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Pass Single Payer Health Care Now


[160614:091615] C.D., Alexandria, VA
Single Payer is common sense. Anything else, including Medicare as it is now structured, is too expensive and for most people, too confusing.


[153847:091515] E.A., Killeen, TX
I am thankful for the Obama care system however I feel all Americans should be given free health care.


[225559:091315] D.B., Tuolumne, CA
We all deserve accessible, affordable, good health care. It's important for our society, our families, and our businesses.


[140535:090215] P.J., Bel Air, MD
Providing health insurance for all US citizens is important to the US economy. Single payer would make this insurance more efficient and cost effective. Please help to make this a reality. Thank you.


[145651:083015] S.W., Tacoma, WA
Don't be a party to bribes, corruption and a pay-as-you-go government. The government is for the people rather than corporations.


[115906:083015] D.S., Califon, NJ
This message is rather blunt, but the truth is there. Single payer health insurance makes so much sense to me and other rational citizens. Let's get moving on this.


[003237:083015] b.G., Sandia Park, NM
Medicare has a 3% overhead and low fraud rate. It only makes common sense.


[140003:082715] L.M., North Bend, OR
I was an RN in the USA and Canada.

Single payer reduces stress and paper work time for all the Nurses, Drs, patients and families. Single payer allows for more TLC (tender LOVING care) which the patients need for healing and recovery.

The Single payer system integrates more of the alternative mind,body, spirit alternative prevention and intervention modalities that creates happier, healthier communities.

Lynn Mystic-Healer


[112739:082715] L.S., Powder Springs, GA
Two huge expenses in the current insurance system are marketing to employer groups and members, and contracting physicians. With a single payer system, those expenses would be eliminated. Plus there would be other cost savings as well. Single payer makes the most sense economically.


[173404:082615] J.L., Portland, OR
All Americans should have access to health care, as keeping the population healthy helps us all. With congressional oversight, it should be fairly easy to keep costs low while continuing to offer great health care.


[125948:082615] H.M., Seattle, WA
I don't care whether Sanders gets the Democratic Party nomination. The problem is not with our President. The problem has always been U. S. Congress. You guys don't read the legislation you pass. If you did, you could never vote yes. You authorize wars. You fund apartheid governments and terrorist organizations. You allow the CIA and NSA to spy on, kidnap, imprison, and torture innocent people. You bail out and subsidize the billionaires. You fail to protect ordinary citizens from exploitation at work, from unfair laws, from kangaroo courts, from imprisonment without recourse, from foreclosure and eviction. You fail to provide free college education. You pass health care that costs four times what it should. You tax ordinary working people, sending jobs overseas through inflated payroll costs. You refuse to tax the property and wealth of the billionaires.


[124744:082615] e.m., Pine City, NY
Basic affordable health care should be a right of all Americans. Our health care system serves no one but the rich.


[202416:082515] E.F., Roanoke, VA
Lives are at stake!


[093314:082515] J.E., Independence, MO
All other developed countries, and many if not most, developing countries have a Single Payer Health Care System.


[083921:082515] S.B., Deming, NM
I'm not ready to accuse anybody of graft. I think Medicare works great and eliminates the monetary motivation for unfairness that now exists. It will save money by putting alot of useless middlemen out of work and letting every claim be handled consistently so people know what to expect and can trust their health care.


[075546:082515] D.N., Mechanicville, NY
EVERYONE deserves health care, after all we give it to you people in congress why can't the rest of the population receive health care??? Pass single payer cause we all deserve it!!!!


[065429:082515] D.L., New Orleans, LA
I am a Vet and have good care except for dental (theywill pull them all and give me dentures, but not clean or fill them) so I hope for Universal One Payer Medicare before it's too late to save my teeth.


[221710:082415] R.U., Minneapolis, MN
It is the best and the most economical.


[174226:082415] E.M., Missoula, MT
This should have been done right in the first place!


[121916:082415] B.F., Tetonia, ID
at least raise the SS and SSI payroll tax ceiling from $113,000 to $500,000...


[093211:082415] P.P., Coalinga, CA
It is clear that the United States is lagging far behind most (if not all) first world nations that offer national healthcare to their citizens!

It is also clear that the failure of Congress of to pass a "Single Payer" healthcare system is due to the influence of unlimited corporate and private contributions to congressional members of both parties.

Pass a Single Payer Healthcare for the 99% of America! The wealthy can find new ways to make money!


[172048:082315] T.H., Chapel Hill, NC
Single payer is the ONLY way to save our country money, keep health care costs reasonable AND insure everyone has access to the health care they need. Win for consumers, win for our country spending less on health care, win on us joining the rest of the compassionate developed world assuring health care for all. The only losers, of course, would be the insurance industry and the mentally sick people making money off of physically ill people. Do you care about the insurance companies, who gave you a lot of money, or for people? It's a pretty straight-forward and simple question.


[135324:082315] E.G., Albuquerque, NM
We know what we have to do. Single payer won't solve every health care problem, but it will do tremendously better than what we've got.


[132327:082315] L.F., Greenfield Center, NY
Don't be afraid you can do it.


[112040:082315] C.B., Kanab, UT
Billions of health care dollars go to those who manage health insurance companies and the executives who manage hospitals. No one, andI mean NO ONE individual is worth salaries in the millions of dollars. Do away with that and you have enormous funds available to actually provide health care to all at reasonable costs.


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