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Time To Get Serious About The Global Warming Disaster


[213314:062313] S.M., Santa Cruz, CA
The news about extraordinary climate disasters, my own observation the fast melting ice pack of Greenland from airplanes over years, the disappearance of species after species, the warming of the ocean, the melting of permafrost areas and release of COs, the continued reliance on oil and cars and the hesitant hardly perceptible shift away from coal and oil to sustainable sources, our government's talking without acting---all terrify me of what is ahead of us as a result of refusal to change and deal responsibly with the destructive realities we still keep producing. WHEN ARE WE GOING the WAKE UP? It might be too late already?! What does it take to change our arrogant shortsighted habits? How long are we continuing to dance on the Titanic while it is sinking? keep sawing on the branch on which we are sitting? WAke up! Change laws, stop subsidizing oil and coal etc. etc. change habits, prepare....take pity on the miraculous natural world we've been allowed to live in and with...


[212919:062313] S.M., Santa Cruz, CA
The news about extraordinary climate disasters, my own observation the fast melting ice pack of Greenland from airplanes over years, the disappearance of species after species, the warming of the ocean, the melting of permafrost areas and release of COs, the continued reliance on oil and cars and the hesitant hardly perceptible shift away from coal and oil to sustainable sources, our government's talking without acting---all terrify me of what is ahead of us as a result of refusal to change and deal responsibly with the destructive realities we still keep producing. WHEN ARE WE GOING the WAKE UP? It might be too late already?! What does it take to change our arrogant shortsighted habits? How long are we continuing to dance on the Titanic while it is sinking? keep sawing on the branch on which we are sitting? WAke up! Change laws, stop subsidizing oil and coal etc. etc. change habits, prepare....take pity on the miraculous natural world we've been allowed to live in and with...


[045717:022513] R.P., Downingtown, PA
So far there has been an abundance of catastrophic,violent,extreme weather events and/or weather-related events over the lat 10+ yrs.....Katrina,Irene and Sandy,along w/ global fires(5 million acres in Israel),droughts,floods,etc.....yet Congress does nothing to develope public policy to curb the escalating crisis called climate change.....this is disturbing and despicable.Each of us as individuals needs to do all we can to reduce our own carbon footprint but so do all businesses....small,medium and large,etc.Everyone should see the documentary called "CHASING ICE".....FRANKENSTORM SANDY is a piker compared to what may happen in the future if Congress continues to be sooo dysfunctional,inert,inept and just plain stupid.Each time emergency funds(FEMA funds?)in the billions is dispatched to communities wiped out by these FRANKENSTORMS,OUR DEBT/DEFICIT RISES.If you want gto reduce the debt,go to the root problem,climate change and do things that are big,bold and aggressive NOW.Congress has wasted 10 yrs in their "do-nothingness".Al Gore warned us back in 2004 w/ the doc "An Inconvenient Truth" what would happen if nothing was done.Congress has been stratospherically irresponsible on so many levels....climate change is just one.


[084919:011113] B.R., Berkeley, CA
Those who deny a significant human contribution to global warming are also generally science deniers. They say that evolution by natural selection is not a fact but only a theory. Some even deny the "germ' theory of infectious disease or AIDS.


[095042:010813] P.H., Baker, LA
Please do something about this climate change. Everyone I know, including myself has noticed the changes. No matter how much we are told this is not a problem, or that global warming is a myth, you cant deny the changes we are witnessing with our own eyes. We are not as stupid as the people in power think we are. We know there are alternatives to fossil fuels, and we want those implemented. This is our planet, its so beautiful yet here we are destroying it so the rich can stay rich.


[183854:122712] H.D., Langhorne, PA
It is time to get to work to prevent global warming. We have the technology. We havn't done the investing so we are paying to repair the damage that is being done.


[182619:121612] C.C., San Ysidro, CA
Please tale all appropiate steps to mitigate global warming before it's too late.


[082413:120912] J.L., Melbourne, FL
People didn't invent climate change but we are pushing it in an unnatural direction at an unnatural pace and it's devastating to our planet and all of its inhabitants, especially human beings. It's imperative that we not only stop this behavior but do all we can to reverse the damage we've already wrought on our one and only home in all the cosmos.


[194324:120312] M.T., Brookings, OR
It is amazing to me that anyone would be in a denial position re: climate change. The one word "Sandy" should be enough to trigger some movement toward understanding of the reality of a warmer planet and the consequences thereof. What is critical now is a policy change...and the behavioral change attendant upon ruling out the old patterns of living on this planet. Our children and theirs can not continue our dependence on fossil fuels, clear-cutting forests, etc etc.


[033953:120112] J.L., Melbourne, FL
Global climate change is as inevitable as the change of seasons. Human activity does not create climate change. But human activity is absolutely accelerating climate change at a rate faster than natural process can adapt. It's not only fossil fuel consumption that's doing this, it's the unchecked increase in human population and the rate at which we are using up all natural resources, increasing deforestation, rampant agriculture and ranching, polluting our land and water, all of these things are leading up to our own extinction event. But ending our exploitation of fossil fuels is a good first step in slowing down the process of climate change. Sustainability is not just a good idea, it's the only way we can survive.


[103837:112512] J.H., South Fork, PA
To whom it may concern,
While we have some the most knowledgeable scientists available today their are certain factors they haven't yet even began to consider. For instance the sembionic relationship between the trees and other flora in an interaction with the core itself actually react in much of the same way one who exercises does in order to maintain their strength. Both the trees, flora and fauna act with each other and the central core within the earth to maintain the gravity strength upon this earth believe it or not! It's written within the very scriptures our forefathers left us. It will be all I will mention for the moment but this and much more has been carefully written about! Take for instance this dark matter they recently discovered and even the stones found within a cave in I believe it was France with regards to certain writing contained upon the surface. I could mention exactly what the representation thereof entails but to do so would rob me of my right of discovery! Well not exactly my right of discovery but rather my right of understanding even as I see this happening all the time! THE SIMPL MAN RELAYS UNDERSTANDING AND ANOTHER RUNS OFF WITH THE RECOGNITION and thereafter the prize! I assure you though it happens to be a must know concerning this information and much more iformation as well! If nothing else consider the words pertaining to the tree of life and the tree of knowledge written about within the scriptures as this is exactly what it's referring towards. One must have reources to continue their knowledge and doing so verily robs humanity of the necessary animals and everything else needed to sustain ones livelihood! Once these resources ar gone so is humanity even according to the very scriptures themselves! And this is but a small amount of the total knowledge I now withhold!



[181710:112412] E.B., Seattle, WA
We can save civilization on Earth if we take action, now!


[104826:112312] M.M., Brooklyn, NY
The scientific community has been warning for 30 years that data pointed to adverse consequences if humans continued to pour carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere. Even the deniers of that data are aware of these consequences now. Further, the early warners have also said that the consequences would worsen if we took no action. We have taken no action. Therefore, if they are now seen to have been right to this point, it is logical that they would be right going forward. WORSENING CONSEQUENCES. Perhaps the multi-billion-dollar carbon polluting industries can describe a scenario of how a Category 2 or 3 storm raging through a U.S. metro area, delivering destruction equivalent to a large nuclear bomb, would not be catastrophic to the entire nation.

We must alter our trajectory. The time for debate is over. Risk management and environmental amelioration crucial. Pick a strategy and let's get on with it. Those who believe the response time is indefinite are incompetent, deluded, criminally negligent and dangerous.


[074211:112312] S.R., Ithaca, NY


[085038:112212] J.G., Bellingham, WA
Shipping coal to China does not support this critical problem. Please do the right thing for Whatcom County, Washington State, and the world.


[102334:112112] c.k., Portland, OR
Even the World Bank fears we're headed for a 4-degree increase. I'm scared, too. You?


[083453:111912] j.t., Seattle, WA
Please represent the earth and her people NOT big oil


[170427:111812] C.M., Ashford, CT
The ONLY way to energy independence is to stop sinking investments in, and to get off of fossil fuels. One bonus of doing so is that we just might avert a situation where our current wars for oil morph into wars for drinkable water and arable land. And even the biggest military on the planet and the best engineers in the world cannot build levees sufficient to hold back the rising oceans.


[012922:111712] j.s., Buffalo, NY
We need to address climate change in the u.s. and in the world.


[125821:111612] R.W., Evansville, IN
If we wait too long time will run out to "repair" this planet!!! Global warming has already become a disaster, GET SOMETHING STARTED NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[110813:111512] B.B., Decatur, GA
Clean energy is the only way we can survive, both economically and physically.


[092205:111512] G.T., Bremerton, WA
like to think there we be a life sustaining, unpolluted, healthy environment left for my grandchildren and their offspring to enjoy. But right now its not looking to hopeful, as people even in this generation are sickening and dying from polluted food, water, and air...


[035743:111312] L.D., San Marcos, TX
There used to be a concept called public policy, the idea that it is the responsibility of our government, on behalf of the general welfare of the people, to take necessary action to protect us by making laws that change the way people behave. And yet, despite overwhelming evidence that man-made carbon dioxide pollution is radically changing our global climate, government appears to be determined to do just the opposite, by accelerating the burning of fossil fuels.

We need a crash program of global reforestation, reversal of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere starting with elimination of ALL fossil fuel usage, and strong international cooperation to make this happen. To those who say we cannot afford to do these things, witness the cost of just one storm, 50 billion and counting. What's the cost of replacing the infrastructure of just a couple major coastal cities? Another decade or so at this rate and we can kiss them all goodbye.


[183342:111212] H.S., Corning, NY
It is more than time to admit global warming is a real problem and address it.


[095659:111212] C.L., Huntington, WV
This is the only planet we have. As my husband says if we do everything we know to stop climate change at worst we have a cleaner, greener planet. If we do nothing and climate change is real and I believe it is than we could end up killing the planet and ourselves


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