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House Must Allow Vote On Employment Non-Discrimination Act


[185910:032314] A.W., Portland, OR
life liberty and persute of hapiness includes efforts therin lays foundation for growth and renewal :)


[092029:112213] I.T., Miami, FL
Fairness is a hallmark of our constitution, and the laws of this land should reflect non-bias against people who've committed mistakes in their past. We are a nation that gives people second chances, and we are a land of opportunity for all.


[055428:111913] B.R., Phoenix, AZ
I urge a vote on the Employment Non- Discrimination Act


[183702:111813] s.a., Atlanta, GA
Please vote on employment non-descrimination act and do the right thing...equality for all. We want representatives who have social values and respect for each like a decent human being. We are voters!


[133157:111813] J.K., Mogadore, OH
Each community, city-state, kingdom, etc. should decide its prevailing views and laws pertaining to conduct, including self expression. Some universal rights, however, should not be infringed upon. Personal sexual expression, when harmlessly enjoyed by consenting individuals and groups, should not be the grounds by which to deny sustenance or, where "employment" still exists or is desired, sexual preference should not bar people from "jobs." My signature of this petition IN NO WAY should be misconstrued as my support for the continuance of a federal government or federal laws, nor for the support or persistence of "work" or "employment" as has commonly been understood. I sign exclusively to affirm the right of individuals and groups to express themselves sexually in any manner they please, community by community, so long as no true harm is forced on others.


[202146:111713] R.B., Louisville, KY
I believe that people who has a felony on their record should not be disqualified for jobs. Depending on the seriousness of crime and the job that is being applied for. Just because they have made mistakes and bad choices does not mean they can not work or preform the job as well or better than a non-felon.


[165613:111713] h.b., Oceanside, NY
If the congress cannot do its job the obstructing members sh0oulod be fired/impeached or just thrown out physically since they swore to do their jobs and they have NOT!!!!!


[153627:111713] J.L., Boulder, CO
non-discrimination.. it's the only way to go. There are so many things one could pay attention to, that are larger issues, so please, just get on with this one, and then move on to the larger knottier, grittier issues that need attention. There are so many.


[152711:111713] D.D., Charlotte, NC
What cowards. How dare you not risk a vote on this important bill which reflects the constitutional rights of fellow Americans. All of whom are someone's constituent. Do the work of the people. Stick with the work of the party, you'll be gone.


[090911:111713] J.K., Tilton, NH
NH has a house bill pertaining to employer discrimination that is due to expire Nov 22. A show of good faith would be to do both. Don't continue to make the citizens of NH have to pay for their mistakes over and over. Same for all over the United States. Business is more important to the government, it seems, than to the people who put them in those seats to begin with. Business has too much power now, they do not need any more reasons to keep out sectors of society that they prefer to have nothing to do with. That is discrimination.


[090638:111713] J.J., South Lake Tahoe, CA
Please let's get our country on the recovery of serving the people. Please get these bills passed to serve the good.


[190610:111613] S.K., Salem, OR
I do not understand how while Republicans want people to take financial responsibility for just about everything, they won't allow some people to have a job.


[113539:111613] P.L., Renton, WA
Bring this up, and pass this because it makes since for all people of the human variety. Americans need political leaders who represent the people not corporate masters, and it has been a long time since we have seen true leadership.


[103310:111613] E.L., Portland, ME
It is time for the United States of America to enter the 21st century. Discrimination against GLBT employees is as out of date as posting a "No Irish Need Apply" sign in the window. The ENDA deserves its day in the House.


[172225:111513] J.P., Ocean Shores, WA
One of the better things to happen to our citizens would be for Canter to move right on to lobbyist and not pass go.


[161438:111513] G.E., Palmdale, CA
Override Eric Canter and get this on the floor to vote. It is important for all working people


[150923:111513] T.S., Reading, PA
People should be judged on work performance, not their sexual orientation or identity. Please allow the vote on ENDA and help extinquish discrimination.


[130116:111513] D.S., Colorado Springs, CO
The U.S. Blocking House rejects more good Legislation, as "Do Nothing House Representatives" take more bribes from Lobbyist, and the Nation suffers. Republican Congressional "Traitors" continue their attempts to hurt working people, and enrich the Multinational Corporations and CEO's. A new battle cry from Citizens of the U.S. Hang the Treasonous Basterds. Got Rope? Get Rope. Head for the Capitol.


[112348:111513] H.P., Hollywood, FL
There should not be any discrimination in the workplace in America.


[100946:111513] J.E., Birmingham, AL
Julia Estes


[100854:111513] J.E., Birmingham, AL
John Estes


[091604:111513] K.L., Yukon, OK
The Land of the Free also means the freedom not to be discriminated against.


[080200:111513] D.E., New York, NY
Take a vote! All employees deserve a safe and non-discriminated work environment and currently 29 states cannot say this. This is a basic human right and needs to be voted on so that in the next election voters can decide if their representatives are representing their beliefs.


[075154:111513] L.M., Long Beach, CA


[071642:111513] L.H., Manchester, MI
Protect all classes of citizens from discriminatory acts and behaviors!


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