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Put The Medicare Option Back In The Health Care Bill


[032915:040910] R.M., Cathedral City, CA
Please consider the real attitude of most Americans and don't be taken in by the hysterical right-wing.


[123217:031710] C.F., Bend, OR
This is the way to make it work--look to other countries where it has worked. BE BOLD!


[060928:030110] g.t., Agawam, MA
When will the people in Washington realize we are the people who they are suppose to represent and not a place for them to get a good job with benefits that do not pay as well in private jobs


[124746:021610] C.D., Kirkland, WA
We need health care reform. These bills are little more than a a bailout for the vestigial health care insurance industry and the HMO and drug manufacturers who destroyed a perfectly good health care system.


[012859:021310] S.T., Portland, OR
A Health Plan liker Congress has!


[104022:021010] J.L., Locust Valley, NY
Until our Senators and Representatives have to struggle with the health insurance fiasco personally, there will be no reform.
Take their benefits away and see how fast they get it done!


[195915:020510] y.p., Los Angeles, CA
Please don't let insurance thieves raise their rates without control


[145454:020410] S.S., Los Angeles, CA
Stephen Barry Salgaller


[092354:013110] E.N., Arcata, CA
Well the way I feel until I'm getting as good as health care as you. Your not going to get my vote.


[051218:012910] M.H., New York, NY
I implore you to become just as s--tty as the republicans and fight for this bill to be reintroduced.


[152112:012610] B.B., Woodbridge, VA
My wife and I have Medicare, everyone should. Part D coverage needs some fixes.


[095305:012510] L.J., Lakeland, FL
It is a disgrace that Congress is so spineless and can't stand up to big insurance. THe public optionmust be included in the bill, otherwise the whole purpose of the bill is lost.


[091142:012510] P.V., Brighton, MI
My son and his wife already pay into a joke of a health care system. Yes they have insurance but they pay $3000.00 per year that if they don't use, they lose at the end of the year. That is criminal. It covers nothing for doctors' office calls. To force them to buy into one of the greedy insurance companies. And to threaten those who cannot afford to with jail time puts them in double jeapardy. They are darned if they do and darned if they don't. My son is worried thay if he loses his job and can't afford to pay for insurance will he be put in jail because he can no longer affor insurance. Isn't it enough of a rat race without penalizing the PEOPLE, for a health care system that is out of control. And now with the Supreme Court ruling that allows Corporations to contribute unlimited funds to Candidates, Hospitals, Insurance Companies and Pharmacutical Companies will have even more control over OUR Legislative bodies. If there is not a Medicare option incorporated into the Health Care Bill. I will vote out any one in my state that is in Public Office.


Peggy L. Van Sickle


[142644:012410] L.B., Arroyo Grande, CA


[135951:012410] T.H., Troy, IL
Put The Medicare Option Back In The Health Care Bill, without this there is nothing to control the out of control greedy healthcare insurance companies. Republicans have no idea how to do anything, but start dumb wars! It is embarrassing to be part of a country that allow people to die because their brutal healthcare insurance company denied them medical insurance! I lost everything because of the greedy insurance industry and I don't want to see it happen to anyone else!


[134959:012410] T.H., Troy, IL
Put The Medicare Option Back In The Health Care Bill, without this there is nothing to control the out of control greedy healthcare insurance companies. Republicans have no idea how to do anything, but start dumb wars! It is embarrassing to be part of a country that allow people to die because their brutal healthcare insurance company denied them medical insurance! I lost everything because of the greedy insurance industry and I don't want to see it happen to anyone else!


[110007:012410] C.R., Houston, TX
Please put the Medicare buy-in option back in the health care bill.


[075853:012410] J.B., Norman, OK
Each year approximately 18,000 American people die due to lack of health insurance. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan cost $720 million a day! I wonder how many less-than-wealthy people this amount could provide with health care and a better quality of life?

America can do better than this!


[085944:012310] S.T., Chicago, IL
I just voted absentee from 900 Lake Shore Drive address.


[093804:012110] c.c., Santa Fe, NM
I am frightened by my government.I felt hopeful when Barack was elected,but I see that was an illusion of change for good. Our government is solely there to protect corporations,large organizations and very large loud groups.I have no protection and just passing something isn't success if it is useless as the healthcare bill has become a useless failure,a waste of time and energy and money. Medicare for all that is solid,it has teeth. It is already there.Please do something we can feel hopeful about.I have no hope that my government can be saved anymore.Please show me I am wrong.Medicare for all.That would be a stimulus to create jobs ,a feel good hope bringer,happy good,kind thing.Please do what is best for the american people and that is medicare for all today.Stand firm,stand strong.


[063244:012010] D.M., Lexington, KY
No Excuses. Stop WHORING for Corporations and do your GodDamn Job for a big big big change.


[185839:011910] c.s., Danville, CA


[171650:011910] K.M., Rockwall, TX
How does being a Christian exempt someone from helping the needy? It's ironic that some people who are against this bill claim to be just that, and yet they fight against one of the things that would truly make a difference. Simply because they're "comfortable" with the way things are.


[161422:011910] G.D., Dearborn, MI
I am tired of the corporate lobiests with deep pockets paying off my representatives in Congress who I sent to do the peoples' business, not the coroprate profit business! THe Healthcare bill needs to have the Medicare Option put back in the bill during the reconciliation committee meeting!


[111314:011910] D.E., Highland Park, NJ
If Democrats really want to improve the health care situation, all they have to do is to expand Medicare. All this stuff about a public option and a public mandate now looks like a big diversion to make it seem as if Democrats are trying to improve health care, when what they're really doing is avoiding expanding Medicare.


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