The People's Email Network Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Go Back Support A Woman's Right Not To Be Forcibly Impregnated ********** [104953:111413] J.R., Pearl River, LA I am a woman, and my body is mine alone. No man has the right to choose whether to violate my body, or to plant an unwanted child within me for me to be responsible for the rest of my life. Rape is a violent attack against womanhood. how would all these male senators feel about this issue if they were forcibly raped and could get pregnant afterward by their attacker? ********** [113152:101612] A.F., Dover, NJ I am disgusted by the insistence of far too many members of the Republican party that it is OK for rape victims to be forced to give birth to the children of their attackers. Rape is not a choice, but abortion so that victims can move on with their lives and continue to care for the families they already may have, or continue with their education or careers, should remain an option. ********** [230517:101212] S.M., Sarasota, FL Do not take us back to the days when women had to fight for the vote! ********** [230451:101212] S.M., Sarasota, FL Do not take us back to the days when women had to fight for the vote! ********** [112236:100312] J.M., Denver, CO We don't need more evangelical ayatollahas ! ********** [170821:100112] D.W., West Palm Beach, FL As the father of two daughters, I strongly believe that a woman should not be forced to carry her rapist's child to term against her will. ********** [144536:092812] E.B., Seattle, WA When the Earth is overpopulated by 4 to 5 billion people, it's stupid to try to force women to have children that they and the Earth can't afford and they don't want! Do you really think that all those resulting social problems for 50 to 75 years will be just wonderful? ********** [083250:092712] G.C., Leesburg, VA I find the RNC position on women as chattel puerile and foolish. It displays a position of undeserving entitlement - a "bubba" mentality. ********** [062936:092612] J.B., Anderson, IN What makes the republicans think they should take away our rights as women to make our own decisions. We would suffer the effects of a horrible rape, we would be the ones carrying the child, we would be the ones to suffer the pain of delivery!!! ********** [182943:092512] H.M., Auburn, WA If you wouldn't want to be told what to do with your body then why would you tell someone else what to do with their body?! ********** [113852:092412] P.D., Foley, AL For people who claim to oppose government intrusion into peoples lives you people are intruding in the most intimate way. Just because a woman bears the god-given gift of creation does NOT mean she can be denied her god-given right to free will. A woman has a god-given right to choose where, why, how or even IF she will exercise her gift. No one has any right to interfere with that choice not by intimidation. Not by coercion. Not by law. If you wish to have any input to a woman's decision then you must be ready, willing and able to provide for the physical, emotional and financial help she AND her unwanted child will need beyond what she or her family can provide till the child matures. Are you willing to make that commitment. ********** [083123:092412] j.b., Louisville, KY The position of the Republican party of this issue is beyond c ********** [212102:092112] S.K., Prescott, AZ It is difficult for me to grasp that the Republican Party of my youth has now become a corrupt, seemingly deranged pseudo-organization pandering to the most ignorant, intolerant and fascistic elements of our culture. Yet, with the current party platform and the Romney-Ryan ticket in place, I am unable to come to any other conclusion. Abe Lincoln and Dwight Eisenhower must be rolling in their graves at this very moment. ********** [164716:092112] V.K., Brooklyn, NY Support women! And their rights to choose. ********** [151844:092112] R.D., Pittsburgh, PA Safe, legal abortion must remain a healthcare choice! ********** [065229:092112] S.F., Lake Zurich, IL Having known a victim I do not want to see the consequences happen to others. How can you value "personhood" when you don't care about those now living? ********** [125406:092012] K.D., Brick, NJ MY BODY, MY CHOICE!!!!! Every woman should have the right to choose! ********** [165507:091712] F.W., League City, TX I believe all abortions should remain legal. There are good reasons for the woman to have to have an abortion. If abortions are made outlawed, the rich can still fly to Europe, but not the middle class and working poor. We would go back to the coat hanger and the underground filthy clinics. The extreme right want to force women to not have an abortion, but where are they after the baby is born? They ridicule and criticize the women. ********** [065702:091712] l.k., Spokane, WA AND I would like to see Viagra outlawed. It seems really strange to me that there is promotion of erections and now we as women should not be allowed an abortion for rape... which is probably on the rise because of Viagra. I would like a study done on this. Meanwhile... rape is no choice and Viagra IS. ********** [180152:091612] M.M., Loa, UT Rape is simply that, a violent physical attack using sex as a weapon. It is not a choice for the woman, she is attacked, and she gets stuck if she's pregnant and can't abort. When will all you wannabe studs recognise what women know. We are 50% or more of your constituents, think of that before you make your anti-woman laws. ********** [123059:091612] S.G., Caldwell, NJ abortion is a personal issue not a political one. It's no one's elses business. ********** [112907:091612] M.A., Aurora, CO Freedom should not be synonymous with 'dumb'. In Brazil, women have to endure the same exact thing that is being proposed here. They are forced, by law, to have children bred through the violent and horrible crime of rape and incest. Many there are trying to overturn that, we should be in solidarity with them in keeping what we have and not succumb to elite powers-to-be, most of them males, none of them having been impregnated by some sick crimminal. About time for some folks on the planet to join the rest of us in the 21st Century, not mediaval times and ethics! ********** [051013:091512] T.S., Crown Point, IN Women are persons, and by forcing them to carry to term their rapists baby, and in many states that rapist has rights to the child, you are forcing your will upon others. By not allowing women to be treated for health problems that might kill them if they continue the pregnancy you risk leaving countless children without a mother, husbands without their wives, and costing the life of both the unborn fetus and the woman you are treating as not a person. ********** [150302:091412] J.C., Gila, NM When women are free from violence and the threat of violence, the world will be a much better place. Motherhood should be a chosen profession and given the support and recognition it deserves. ********** [171050:091312] S.W., Tacoma, WA Rape is not a choice. Let's consider, some want no contraception or abortion for minors without parental consent. What if the parent is the rapist? Does that mean, that by those ideals, a minor raped by a parent is forced to give birth? Please leave your religious beliefs at home. Don't impose them on the rest of us. Keep church and state separate. Freedom is real choice. Thank you ********** Go Back |