The People's Email Network Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Go Back Pass NH House Bill 371 To Overturn Citiizens United ********** [203132:030819] S.S., Peterborough, NH I implore you to give great consideration to overturning citizens United legislation. I feel it is unconstitutional in our government should not operate in this manner. ********** [170425:011618] P.E., Amherst, NH Citizens United has done major damage to our democratic system, in that it gives a much louder voice to the rich. We need to get back to a more equal footing. Please pass HB 371. Both Amherst and Milford voted in favor of overturning Citizens United. ********** [185921:051816] c.c., Lancaster, NH I support to overturn Citizens United !!!!! Government should listen to the people !!!!!!!!!!!! ********** [223506:050516] J.P., Stratham, NH Please vote to overturn Citizens United. Money should not be considered free speech because it condemns the poor and middle class to an inescapable silence. It's time to give a voice back to everyone. ********** [042257:032015] R.E., Sweeny, TX The CU is trying to take over the country. Can't voters see this? Are we going to let these cheaters and liars to decide that the wealthy has our best interest at heart. If we don't put a stop to this, there will be trouble and future generations will curse our stupidity. God protect our democracy from the greedy and power hungry! ********** [052028:031315] R.A., 4400:9803:Carol Shea-Porter, It is time to give the election back to all the citizens of our country. ********** [082647:022315] H.S., Windham, NH I support the efforts of New Hampshire to overturn the People's United ruling. ********** [011120:021215] K.H., Newbury, NH In honor of Granny D ********** [051742:021115] D.S., Amherst, NH We already voted this in the statewide referendum last November, let's put it in motion now! ********** [044314:021115] H.T., Stoddard, NH Corporations do not and cannot act as rational and moral citizens, because corporate charters call for maximizing profit as the only goal. Therefore corporations are not responsible citizens and cannot be considered people. Even Wall Street Journal called the passing of Citizens United "the end of democracy". Listen to your real citizens. It MUST be overturned for any hope left in our system. ********** [164808:021015] E. ., Warren, NH There should be limits on how much money is spent on elections, and corporations are definitely not individuals. Our government is supposed to represent voters: not corporations. The money spent could be better used on providing training for workers. ********** [155943:021015] d.l., Atkinson, NH Please vote yes to HB371. Let individual votes decide elections Thank you, Denise Legault ********** [143909:021015] G.B., Concord, NH We need to stop the buying of Congress by the wealthy and Business that do their bidding. Pass a Constitutional Amendment to end this practice. ********** [135123:021015] A.S., Francestown, NH Citizens United was a most unfortunate ruling that undermines the sanctity of one person one vote. We will be stronger without it! ********** [131542:021015] J.W., Keene, NH Now we are up to totals like 889,000,000 for an election. Clearly this shows the rampant corrupting influence of insane amounts of money on our democracy, that those supplying it wield undue influence and of course that money is not speech but instead a usurpation of of the power which should only be the individual voices and votes of citizens shaping our government. ********** [130007:021015] E.M., Dover, NH Citizen's United was a powerful decision made by the Supreme Court that greatly undermines our ability to have a chance at democracy. That our state could remedy that in some way is an important testimony to the importance of checks and balances in our government. Let's check this imbalance. Thank you. ********** [125912:021015] D.R., Nashua, NH Defining corporations as people defies the intentions of our founders in creating a system that provides equal representation for all, with power coming from choice and not cash. ********** [091608:021015] P.B., New Boston, NH Please sign house bill 371 to overturn Citizens United, and get unreasonable corporate/union money out of our politics. ********** [042034:021015] J.J., Exeter, NH Our government should be of the people, by the people and for the people. It is sad that we could have the best government that money can buy, ********** [034253:021015] D.C., Peterborough, NH Please help up to remove the corruption of Citizens United with an amendment so that elections will not only be in the control of the rich but all citizens. ********** [015547:021015] J.C., Plymouth, NH We must stop citizens United as it goes against all that this country stands for. It is time to stop corp from dictating our laws to serve their own greed. ********** [194913:020915] G.M., Hooksett, NH This "Citizens United" was VERY OBVIOUSLY MIS-NAMED, as I SERIOUSLY DOUBT any Average American Citizens were EVER INVOLVED!! It SHOULD have been named "CORPORATIONS UNITED" as that is the ONLY group that it benefits (along with equally CORRUPT POLITICIANS bribed into doing their bidding!!) WE the PEOPLE of the U.S. are SUPPOSED to be the ones having a say in this country's government!!! NOT the GREEDY, CORRUPT CORPORATIONS!! CORPORATIONS are FICTICIOUS ENTITIES - NOT PEOPLE!!! (Same as Santa Claus, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Unicorns, and all the assorted imaginary "gods" of the world!) As such, they HAVE NO RIGHTS and SHOULD HAVE NO SAY... whether VERBALLY or MONETARILY in the RUNNING of this country... or the ability to MASSIVELY BRIBE CORRUPT POLITICIANS/STOOGES into office to enact legislation in THEIR FAVOR over OURS!!! YOUR ENTIRE JOB DESCRIPTION as our ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES is to REPRESENT US... the U.S. CITIZENS... NOT the CORPORATIONS!!' WE ARE YOUR EMPLOYERS... DO YOUR JOB... REPRESENT US... RATIFY THIS AMMENDMENT!! ********** [145247:020915] N.O., New London, NH I believe the national (and world) problem of income inequality can be better addressed if Citiziens United is overturned. ********** [144203:020915] D.S., East Kingston, NH Government of the people by the people not government of the rich by the rich. The way to the best government is work. Work hard together with other Representatives to do the most for the people they represent. Somehow it is stated easier than the work needed to accomplish such a feat. ********** [135815:020915] N.J., Durham, NH I feel that this is one of the ways to keep this important issue alive and in the news. Please pass HB 371. ********** Go Back |