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Stop The Filibuster Now


[195511:022214] L.t., San Bruno, CA
we must ebd thus pointless and devisive impairment to governuing


[172843:091813] L.T., Columbia, SC
Please stop all kind of filibuster or lobbying actions and perform your tasks in a totally serious and honest democratic way. All political representatives have been elected to serve, help and protect their fellow citizens wellbeing, and not to serve or support other interests.


[095601:050613] T.M., Los Angeles, CA
Thank you.


[055230:041913] D.T., Wauseon, OH
In my view, the filibuster is unconstitutional.


[180904:041213] A.B., Syracuse, NY
no filibusters


[130432:041013] L.T., Columbia, SC
A good people's representative and/or congressmen should not perform under pressure of private or busines interests. No filibuster or lobbying should be allowed.
As I understand, they were elected to represent and defend the rights of the general citizens that are the ones that pay most of the taxes in this wonderful country. They must not forget their promises.
No filibuster, no lobbying at all. Please.


[083355:040613] R.O., Mamaroneck, NY
This is a tremendously important issue. I can't understand why Harry Reid hasn't taken the initiative to change it. I am delighted you are taking action. Best regards.

Richard Ottinger
Dean Emeritus, Pace Law School
Former Member of Congress

Best regards.


[061533:022113] R.N., Sag Harbor, NY
STOP THE OBSTRUCTIONS! Get on with legislating or all of you will be out of work!! You get paid for life, forgiveness of student loans, free health care for your entire families FOREVER and a place at the corporate trough for life.... do your job or WE THE PEOPLE might just have to find some tar and feathers!!!!


[122447:021613] H.H., Cedar Park, TX
It's time to move on and get appointments and legislation done!


[150841:021113] W.F., Laramie, WY
The reputation of our legislative branch is in DEEP trouble. There is no other rational choice other than to severely curtail use of the filibuster.


[191952:021013] P.A., Cogan Station, PA
Lets go back to the historical filibuster where some effort is required instead of this easy way of blocking action.


[042919:021013] G.H., Waldorf, MD
Obstruction has got to end to begin any compromise to get this country to jobs and renvenue. This is not nogotible.


[065001:020813] G.O., Oxford, CT
The filibuster aberation has destroyed the Senate's function and the ability of citizens to see who supports or opposes what. Please restore your function and our democracy!


[222555:020413] M.P., Providence, RI
We were given a great government framework, we have damaged it, and we disregard it when it doesn't serve a political purpose. We invoke our Founding Fathers constantly, but do not do as they did. In the face of great difference of opinion they compromised and wrote the Constitution. Our Senate is not worthy of their name, or of our history. If you cannot compromise, you cannot govern. Stop the obstructionist Filibuster, and return to governing.


[184308:020413] j.s., Hebron, OH
It's now 2013 and time to put aside the errors of the past. The People of this country have spoken in this past Presidential election and voiced their dismay in the performance of Congress during the past 4 years. The use of the filibuster as a political ploy to sabotage the free process of government is truly a violation of the oath of office taken as representatives of the People.


[113902:020413] N.W., Satellite Beach, FL
It appears time for a third party. We no longer have a two party system we have a one party the moderate republicans that are now the Democrats and the right wing tea party and both parties work for wall street and the elites. Its time for a peoples party that should consist of LGBT,progressives labor unions and the working class.


[102924:020413] P.W., Olympia, WA

This is the "real" America!! Where the hell is "democracy"?!!!!


[092822:020413] N.G., Glendale, CA
The last time a Republican was president there was no end to the pontificating about giving judicial nominees a "fair up or down vote". And yet the Republicans have so far filibustered TWO-THIRDS of President Obama's judge appointments. Hypocrisy much?? Not to mention just about every bill passed by the House, even those with substantial Republican support there.

The filibuster has gone from an accidental aberration in the legislative rules to a stone wall against just about everything. It has now completely paralyzed the operation of our government. In the classic film with Jimmy Stewart, everyone was excited because at that time a filibuster was so rare. It has now been so abused as a tool for perverse obstructionism that it must be eliminated . . . and completely.

Making people talk their heads off will just turn the Senate into a place where people just talk their heads off. It's time for our government to work for the people again, instead of being mercilessly manipulated by a selfish and mean spirited minority. And if the Democrats are serious about actually getting something done in the next 2 years, the first thing they will do is dump this odd legislative relic in the trash were it belongs.


[082138:020413] J.M., Davis, CA
It is well past time to abolish the Senate filibuster entirely. Please work to do so. Thank you.


[075727:020413] n.j., Sun City, AZ
Why ? I'd like a rational response .


[060625:020413] P.S., Butler, MO
If you MUST filibuster, then you should be required to follow the rules as in "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington". Seriously, I know it is just a movie but it portrays how our lawmakers should conduct business.


[060558:020413] S.P., Washington, DC
The status quo is NOT what the founding fathers had in mind!


[051257:020413] l.o., West Linn, OR
It is absolutely reprehensible that The People's work cannot be pursued, the work The People elected this President to pursue, because of the Repug party. We HAVE no democracy.


[043519:020413] R.G., Silverthorne, CO
The Republicans have used the filibuster to abuse the will of the people. The filibuster needs to be ended.


[042752:020413] P.B., Brooklyn, NY
The continued existence of the FILIBUSTER is an outrage after so many citizens (voters) have said they want the sort of DEMOCRACY in which a FEW SENATORS cannot, longer, BLOCK the whole business of government -- LEGISLATION, and APPOINTMENTS.

Please work FEVERISHLY to remove the FILIBUSTER.


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