The new Michael Moore movie, SiCKO, a devastating indictment of our for the profit of the few national health care racket, will be released June 29th. And the most wonderful aspect of this movie is the activism of Michael himself in using his documentary as a vehicle for making real policy change happen.

With this action page you can advocate for true national health care, which ALL other first world countries have already.
Vote on Whether Congress Should Pass the United States National Health Insurance Act
Under H.R. 676 [Text of Bill], Medicare would be extended and improved so that all individuals residing in the United States would receive high quality and affordable health care services. They would receive all medically necessary services by the physicians of their choice, with no restrictions on what providers they could visit. If implemented, the United States National Health Insurance Act would cover primary care, dental, mental health, prescription drugs, and long term care.

The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected below, with your vote on the subject "Should Congress Pass H.R. 676?" At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.

To see Michael Moore speaking on behalf of H.R. 676 at the Capitol on Thursday, June 21, play the video to the right.

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