Bill Rosendahl, LA 11st District City Councilman, is set to introduce a resolution before the Los Angeles City Council on Friday August 17th to impeach President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

Please speak use this form to advocate its passage by the entire L.A. City Council.
Petition the Los Angeles City Council to Pass an Impeachment Resolution
Petition: Los Angeles City Council Impeachment Resolution

WHEREAS, Jefferson's Manual section LIII, 603, states that impeachment may be set in motion by charges transmitted from the legislature of a State; and

WHEREAS, George W. Bush and Richard Cheney have intentionally misled the Congress and the public regarding the threat from Iraq in order to justify a war against Iraq, in violation of Title 18 United States Code, Section 1001 and intentionally conspired with others to defraud the United States in connection with the war against Iraq in violation of Title 18 United States Code, Section 371; and

WHEREAS, George W. Bush and Richard Cheney have conspired to commit the torture of prisoners in violation of the UN Torture Convention and the Geneva Convention, which under Article VI of the Constitution are part of the \"supreme Law of the Land\"; and

WHEREAS, George W. Bush and Richard Cheney have acted to strip Americans of their constitutional rights by ordering indefinite detention of citizens, without access to legal counsel, without charge and without opportunity to appear before a civil judicial officer to challenge the detention, based solely on the discretionary designation by the President of a U.S. citizen as an \"enemy combatant\", all in subversion of law; and

WHEREAS, George W. Bush and Richard Cheney have admitted to ordering the National Security Agency to conduct electronic surveillance of American civilians duly constituted by Congress in 1978, in violation of the Title 50 United States Code, Section 1805; and

WHEREAS, In all of this George W. Bush and Richard Cheney have acted in a manner contrary to the trust placed in their respective offices of President and Vice-President, subversive of constitutional government to the great prejudice of the cause of law and justice, and to the manifest injury of the people of the State of California and of the United States,

WHEREAS, it is the uniform practice of the US House of Representative to receive petitions or resolutions from primary assemblies of the people;

Be it resolved that George W. Bush and Richard Cheney, by such conduct, warrant impeachment and trial, and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States;

Be it resolved further by the City of Los Angeles, that our senators and representatives in the United States Congress be, and they are hereby, requested to cause to be instituted in the Congress of the United States proper proceedings for the investigation of the activities of the President George W. Bush and the Vice President Richard Cheney, to the end that they may be impeached and removed from such offices.

The one click form below will send your personal message (together with the petition text above) to all your own Los Angeles City Council Member, with the subject "Los Angeles Impeach Bush Cheney" At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.

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