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Stop The War On The Poor


[125905:062714] C.H., Mount Airy, MD
I know that you are one of the Congresspeople who try their best to stand up for the poor and disadvantaged. We need you to speak louder and call out those who are waging this war on the poor, and call it what it is - A WAR ON THE POOR (or more accurately, a War on the Not-Rich). Thank you!


[065449:011214] E.W., Fort Lauderdale, FL

I'm 63 and tired of being homeless and being Ganged stocked by Doctors and social workers don't take my word investigate.



[022915:011014] M.G., Glen Mills, PA
Please live up to the Christian ideals which you profess.


[133809:010614] C.W., New York, NY
The United States is an oligarchy! A plutocracy!


[190205:010514] D.W., Erie, PA
Republicans r evildoers, there is no debate, that's what they do.


[163248:010514] H.D., Langhorne, PA
I feel that this is acting like the fictional charactor Scrooge. It will also hurt the economy. You claim to want to help small businesses, but if someone has a business that is near a "poor neighborhood, that persons business will be hurt.


[223647:010414] J.M., Sylva, NC
I am one of many Americans who, through no fault of my own, became disabled after over 40 years of hard work and contributions to my community. It is immoral to deprive me of the income necessary for my survival! The money I receive now is MINE...I contributed it from every paycheck I earned. Stop trying to sacrifice me and all other citizens who need a safety net!


[211036:010214] E.B., Hudson, MA
No one choses to be poor or unemployed and in the richest country in the world taking care of the less fortunate should be a priority.


[142729:010214] P.F., Jarreau, LA
Donnot think we won't exercise our voting rights.


[063405:010214] T.P., Los Angeles, CA
Who is waging the real war on Christmas, which right wingers are so fixated on railing against, as if such a thing were even going on? Are they not the people who every day of year betray the spirit of the holidays by increasing the misfortune of the most disadvantaged?

Who are the members of Congress who are so driven to cut the food stamp program without which children will go hungry.

Who are the members of Congress who are so determined to shutdown Medicare and social security, without which we are a country without mercy?


[025024:010214] A.L., Winter Springs, FL
What little is left of the middle class was crushed back in 2008. The wages and jobs have not yet recovered. The wealth of our great nation should be in the hands of it's citizens not the 1% of the wealthy that have gained from peoples suffering.


[013429:010214] T.P., Los Angeles, CA
Who is waging the real war on Christmas, which right wingers are so fixated on railing against, as if such a thing were even going on? Are they not the people who every day of year betray the spirit of the holidays by increasing the misfortune of the most disadvantaged?

Who are the members of Congress who are so driven to cut the food stamp program without which children will go hungry.

Who are the members of Congress who are so determined to shutdown Medicare and social security, without which we are a country without mercy?


[125643:010114] P.C., Carrollton, TX
Stop the war on the poor!


[130720:123113] B.K., Tacoma, WA
The primary purpose of Government is to help those who need help. We have turned Government into help the rich get richer and to provide them loopholes to avoid paying taxes... Or even allow them to steal taxes that the poor are providing through Government assistance.


[114922:123113] s.r., Brooklyn, NY
Please stop supporting the mega rich and give the poor and the needy a fair chance.


[081020:123113] T.C., San Francisco, CA
Destroying the middle class and attacking the poor is stupid because it does not support a consumer economy.


[071138:123113] S.P., Indian Rocks Beach, FL
There is no excuse not to pass measures to help the poor in this country. None!


[225406:123013] A.W., Enosburg Falls, VT
It is very disappointing to see that Citizens United has turned the the national Democratic party from a party of ideas into a party of panhandlers with urgent requests for donations by the candidates who warn of dire Tea Party consequences if they don't meet their fund raising quota this month and endless months to come.

Supporting Democrats is extremely difficult for those of us who know that most Dems, including Obama, are all to willing to throw the poor, Veterans and those receiving earned Social Security retirement benefits under the bus as a compromise for the "Grand Bargain" which translates to a "Grand Shafting" of "the people."

This situation came about because of legislation passed by Congress including Democrats that made "War on the poor" as a distraction while simultaneously passing legislation that put big bucks in the pockets of the mythical "job creators" and Wall St. banksters in the vein hope that it would trickle down the food chain to the poor. It now appears that the money is being used to create more economic disparity rather than jobs. Unless the Dems wake up AND act we will be rewarded with the best government that money can buy.


[194013:123013] B.O., Winchester, NH
Its about time we address this after 30 years!


[180538:123013] K.Y., Saint Petersburg, FL
As a person losing unemployment benefits after a very tough year and ongoing problems with Florida's CONNECT system which seems designed to make sure you never receive the benefits you are entitled to, please vote to continue extended unemployment and extend food stamps to needy families.


[155711:123013] D.H., Fort Washington, MD
The one who does not take care of the poor either has not read the Bible or chooses to ignore it. It is a shame to all Christians to let such folk claim to be the voice of Christianity. So we must speak up. The most often condemned sins in the Bible are greed, and failure to care for the vulnerable people in society.


[155229:123013] F.F., Ash Fork, AZ
For all of the politicians who will not be returning to Congress after the Holiday recess, due to having been arrested for criminal financial activity trying to thwart the Global Currency (Prosperity) RV, I send you much Love. It is time to consider whether you want to continue supporting an in-egalitarian economic system, or switch support to an egalitarian economic model where no one experiences poverty.


[154412:123013] P.R., Bethesda, MD
The Dems need to shout from the rooftops daily to correct the lies the Repubs and Tea Party fools tell daily. Don't let them get away with distortions and outright lies they tell on the right wing TV and radio. Expose them for the idiots they are ... we need to get rid of these fools and elect responsible people who will work to help their states and the nation ... not obstruct and hurt people in need. They're elected to do a job ... and they haven't ... worst Congress in decades. They need to go in 2014!!


[143700:123013] D.B., Arnold, MO
Shame on you for hating the poor. A nation will be judged by how it treats the poor. Our nation will be judges harshly.


[142050:123013] G.J., Middletown, OH
This country has been perverted by rich men using their wealth to subvert democracy and republicans have been the shepherds of this subversion. To turn ones back on those in need while handing more wealth to those already living a sublime life while wrapping themselves in the flag and hoisting the bible out in front of them, makes a mockery of all the principles this country was founded on.


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