The People's Email Network Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Go Back Stand Strong Against Fast Track And The TPP ********** [171745:062115] M.S., Plano, TX This gives undue power to global corporations that will not protect our future. ********** [185715:061515] S.L., Beaverton, OR We do vote. It would be nice to have a trade agreement that made it easier to protect our people from corporations. Rather than protect our corporations from our people. ********** [044644:061215] R.M., Brooklyn, NY Support those who you were elected to serve not financial moguls. Don't trade our rights to clean air, water and living wages for a bowl of back-room porridge. Community rights must be strengthened not subverted by secret deals. We are watching and will remember your vote. ********** [113825:061015] S.W., Oklahoma City, OK If you go against people, you go against God. Believe me, you do not have the power you think you have. Walk with the Destroyer and you will be crushed by God Almighty. ********** [072206:061015] E.A., Columbia, MO No TTP! ********** [065640:060815] R.B., Seattle, WA The secrecy surrounding TPP is very alarming to me. ********** [205331:060715] j.c., Portland, OR we're all republicans now - thanks a lot ********** [142311:060715] A.Y., Saylorsburg, PA Please do not sell us out anymore to big corporations. ********** [085926:060715] C.D., Manassas, VA The Multi-national corporate coup d'Etat (a.k.a. TPP) will not be allowed! ********** [234229:060615] S.D., Stevenson, WA The TTP will put an end to democracy as we wish we knew it. Corporations will be able to sue any decision-making body for real or imaginary "loss of profits". If this passes its over. Over. ********** [181557:060615] K.H., Elmhurst, IL Do not give away our sovereignty on economic and environmental policy. ********** [154637:060615] A.D., Portland, OR Please, no Fast-Track or TPP. It is not a good thing for America and will only benefit the richest of its citizens and hurt the rest. ********** [124648:060615] K.M., Akiachak, AK At a time when the approval rating of Congress is barely 9%, do members of the House, who are all up for re-election, really want to push that number closer to zero, by waving through a secret trade deal that is in reality mostly not at a trade deal at all? Enough of the American people now know from leaks that the so-called Trans Pacific Partnership is primarily about corporations seizing unprecedented rights and powers, for example the right to sue for "anticipated lost profits," without the protections of the US legal system. What they are asking you to blindly wave through on a Fast Track basis is the right for foreign business corporations to trump US sovereignty and laws to protect us, not to mention the fact that even as a trade deal it is the worst deal ever. No more NAFTAs, especially not in such evil secrecy. ********** [102226:060615] R.A., Long Beach, CA No to TPP No to corprate rule of our society. ********** [080059:060615] L.A., Hiram, GA We have lost enough jobs to overseas nations. I am 65 years educated voter. This new trade agreement will NOT benefit American workers.. not at all. ********** [213102:060515] T.M., Stewartville, MN Please do the best thing. Thanks. ********** [160410:060515] r.c., Ridgewood, NY we the people,who are the real government,and for whom you work do hereby say,we do not want this tpp and any politicans who does not abide by the constitituion,and as each one of you have taken an oath to be in office.means to protect and defend we the people,and the constitituion against all foreign and domestic threats,this tpp is a threat and any politican who doesn,t abise by the constitituion we will vote you out of office ********** [155233:060515] M.R., Montrose, CO Reminder: Your job is to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, not the EVIL, POWER AND MONEY-INSANE CORPORATIONS. ********** [151827:060515] J.T., Otis Orchards, WA make it public and a big NO to anti BDS, No to corporations superceding US law. ********** [145921:060515] D.D., Elk, WA Any contract that cannot bear open examination and discussion should not bear your signature. ********** [131333:060515] R.S., Long Beach, CA NAFTA was more damaging to the people of the United States than the World Trade Center destruction done to us on 9/11! We lost jobs and couldn't pay our mortgages, losing our homes, and lost money to our tax base and economies of our federal and state governments. The TTP is so corrupt that it actually gives control of our resources decisions to unelected bureaucrats. This, of course, is corruption to our systems in place here. Thank you. Robert Scherzinger ********** [093219:060515] R.B., Seattle, WA The recent WikiLeaks release of secret TPP/TISA documents shows that the TPP will open the door for large corporations to shut down environmental and safety regulations by means of "spam" legal actions. That they can just keep filing complaints about any laws we pass, and force our government to waste time, energy, and money defending itself. This would be a disaster, and empower corporations to effectively neuter both congress and the executive branch. This can't be allowed to happen. TPP is a trap. ********** [082727:060515] N.K., Culver City, CA Why would we want to let corporate power run amok when it caused the global financial meltdown of 2007-8? Why is the Pres bowing to his and Hillary's campaign backers? Why, when it's already happening with Citizens United, tax breaks/loopholes, and the Koch Bros? Why do our leaders want so much for America to fall? ********** [080114:060515] V.A., Saint Petersburg, FL I'm for the smart track - congressional review, debate and resolution. ********** [222119:060415] D.M., Hope, ID Franz Kafka couldn't write a more senseless agreement - how can anyone consent to be held to unknown terms and still call it an agreement? You do not have my consent to agree to the TPP in ANY form. You have all gone mad from greed and corruption and are now certifiably insane, inane, moronic and idiotic. Do not do anything more, just sit at your desk like good little boys and wait for the men in white coats. NO TPP!! ********** Go Back |