>Get this Action Button</b></font></a> </div>
<div> <a href="http://usalone.com/blogvoices.php?Cheney%3F"> <img src="http://www.usalone.com/c2.jpg" border=0></a><br> <a href="http://www.usalone.com/cheney_impeachment2.php"> <font size=1 face=verdana style="font-family:verdana;font-size:10;"> <b>Get this Action Banner for your own web page</b></font></a> </div>
3. If you just want a text link you can put anywhere on any web page, blog, in your blog posts, and your emails (including your email signature) use either of these:
http://www.usalone.com/blogvoices.php?Cheney%20Impeachment%3F (Blog Voices type)
http://www.usalone.com/cheney_impeachment.php (Standard web action page)