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Raise The Minimum Wage To A Living Wage


[081719:100615] T.T., Castine, ME
I'd ask for a raise in the minimum wage, even if that means less time those people work.


[090238:092915] D.B., Hatboro, PA
Let's raise the mimium wage to what it should be for people to live deciently!


[192348:092415] R.M., Strasburg, PA
Last time I checked you guys keep getting raises. how nice for you.


[165216:092415] D.C., Saint Paris, OH
Those who oppose a minimum wage increase should try living on the low wages that millions of Americans are stuck with.I'm sure that would be a shocking and well needed,attitude changing experience!


[190702:092315] W.S., Santa Monica, CA
It's not only immoral and unjust to pay workers less than their cost of living, it keeps the economy from really getting going, because citizens with little money to spend cannot help to stimulate the economy.


[133023:092315] E.R., Chicago, IL
I challenge every politician to try living on minimum wage for one month (no cheating), then try to justify not raising it to a living wage tied in to the cost of living.


[131507:092315] S.L., Redlands, CA
Living on the minimum wage is impossible -- including for the homeless.


[115312:092315] g.F., Newark, NJ
Do this NOW! Don't wait any longer.


[110336:092315] S.B., Corpus Christi, TX
All is One !


[224940:092215] H.R., Portland, OR
Social Security recipients also find themselves in poverty at this time. Since Ronald Reagan instituted the "cap" to Social Security deductions, there has been nothing but trouble for the funding of that program. Take off the cap and take retired people out of poverty by increasing benefits and tying them to the real cost of living.


[080427:092215] A.A., Norwalk, CA
Better late than later............


[220439:092115] B.B., La Junta, CO
My 60 year old daughter makes $9.00 an hour and has to make rent and health care out of that plus all general bills - utilities, groceries, gas, etc. I am 85 and try to help her out of my Soc. Sec. It would be grand if she made $11.00 an hour - she works so hard. Thank you.


[195043:092115] J.E., Memphis, TN
When people have enough to actually LIVE on, they contribute to the economy and everyone benefits. The corporations make millions, billions, trillions. They can AFFORD to pay workers enough to buy the products they sell, service, or manufacture.l


[181543:092115] L.H., San Diego, CA
If my son could have a livable wage - $15.00 instead of $9.25 -- he could actually move out of the house.


[181457:092115] z.t., Petersburg, VA
Everyone deserves a decent wage. Most people who have jobs have a family to support and sometimes support parents, too. There is no dignity in taking welfare.


[170228:092115] M.L., Flushing, MI
The minimum wage is way too low! Maybe that should be the salary for Congress for a year so you get the message.


[154545:092115] R.R., Somerville, NJ
A living wage is good for everyone. We should remember that Henry Ford paid his workers well enough to buy one of his cars.


[131801:092115] R.B., Fountain Valley, CA
A "family values" candidate would back the increase in the minimum wage as it would benefit working families the most.


[121820:092115] L.G., Denver, CO
The minimum wage should be $20. Hr.


[113910:092115] B.K., Olivehurst, CA


[104604:092115] J.M., Waldoboro, ME
Raise the min. wage and see this skanky country take off. We are reeeeally falling behind the other "civilized" nations, it is practically entirely due to recalcitrance and special interests -- I speak of the REPUBLICAN LAWMAKERS. Show yourselves to be advanced, compassionate, and at least marginally humane, and raise our minimum wage!!!!!


[100231:092115] M.B., Sarasota, FL
Rich people and corporations want to do away with government subsidies, so pay a living wage and these subsides won't be needed by so many people.


[094432:092115] D.H., West Linn, OR
Take a little test. Pretend you're making today's minimum wage. List how much you spend on the basics, food, shelter, etc. Reduce those amounts to what you could afford with your new income. Now list what you spend on non-essentials. You get the picture. Millions of people put in as many hours as you do and can't even afford the basics. We sent you to Washington to solve the nation's problems. This is a whopper, and we want results!


[093646:092115] P.M., Farmington, MI
As the middle class disappears and millions of American families lose their standard of living, those at the bottom of the work force are pushed further and further into poverty, which affects all tax payers. Paying a higher minimum wage would have immediate and positive impacts to our whole economy as has been seen in cities and states that have raised the minimum wage to $15/hr. It also would have a huge impact for poor families.


[093003:092115] T.H., Shirley, NY
These people got away without paying medical insurance because we are part-time, they should at least pay a wage that people could afford to live off of.


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