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Prosecute Jamie Dimon And Members Of Congress For Criminal Corruption


[194209:020915] T.T., Bremerton, WA
How is corruption, monopoly defined these days? Politicians write in a bill to allow them to do insider trading legally. Politicians accept bills that define how that information is allowed to be released, does taxation with representation sound familiar. Time for you to do your job and protect the American public and justice. Investigate and prosecute these criminals.


[075837:010115] G.C., Leesburg, VA
Greed should be quantified and outlawed. The penalties should be based on the scale of offense. It should be relatively simple to work out a quantification scale. Greed is envy and envy is very simply the URGE TO KILL.


[145335:123114] T.E., Brush Prairie, WA
Including legislation to weaken the Dodd/Frank law in the Omnibus spending bill, is unacceptable. No representative should be supporting a bill designed to take advantage of voters, nor should they be supporting any effort to reduce restrictions on the banking industry. Every effort must be made to prosecute those who contributed to the financial crisis, and to break up the big banks that caused it. No representative can justify under any circumstances giving time, or credence to the thoughts of the likes of Jamie Dimon. To do so is to commit treason against your own constituents.


[160351:122714] N.T., Louisville, CO
We call on Attorney General Eric Holder to launch an immediate investigation into the surreptitious insertion of a provision gutting the Dodd-Frank law into the omnibus spending bill, favoring large Wall Street campaign donors Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan, and the circumstances behind which members of Congress voted for this.


[133905:122614] S.A., Alamogordo, NM
And as the Senate and Congress, as well as their partners at the Big Banks have proven, there is no ethical reason to stop robbing the American taxpayers. The next great recession is on the horizon now that we the taxpayers are responsible for the bills, again.


[110320:122614] G.B., Springfield, OR
They should all be ashamed, but that is what is missing from most of our "elected representatives". They have no conscience and no soul, having sold theirs to the devil of money and power.


[221735:122514] C.U., Dixon, CA
Inserting the pro-Wall street provision in the "CROmnibus" bill at the last minute shows a remarkable disregard for the democratic processes our country was built on. Glass-Steagall was repealed wrongly. Just how wrongly is amply demonstrated by how deep the financial hole was that the country fell into in 2007-2008 because of that repeal. Dodd-Frank replaced some rather bland protections. At a minimum, Dodd-Frank must not be dismembered- particularly is this outrageous manner. Elizabeth Warren is correct: Dodd-Frank is not perfect. The big banks should have been broken up!! I foresee a very bad time for Wall Street if they present Congress with another ultimatum to save Wall Street from its own folly. The Tea Party owes its very existence to the bail out given Wall Street in 2007-2008, and, in case you haven't noticed, The Tea Party is a bunch of rather round-the-bend, extreme anti-establishment types.


[051635:122314] G.A., Willimantic, CT
This nation can NOT afford to bail out too big to fail banks again--so soon after the 2006 housing bubble crash and 2008 stock market crash.


[173342:122214] B.T., Santa Barbara, CA
Is there any doubt, now, that the American economy is rigged? None. Wall Street banks bought it, own it, and operate it for their own ends. Some system. As corrupt as any of our so-called enemies.


[112745:122214] G.P., San Jose, CA
I argue strongly against the kind of corruption that is taking place in Congress today with the writings and dealings of our BILLS by Corporate Lobbyists. The Banking Industry must be sent a decided warning that no more allowances: 1.) for bailouts, 2.) for too big to fail, 3.) for non-prosecution or limited-prosecution, 4.) for minor fines with no pay-back for their criminal grand theft/larcenic behavior will be tolerated. We need to build and strengthen Dodd Frank by re-introducing the Glass Steagall Act too. We need to: 1.) protect the American People from Wall Street and Washington, D.C. --> Greed, by eliminating ALL Corporate for Profit lobbyists 2.) breaking up the too big to fail Banks, No more Industry Conglomerates 3.) Prosecute the affenders to the full extent of the law ... including 'institutionalized - organized -usury - mafia tactics' and 4.) ensure we make it known that ALL forms of single member to immediate family members gains, ALL corporate dividends will be confiscated to pay down their debt to the public. No ONE entity, Family, or Corporation will PROFIT from their Greed. 5.) No more Junk Bonds, Junk Derivatives, over-valued, over-rated Bank products will be tolerated. If a Bank takes on the Debt?Mortage - they keep it. Secondly, any Congressman or CongressWoman who submits an update to a bill that they themselves have NOT written, will be reprimanded by the Ethics Committee. And if they have profited by this action, i.e. campaign contribution or other gift, then they must be expelled from their position. Congress should not be for sale. Congress are there as servants and protectors of the people. They are Not above the Law and should be held to higher scrutiny by their peers.


[213909:122014] M.H., Ithaca, NY
Is this one also actionable by international law, or are we stuck looking for someone to prosecute it in-house?


[120637:122014] R.P., Colorado Springs, CO
The banks are predators sucking the life blood out of its citizens and the U.S. economy.


[171251:121814] S.D., Middletown, CA
All these anti-middle class policies coming from our government gets so frustrating!! Our government should be working for the majority but this latest action, as stated above, shows otherwise. What will it take to stop benefits going only to the privileged and to send a few toward the middle class?


[165057:121814] N.B., Ridgewood, NJ
Please, it's time for some accountability!


[150947:121814] T.A., Hillsboro, OR
32 Democrats in the Senate and 57 Democrats in the House voted for the CRomnibus bill after being explicitly told about at least some of what was in it. Barack Obama lobbied for it intensely even though he knew what was in it. Of these Senators, all who lost their contests in November voted for the CRomnibus bill, and 16 of the Representatives who retired or lost their races did so as well. So perhaps we can just conclude that for them, this was just a farewell poke in the eye to all those voters who were too stupid to vote for them, or too lazy to vote at all (which was most of us, after all). But that leaves 25 Senators and 41 Representatives.

I am proud to say *no* Congressperson from Oregon voted for the CRomnibus bill.

As a former independent and relatively new Democrat, let me apologize on behalf of all Democrats for having forced you, America, to put up with such awful, awful Democrats as these 32 Senators and 57 Representatives in Congress. For the most part, and as far as I know, none of them were born that way. Instead, they were all created by the very process that the Democratic Party uses to turn out all its candidates. I truly wish all of these poor excuses for Democrats were like Elizabeth Warren, or Peter DeFazio, or Jeff Merkley, or Ron Wyden, or Suzanne Bonamici. But the Democratic Party is broken. Campaign 'strategists' tell Democratic candidates that they have to raise money, money, and more money (good campaign strategists don't come cheap, after all), and so they must become more pleasing to the people with that money -- specifically, corporations and the ultra-rich. So we know where the corruption came from, and sadly, keeping Oregon politicians honest isn't going to help us much at the national level.

I believe these Democratic Senators and Representatives have long forgotten that they were supposed to represent the Party of the little guy. America doesn't need a second business Party.


[112350:121814] E.H., North Las Vegas, NV
There should not be a STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS on torture or treason (selling out the American people-- jamie dimon and his ilk). Both george hw and w bushes, cheney, rumsfeld, condeleeza rice, obama, members of congress and senate should be included as well as those who ordered and performed the torture.


[111917:121814] J.C., Warwick, RI
I personally lost a large amount of my life savings NO gutting Dodd-Frank law into the omnibus spending bill, that is favoring large Wall Street campaign donors Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan should be allowed.


[064913:121814] G.K., Weatherford, TX
This is curruption and insider cronyism at it's worst. The banks will crash the system again if not regulated. They are like undisaplined children who just can not help themselves.


[063957:121814] C.O., Spokane, WA
I find that last minute additions to bills are loaded with giveaways to the so-called elite amongst us. They are put there to "protect" the few, who already have too much. Obama, if possible, needs to line item veto this add-on. Otherwise, we are in for another bailout of the too big to fail banks on the backs of We The People. Good watching out for us, Elizabeth Warren.


[063207:121814] J.J., Ypsilanti, MI
Sticking these unrelated provisions into bills is an unethical practice in it's self. The schemes that people like Dimon and others from Wall Street have perpetrated on the People of the U.S. are criminal whether or not there is technically any law on the books against it. The assistance in carrying out these schemes given by all branches of the Federal government is a crime against the People of the U.S. and should be prosecuted and never allowed to be carried out again.


[062143:121814] N.G., Haverhill, MA
The Citizens of this Country are Fighting for Their Lives while The Monsters of Congress and Wallstreet Tromp all Over Them, Steal their Money and Resources. It's Time to put These Criminals in Jail for TREASON!


[023848:121814] K.K., Melbourne, FL
It's way past time we got tough on organized crime, for the people!


[023404:121814] G.A., Willimantic, CT
Bankers already crashed housing bubble in 2006 and stock market in 2008--more likely reckless gambling with expectation of bailout than honest ignorance of consequences.


[214902:121714] M.N., San Antonio, TX
I believe these guys have caused enough disruption to the U.S. through self-serving or maybe a little incompetence (though I doubt the latter), And they won't quit.


[202802:121714] J.S., Hillsboro, OR
No single citizen could commit the kind of fraud and financial chicanery that Wall St. committed and walk away. Neither should those on Wall St. be able to escape justice either.


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