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Commute Lynne Stewart's Prison Sentence


[052100:120513] E.C., Watertown, MA


[075551:103113] R.C., Chico, CA
Robert W Campbell


[110436:100913] C.W., Columbia, MO
I would appreciate the commutation of Lynne Stewart's Prison Sentence.

I am far more concerned with the Tea Party Republicans who would rather destroy our country than pay moneys that Congress has already spent.
That to me is treason and should be treated as treason.


[075829:081113] S.V., Albuquerque, NM
Reading up the WIKI article on this woman made me think. The inability to practice her profession is similar to disbarment of lawyers for other issues and ends the matter if there is no direct harm. I find that the sentencing in this matter appears on it's surface to be vindictive. That said, a person in the final throes of a terrible cancer should be sent home to consider her life and make peace with herself and her spiritual self.


[221705:081013] B.W., Seattle, WA
Our nation has been defined by it's compassion for other less fortunate, for those that have chosen unpopular causes, because it is in our Nation's blood to encourage free-thinkers and free-speakers.

Those persons speaking freely opposed any jail time at all for the stage-4 cancer patient.

If our nation can be kind enough to release to Libyia one of the Lockerbie Boeing 747 explosive take down planners to be released to home care to end their life in one or two months, how can we deny that same clemnecy to someone found giulty of passing paper notes to a Client in the US?


[211832:081013] B.S., Downingtown, PA
Our system of justice is profoundly less strong without the altruistic representation of attorneys like Lynne Stewart. The integrity of our law is only preserved by giving those accused of serious crimes, even including terrorism, the most vigorous possible defense.


[080910:081013] j.h., Morgan Hill, CA
Show some humanity and release this woman, time served. Let her deal with her life threatening illness and stop making it worse.


[194042:080913] A.B., Santa Barbara, CA
Let this woman go free!!
This rotten, corrupt government needs women like Lynne.
Put the filthy bankers in the prison instead.


[125557:080713] L.R., Columbus, OH
I don't believe that Lynne Stewart ever did anything as cruel as stranding anyone with untreated cancer.


[121007:080613] B.B., Saint Paul, MN
Have mercy on a woman who has worked tirelessly to help others.


[163311:080413] B.W., Jackson Heights, NY
My heart goes out to Lynne Stewart, who persevered in her chosen field for so many years. Because of lawyers like Ms. Stewart, everyone has the right to a trial and democratic rule is possible. Otherwise, we are governed by a dictatorship.


[093441:080413] L.C., Bean Station, TN
The pettiness of Lynne Stewart's continued imprisonment is just astounding. Release her now.


[202155:080313] p.m., Arcata, CA


[143554:080313] R.G., Cedarhurst, NY
Please show some compassion for a dying woman!


[162851:080213] D.P., Palo Alto, CA
Wow. How'd that Egypt thing work out for prior administrations, and now, yours. A trumped up charge by the shrub without a brain's henchmen. Why do you perpetuate this injustice. It's a good thing that you cannot run again, because you have lost all credibility. Man up and do something right, Obama.


[180826:080113] k.e., San Jose, CA
Let's do the right thing,the human thing for Lynne.


[111214:080113] R.R., Maplewood, NJ


[072257:080113] A.W., Buffalo, NY
Free the people's heroes and go after the real big-time criminals on Wall Street!


[065702:080113] D.D., Nederland, CO
President Obama,

Our country is made strong by the lifelong commitment to service of people like Lynne Stewart. She is not dangerous except to creeping tyranny in our country. She did not aid the enemy in any harmful way. You know that, and your legacy is in the making. At this point your commitment to our democracy is questionable in the eyes of American's, no matter what political affiliation. You know why. I urge you to change your stance and direction for the good of our nation. A show of good faith would be for you to choose compassion in your decision to commute Lynne's sentence so that she might honorably and with dignity spend her last days with her good family. Thank you for your consideration of this request.

Dennis Duckett


[065623:080113] M.M., Milbridge, ME
President Obama,

This country has become what the cold war Soviet Union was, your administration has adopted the same rules that prisoners have. In all the prisons the rules are, it is okay to commit crimes in prison disobey the prison rules even murder another prisoner, but what is punishable is if one prisoner tells on another. the crime is acceptable, telling the authorities is not.

You Mr. President along with the rest of the government have stopped working for the American people, the American people pay taxes to run the government, not to give their money to the fuel industry, Banks, Wall Street, tax breaks for the rich and keeping loopholes open for the corporations so they pay little or no taxes, so the sequestration is the only people targeted are the poor and middle class.

The Constitution and the Bill of rights are being violated by the government every day. The financial meltdown of 2008 was a look into what this country as become, where the people asked their Senators and Congressmen to vote down the Wall Street bailout which they did, but Wall Street and some crooked Senators and Congressmen through a back door meeting changed the vote and $700 Billion dollars were stolen from the tax payers.

So very least you could do is Commute Lynne Stewart's Prison Sentence. She has stage 4 cancer, you allow murders and criminals of all kinds to go free and only have anyone who reports the crime put in jail. So please let her go.


[050316:080113] G.G., Pleasant Valley, NY
Dear President Obama,

Please commute Lynn Stewart's sentence. She has dedicated her life to representing the poor, under-represented, and politically persecuted, and now she, herself, has been unjustly imprisoned simply for attempting to represent her client. She is now dying of cancer in prison. Please, for all of the good she has done her whole life, commute her sentence to time served and allow her to spend her last days with her family.

Thank you.


[212054:073113] m.m., Portland, OR
This is a most criminal act our government is now committing and her death will not stop Progressive People, but rather, multiply them. It will however, cause me to loathe this President and all others so associated with imprisoning Lynn to begin with, let alone leaving her to therein die.


[200629:073113] R.M., Kingston, NY
I work with cancer patients and it's a very painful disease any kindness is always appreciated.Please commute Lynne Stewart's prison sentence. Thanks.


[182457:073113] J.M., Madison, AL
It is illogical and inhumane to keep Lynne Stewart in prison. For once in your presidency, come down on the right side of an issue.


[172924:073113] D.C., Sweet Home, OR
Demelza Costa


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