Eight months ago, when Congress lacked the will to reject the "surge" scam cooked up by the White House, we knew how it would all turn out.

The administration sent out all its stooges to try to lull anyone who lacked the capacity for critical thinking by saying, "Just wait until we see the results, in a couple months, and a couple months more after that."
Tell Congress Their Last Chance Is To Reject The Phony Petraeus Report
Instead, the situation continues to deteriorate the more money and bodies we throw at it. And now that the inevitable and damning results are in, the same White House fraudsters are doing everything they can to hide and downplay them. The GAO report, that only 3 of 18 of the so-called benchmarks have been met, has been "edited" like just like all those science reports that did fit their political agenda. Even the Petraeus report itself has been doctored by the resident spin team.

And don't expect anything from Petraeus himself in his testimony but the Stepford party line. Remember this is the same General Petraeus, who vouched for the lie that we had found the WMD biological labs way back in 2003. He has floated to the top of the administration scum pond precisely because he was practically the last military man of rank who would parrot according to the administration's bidding. They might as well have Tony Snow deliver the report to Congress.

Not one more dime except to get out. It's time to END the fraud on the American people called the war on terror in Iraq.

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