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Stop The Secret Fast Track Trade Fraud


[065255:061115] a.h., Fort Lauderdale, FL
Stop The Secret Fast Track Trade Fraud


[131322:061015] g.p., Fort Lauderdale, FL
Stop The Secret Fast Track Trade Fraud


[151631:060915] t.t., Grand Rapids, MI
What ever happen to transparency in government ? Have you even read the TTP or are you listening to the corp. lies ? Did the 5 million dollar house on the golf course in Vegas sway you? Don't sign !!!!! This may start the second American Revolution !!!! Many corporate and 1%'s heads may roll !!!!


[033230:053015] B.B., Wichita, KS
NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! TPP or TTIP NO!!! NO!!! NO!!!
I ask you, at what point will you do the job you were elected to do? When will you uphold your oath of Office. When will you represent the people who elected you, instead of the corporations that bought you? When will you do what is right and just for the Americans of the United States? When will your lies, greed and law breaking end? When will you realize the laws you pass now, will affect your families future generations just as much as ours?
We the People, ASK that you start listening to US!!!
We the People, DEMAND that you start representing US!!!
I and the other 99 percent of Americans ask that you reject both, TPP and TTIP fast tracking.


[075240:051415] T.E., Brush Prairie, WA
No document developed and kept in secret represents those who have had no access to it. In order to be fully reviewed, and understood, we MUST have full access to the document. Barring that, anyone would be remiss in signing such a document. If a document is honestly a good deal, it will have support, and will pass without a need for Fast T rack.


[044642:051215] R.W., Philadelphia, PA
No matter how much lipstick you put on this pig, the TPP = Corporate fascism plain and simple.


[210726:051015] j.b., Loris, SC
Obama you and your multinational corporations will put USA into 3rd world status if you force this treaty (tpp) on the citizens of this country. We have worked too hard to have the Constitution, bill of rights ,environmental laws, be torn apart by a treaty that will have it's own govt body controlled by a secret 3 judge panel (multinational lawyers or who ever). So STOP the nonsense NAFTA was is a failure to all working people here USA,mexico, Canada except for the top2% and mmultinationals. Listen to the people who voted for y'all We SAY NO


[203708:050615] E.H., Richmond, CA
NAFTA is way better than this. It has its pros and cons. The TPP would be a disaster--with all of the cons of NAFTA and many more serious ones. There can be future trade deals. SCRAP this one, it's a sham, and dangerous to our democracy (among other things).


[134531:050515] J.S., Elkhart Lake, WI
Stop and reverse the rise of fascism in America! Stop and reverse the rise of the American fascist capitalist military/police state! Stop TPP!


[090253:050415] G.D., Tulsa, OK
Please do not allow the power of our democratically elected government to be overridden by transnational business interests, leaving the average American citizen voiceless. I beg you not to allow such a step to be taken!


[071503:050315] H.S., Plymouth, MA
The TPP and Fast Track are contracts. In MY and YOUR name. Before I and YOU can comment, let alone approve, I and YOU need to read the clauses and hear expert opinion and debate. I DEMAND this contract be made public, NOW !!!


[130329:050215] B.A., Minneapolis, MN
Without knowledge of what is in this trade agreement, it makes no sense to pass it. I understand there are only 3-5 portions of this agreement that have anything to do with trade and the rest is a corporate give-away for corporations to gain even more power over Americans' lives and drastically reduce corporate responsibility. Once signed, this is permanent!!! Thus, it is HIGHLY critical to not get this secret, sneaky agreement signed!!!!!


[100319:050215] S.S., Goodyear, AZ
PLEASE stop the secret Fast Track known as TPP as it is a fraud. Corporations run our lives too much now- we do not need more of their control!


[150525:043015] J.N., Moorhead, MN
Serial Murderers Masquerading As Cops, Unending Unnecessary Global War Against Men// Barack, TPPing on lower... to poor, calling it rain, as part of the convolution's $ war,/ Crime or army, jail or join = crypt, body-bag filler galore, only mercs for more live./ reality


[170125:042915] A.L., Big Rapids, MI
This is not a good plan for America or the world


[160539:042915] c.t., Dayton, MD
make the trade transparent!


[114856:042915] d.m., Provincetown, MA
No fast track!! No TPP which hurts American workers!!


[085522:042915] J.L., Mountain View, MO
Why is the text of this trade agreement not being made public? As US citizens, we have a right to know what our government is doing in our name. Secretive back-door negotiations are NOT democracy, they are the strategy of a fascist corporate state.


[154303:042815] B.M., Los Angeles, CA
We don't need, nor want, TPP to outsource jobs to other countries, but we absolutely do need jobs to be sourced here in the US! President Obama, you can make THIS happen -- it's not too late!


[102828:042815] L.N., East Charleston, VT
The message to stop the fast-tracking of Trans Pacific Partnership IS an individual message from the heart of a single citizen AS WELL as a message from a mass of citizenship of our country. I urge the leaders of our country to stop bowing to corporate greed and do the job we elected you to do--represent PEOPLE.


[003943:042815] g.m., South Jordan, UT
Fast track is a bad idea and I know that when our head is stuck inside the group of POLITICAL people gathered together, it can cause it to be hard to notice that things really do matter. So step away and look into this please. Thanks!!


[000727:042815] k.n., Vashon, WA
Open the Conversation to the rest of us!


[193755:042615] A.M., Silver Spring, MD
This could be the final blow to our rights and future.


[155852:042615] G.R., Needham, MA
The petition above is strongly worded, bordering on rudeness. Unfortunately, the situation calls for strong words, and strong actions. If the information leaking to the public is correct, the TPP is a major threat to the American middle class and to American democracy.


[145430:042615] j.c., Fort Lauderdale, FL
It is incredible that the TPP cannot be viewed by the the public . The restriction telegraphs chicanery. DO NOT transfer this power to the corporate elite. I am still reeling from " you must vote on it to see what is in it" sleight of hand foisted on the american public. To fast track the TPP is subversive.
Please vote NO and allow this to be discussed openly.


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