The People's Email Network Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Go Back Stop All New Nuclear Power Development ********** [213634:041214] T.W., Madison, WI Do we really need anything more than Fukoshima to convince us all that all nuclear power must be stopped? But really, people, curb your energy use. That is what is causing the destruction of our planet. ********** [203748:051912] M.W., Monmouth, OR There are those in Japan who know now what a mistake nuclear power/weapons has been for them and humankind. They know their government has lied to them. I know our government has lied to us and continues to do so. Stop the lies. Stop nuclear power and nuclear weapon development. ********** [214115:122611] B.P., Magalia, CA Further Analysis - Deductive Mathematical Computation, Decisive Situational Discrimination Information Assessment Indicates Viable Potential Human Extinction Organic Life Extermination Event Inevitability To Be 90% Within This Century Unless Dramatic Drastic Intervention Action Takes Place. I Speak On Unelected Moral Appeal - On Behalf Of All U.S. Citizens - Demand Proclamation Action Directive: 1. To Accede With Exceeding Pace And Furious Preciosity - The Desires And Demands Of Common People - AND - To Act Without Deficit Of Merit Or Indigence Of Intention, Perform All Matters Of State And Policy, Legislature And Senate With Absolute Clarity To Mind, Purity Of Intention And Transparency Of Action. 2. Uphold, Make Standard Upon The Moniker Of Any Administrative Element Simply To Do What Is Right And Without Violation Of Natural Or Moral Law Out Of Sovereign Civil Discretion For The Sake Of That Which Is Good And Noble In This World. These Words Will Not Vanish To Complacency - Unlike So Many Times In History. ********** [103902:083111] M.R., Federal Way, WA This time we do not want an excuse for letting all this radiation to continue on and on until we are all dead from it. Please do something to stop it now. We do not need more nuclear power for anything including EMPs going on. Thank you. ********** [191752:071311] S.C., Pataskala, OH The leaking (tritium) plants in the country and the NRC allowance to vent radioactive gas unannounced is a travesty of governance. We are not industry's or the government's guinea pigs anymore. WE WILL NOT HAVE IT! ********** [190935:062311] Z.J., Bronx, NY Renewable energy sources and reduced energy consumption are such obvious choices. Whoever promotes these initiatives gets my vote, and conversely whoever supports nuclear energy, hydrofracking the Marcellus Shale for gas, and other hideous energy choices WILL DEFINITELY NOT GET MY VOTE! ********** [151242:061511] P.j., Alberton, MT The nuclear power industry is just too vulnerable to monopoly, just like the petrol industry. When these industries get so powerful, no reasonable gov't can pull together enough votes to control them. It is bad enough with the fouling of the air and water due to carbon emissions, but radioactive leakage is lethal and verrry long lasting. ********** [140635:060811] R.K., Lutz, FL America needs money for jobs, not war, and America needs money for solar, wind and non-food biofuel power, not nuclear, oil or coal power. ********** [203056:052411] T.S., San Rafael, CA If there was any doubt prior, The Fukishima Melt Down would have to convince any sane person of the insanity of any continued use of Nuclear Power for any purpose whatsoever. To say nothing and do nothing is to participate in perpetrating the insanity against all life on the planet. ********** [101721:051711] a.h., Crestline, CA Clean, renewable energy is the only way to survive. ********** [125040:051511] A.S., Kansas City, MO Not only are nuclear power plants subject to human error breakdowns, natural disasters and sabatauge, the waste they cast off cannot be, and has never been, safely stored. This is the absolutely worst and most dangerous source of energy for humans-all living things- to use! The existance of earth is at risk, as world-wide scientist prove, and need to be done away with , it is even more fool hardy when we have not only safer, more efficient and cheaper energy sources that are clean to develope! PLUS, they would create jobs in inovation, design, manufacturing, installation and maintainance. It is insuferably arrogant and enormously stupid to continue the use and construction of nuclear power plants. ********** [165406:051411] J.K., Millerton, PA Nuclear power is inherently unprofitable. Stop subsidizing this loser with my tax dollars. ********** [172724:051311] E.T., Tryon, NC Please support the "Nuclear Weapons Abolition and Economic and Energy Conversion Act" *HR-1334), currently in the US House of Representatives, which needs also to be introduced into the Senate. ********** [174958:043011] R.D., Cobb, CA It's a no-brainer. You have to be extremely stupid to support or desire nuclear power. ********** [144209:042911] J.F., Parkville, MD After the recent disaster in Japan, nuclear power needs to be seen as the huge nightmare that it is. Nuclear power generation is an absurd investment for our tax dollars or for our energy development dollars. This technology would not even be commercially viable without massive government subsidies with our limited and argued-over tax dollars. And with one Three Mile Island in our own country already which I lived very near when it happened) and 14 near misses last year alone, it is just playing with our own disaster to build any more nuclear power plants. The supposedly secure scientifically designed plants have been proven to be drastically unsafe, and should not be repeated. The opposite needs to be done. Instead we should be winding down the ones we have so short-sightedly already created. The "spent" fuel rod pools in the U.S. are terrifyingly already at 4 times over capacity, and no one has any decently safe idea of what to do with what we already have. We need to clean up and make areas safe, not continue to create more terrifying places. Please, instead, get serious about a crash program to promote renewable green energy, not by concentrating green power in the hands of Constellation and its partner, but by enabling individuals and local communities to make their own sustainable solar, wind and water power. PLease note that "biofuels" are poorly planned and should not be promoted big time, also. Thank you. ********** [122519:042911] M.E., Kailua Kona, HI Until we have another planet to live on, we need to protect our planet Earth. Nuclear power is the "dirtiest" fuel we have, because radiation leaks can damage life on Earth for a long, long time. Whether due to nature or human error, more accidents will likely happen. Let's start the transition away from nuclear power NOW. ********** [181419:042611] J.N., Minneapolis, MN Nuclear reactors are dangerous. Even if we could trust those who build and operate them they are all ticking time bombs. We lived without nuclear power until the 1940's, when the by-product of nuclear fission was used to bring an end to war. That hasn't happened, and in fact, "depleted" uranium has been and is currently being used in the Middle East and elsewhere. Also, I defy Mr. Obama and his ilk to explain to me just how concerned they are about terrorists bombing a nuclear facility. Let them explain why they are encouraging more nuclear energy. Then too, the United States has more nukes than all other countries combined. Let's disarm the nukes and store the nuclear waste as safely as we can. The insanity of our so-called leaders is frightening. We need to stop worshiping growth and start cultivating sustainability. Down with the Dems and Republicans and let's elect some sane leadership! ********** [212543:042411] G.T., Bremerton, WA Before its too late. If it isnt already... ********** [214611:042311] J.R., Bellevue, WA Nuclear catastrophes are inevitable because the nuclear industry is run by human beings. There will always be lies, self-deception and complacency in human activities, especially where profit is involved. Divert the money being wasted on the manufacture of death-dealing poison to develop genuine renewable energy sources. ********** [042152:042311] D.B., Melrose, FL We have long been subsidizing this industry by not factoring in the safety or long term containment of spent nuclear materials. Put the brakes on NOW and shift our resources to truly clean alternative energies. Do the right thing for our grandchildren's children. ********** [055228:042011] J.H., Boothbay, ME Even a pig doesn't soil where he lives. We as humans don't know that yet. ********** [121342:041911] N.G., Ferndale, MI We need to invest in green energy infrastructure. With no safe way to dispose of spent nuclear fuel, we should never have started building nuclear energy plants - and we certainly should not continue with that insanity. ********** [110814:041811] D.K., Summerfield, FL The human race has been doing everything within it's possibilities to destroy this once beautiful planet. The big question is how long can our planet withstand human habitation? Why aren't our governments seeking solutions to save our planet instead of spending trillions of dollars searching for other inhabitable planets?The biggest step we can take to minimize future damages to our very eco system is to end nuclear power plants, there are just too many alternatives. Iam just 1 of of millions of very concerned citizens. Don Kelly ********** [033938:041811] b.b., Asheville, NC Nuclear power is neither safe nor sustainable. It brings nothing but death. The merest natural disaster could cause any one of several major cities with such facilities uninhabitable for hundreds or thousands of years. We have a beautiful country, lets not make it a radioactive waste dump! Uranium is another finite resource, even dirtier than coal in its effects upon tissues, and we have no way to mitigate the problem of waste... NO MORE NUKES! ********** [162041:041711] F.F., Ash Fork, AZ Radioactivity toxicity lasts longer than our lifetimes. Nuclear energy is not clean. Support renewable energy instead. ********** Go Back |