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Make Federal Contractors Disclose Their Political Contributions Now


[130036:032416] L.S., Reserve, NM
To save our Democracy, we must insist on transparency on campaign contributions AND limits on wealthy individuals and corporations.


[074507:013116] r.f., New York, NY
Mr President! Please start to clean up the government agencies in Washington with this simple change.
Thank you.
Richard Fremantle


[171518:013016] J.N., Shelter Island, NY
All contributions should be disclosed


[153622:013016] S.M., Bloomington, IN
Democratic Republic, not corporate oligarchy, please!


[120844:013016] S.L., Columbia, MO
It's a good start.


[223553:012916] d.d., Las Vegas, NV
we need to see what contractors are doing. We need to have a open government even if the supreme court has been bought. this has the potentially to even make the supreme court open its eyes.


[094635:012916] E.T., Stamford, CT
President's action is overdue


[051629:012916] K.N., Chichester, NH
We don't have a democracy if a handful of people can buy our elections. Please act now.


[021029:012916] R.F., Boulder, CO
It's the right thing to do.

Thank you.


[010439:012916] R.M., Yelm, WA
End this whole mess of selling political offices to the highest bidders. It's a den of corruption.


[145716:012816] R.R., Sebastopol, CA
the time is now!


[144750:012816] D.B., New Providence, NJ
There should be transparency in all policitcal donations. Let's try to rid government of legal corruption.


[143320:012816] J.F., Sale Creek, TN
President Obama can step out in front and lead the way to reversing the Citizens United Supreme Court decision by requiring Federal Contractors to disclose their political contributions. He has the power to take this action. This step would be huge for advocacy groups across the US!


[135421:012816] f.s., Windsor, CA
Mr President, you yourself believe in this because you already mentioned it in you SOTU a few years back.
USE your executive power to curve this extreme SCOTUS decision that is destroying whatever is left of the US Democracy.


[124447:012816] S.G., Austin, TX
This on one step of many to confront the obscent amount of money in politics that paves the way for donors to influence legislation.


[111807:012816] R.B., Fountain Valley, CA
We know Congress will do nothing. It's up to you!



[102857:012816] D.R., Fort Smith, AR
The Supreme Court is just as and more likely as Corrupt as the President and Congress itself!!! Thy have been for a multitude of years and Citizens's United should never have been in the Legal Arena in the first place. But then we never should have had a Racist Black President hellbent on Racial Overpopulation to Overpower our Governmental and Social System's in this Country either. Just like everything else in this Country the Voting requirements are just as Corrupt as our Political and Judicial Assembly which has by far over-exceeded they're POWER AND WELCOME!


[102725:012816] B.G., Fort Smith, AR
The Supreme Court is just as and more likely as Corrupt as the President and Congress itself!!! Thy have been for a multitude of years and Citizens's United should never have been in the Legal Arena in the first place. But then we never should have had a Racist Black President hellbent on Racial Overpopulation to Overpower our Governmental and Social System's in this Country either. Just like everything else in this Country the Voting requirements are just as Corrupt as our Political and Judicial Assembly which has by far over-exceeded it's POWER AND WELCOME!


[101757:012816] J.M., Waldoboro, ME
Undiscloed campaign contributions are dragging this (potentially) great nation down, rich guys with no scruples whatsoever are buying the government -- THAT, at least, is no secret. Do all that you can to set our wobbling American gyroscope back to level!


[095540:012816] P.H., Ocklawaha, FL
You Have no elections to win, so please use whatever power you have to help the people win elections over big money.


[095030:012816] J.P., West Roxbury, MA
Elections can only be fair if all contributions are disclosed.


[091315:012816] E.R., Baltimore, MD
It's past time for Americans to know who's contributing to political campaigns. Just do it.


[081914:012816] J.S., Capitola, CA
Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[080107:012816] J.R., Green Bay, WI
Mr. President, It's time to step forward and buy back our democracy from those federal contractors with the large contributions. Citizens United is so wrong for a Great Country like ours. A democracy is for ALL the people, as our founding fathers wanted. It shouldn't be for sale.


[075533:012816] L.W., Salt Lake City, UT
The voices of Americans (who foot the tab on dealings and doings that are kept secret from us) are being hushed. Our votes are being manipulated, our desires are being ignored. Get rid of Super Paks, the Electoral College and the steamrollers' power...the billionaires who have been buying our government.. Our system was never supposed to go this way.


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