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Stop The Filibuster Now


[123948:022711] R.p., Downingtown, PA
Overusing the filibuster is abuse of power used mostly by arrogant,self-serving,self-absorbed.self-centered power hungry politicians whose only goal is to obstruct.


[185301:021411] J.H., Pottsville, PA
Stop The Filibuster Now
In the face of four years of Senate filibusters at a record setting pace, preventing any possible real legislative progress for the American people, is it surprising that there would be strong calls for reforming this now most abused congressional tactic? Even the appointment of non-controversial federal judges have been systematically blocked in acts of obstructionism for their own sake.

In particular, the purpose of a filibuster was supposed to be to make sure that real debate on the issues would not be shut down. But instead we find Republicans simply threatening to filibuster as a way of derailing the whole process of government, and the result is no actual public debate at all. So the most important reform must be that if opponents of a bill want to call for more debate, they must be forced to actually put one up. And then let the American people decide on their C-SPAN who is wasting the country's time and who is not.

This and other critically needed reforms are contained in a bill put forward by Senator Mark Udall from Colorado. The American people have deserved a fair up or down vote for the longest time, and it's high time they got one on this bill, which can be passed by just such a margin.


[164731:020811] H.K., Oakland, CA
I am really tired of watching the Republicans in Congress misuse the filibuster (which was not dreamed of in the Constitution) by merely threatening it (with all the Republicans pledged to vote in lockstep like soldiers) just to say NO, NO, NO, NO to accomplishing anything in the Senate.
Then they blame the Democrats for no success. This obstructionism is disgraceful.


[181134:012811] c.f., Waukesha, WI
Stop the abuse of the filibuster, it only waste time and prevents real work on Universal Health Insurance and the development of jobs.


[152012:012311] K.F., Houston, TX
The congressional tactic of filibustering has been greatly abused over the last several years. The rules must be changed so the filibuster once again becomes a way of protecting debate and not just a tactic for preventing forward progress. Thank you.


[181357:012211] K.B., Swanton, OH
Stop the waste of time and money fillibuster now. There is a purpose for it, but that is not what it's being used for now. If it can't be reformed please do away with it. God bless you!


[165106:012011] D.W., Blacksburg, VA
Because the GOP abuses the filibuster in order to impede progress on major issues--such as the need for universal health care, good-paying jobs, high-quality education, a clean environment, social security, Wall Street reform, and environmental protections--I favor the filibuster-reform bill put forward by Senator Mark Udall of Colorado.

Th main motivation of nearly all the foot-dragging and negativism of the GOP is to defeat President Obama in 2012. They have nothing to offer for the common good of Americans.


Dr. Dennis M. Welch


[091020:011711] R.F., Boulder, CO
It is time for changing this process that has been denigrated by obstructionist forces, we also need to get rid of anonymous
secret holds on legislation which serves no constructive purpose!


[070757:011711] G.R., Mount Wolf, PA
The filibuster is another "political" tool that can, when properly used, accomplish much. However, like any tool when improperly used, it becomes more of a destructive weapon than a tool. We can't continue to allow this waste of time and money. Get rid of it if you can't fix it.


[204809:011611] R.T., Canon City, CO
Stop the filibuster now. End the abuse of this political strategy to be an obstructionist tactic.


[115707:011611] B.S., Boca Raton, FL
End the Grid-Lock. four years of Senate filibusters at a record setting pace, preventing any possible real legislative progress for the American people.


[095603:011611] M.T., Oakland, CA
It is crucial the the filibuster rule not be used as an obstruction tool. Anything that can be done to improve real legislative action needs to become a priority of our elected officials.


[204953:011511] J.L., Monticello, AR
Please help correct this filibuster issue. This is a very obstructive, controlling manuver that is counter productive to our government, our people and our Nation. I am appaled and ashamed of the American officials that stoop to this level of tactics and will in future elections, vote and persuade others to vote to help ride our government of such elected officials that harm rather than help the people of these great United States of America. If you happen to be one of these, then you might want to rethink your tactics used in representing (us) the people that authorized you to represent us and our ideas, thoughts and desires by voting you into office. Read your Bible and see if you are following the teachings of Jesus to guide you jn doing what is right for all the people and our country and not just minority few of the wealthy and greedy. For greed is slowly tearing our Country down to levels below other countries, what a shame.


[164211:011511] M.K., Panama City, FL
Disalow the use of filibusters to stop the progress of a bill.


[150101:011511] V.S., New Springfield, OH
Make them talk, it's that simple. That is the way it worked till someone got cute with the rules.


[122610:011511] M.a., Los Angeles, CA
My government should do what is right without considering whether it would be good for our party down the line. Get rid of the filibuster!


[121146:011511] a.m., Sag Harbor, NY
let's get some things accomplished.


[103418:011511] K.I., Oakland, CA
The American people want fairness in government. Make it work the way it was intended.


[162606:011411] E.B., Seattle, WA
A simple majority should be enough to pass all legislation except treaties!


[065225:011411] C.T., Memphis, TN
The filibuster has been totally misused. It should be reformed drastically if not completely removed as an option. There should be no "anonymous holds", and cloture should require a simple majority. The minority party should not be empowered as if it were a "loyal opposition" when it's not behaving as one.


[063145:011411] J.B., Philadelphia, PA
Jon Bjornson


[021624:011411] C.B., New York, NY
The filibuster is, by its nature, antidemocratic and should be used -- IF EVER -- only in extreme circumstances. Make it harder to mount a filibuster.


[200051:011311] T.M., Los Angeles, CA
Thank you.


[155453:011311] L.F., Morehead City, NC
The irresponsible actions of some members of the Senate have corrupted the legislative process to the extent that few Americans are optimistic about our government. No wonder that Congress is so far - far down in the poles!


[083240:011111] J.D., Rochester, NY
The current filibuster rules have created a tyranny of the minority. Progress on important issues is blocked by an intransigent minority who's stated goal is to block the President's agenda by any means necessary. That is not a leadership agenda. It is time for reform in Washington, and ending the Senate filibuster is a key component of meaningful reform.


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