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Applaud President Obama's Executive Action On Gun Responsibility


[145209:070216] D.D., Oklahoma City, OK
Please consider a common sense approach to gun rights. If someone is on a no fly list they shouldn't be allowed to purchase a gun. In other situations a waiting period is no big deal to a responsible gun buyer. Please consider this and vote to approve these stipulations.


[225015:030216] a.h., Fort Lauderdale, FL


[152415:013016] K.G., Nashville, TN
The majority of both Democrats and Republican citizens want stronger gun control NOW! We support President Obama's actions for stronger gun safety. We are tired of children and young people being killed due to too lax gun control. I will not support any elected official who does not strengthen gun control.


[171946:012116] J.R., Indianapolis, IN
I applaud President Obama's executive action on gun control.


[143508:011416] D.S., Mattapoisett, MA
President Obama, thank you for taking action for gun control sensibility. The gun lobby and the NRA are preaching INSANITY!


[011223:011316] W.M., Brick, NJ
I am a U.S military line officer veteran, I volunteered to serve to protect our country. I love this country, and our Constitution - and, truly believe we have to restore sanity to our national "understanding" and application of the 2nd Amendment. I do read something in that amendment regarding "a well regulated militia", and not a "free for all" of everyone running around with arsenals. The U.S. Constitution also claims other rights, let's not forget to protect those from excessive amounts weapons flowing around the neighborhood.


[185525:011216] A.W., Wishon, CA
Our Native American Grandmother taught us to be responsible gun owners. Safety and respect went hand in hand. She hunted for food and as crime increased with the population in our mountain community she had her shotgun accessible for protection. I am sure if she were here, she would be equally amused and disgusted at the state of affairs now. 90% of U.S. citizens believe there is absolutely no reason for anyone to own assault weapons or magazines with more than 10 rounds. That there must be full background checks for gun sales and ownership. The fox/ tea party inspired talking points are illogical, disingenuous and despicable. Congress has had decades to address gun violence and has only succeeded in making the situation worse. Victims and their families are organizing. Public opinion is with them. Thank you President Obama for attempting to do something to slow down the carnage.


[200259:011016] G.B., Albion, CA
I wholeheartedly agree with you Mr President.
Please continue.


[071713:011016] D.L., Denton, TX
Thank you President Obama for your executive orders to have stricter background checks for people buying guns, that anyone selling a gun must have a dealer permit and increasing help for people with mental diseases.


[064339:011016] M.M., Salt Lake City, UT
It is unacceptable that Congress defies the will of the people, especially when 82-92% of the people FAVOR background checks at gun shows. One has to ask, WHY is Congress opposed to this when so many voters want this added? What will it take for Congress to listen to the poll numbers...another election? Truly, it would appear that we have lost our "representatives," for it Congress is not listening to us now, when will they listen?


[020437:011016] A.S., Happy Jack, AZ
background checks are essential for preventing many more mass murders and shootings. everyone KNOWS this. thank you Mr. President for acting with reason and integrity.


[215011:010916] R.H., Newberg, OR
Thank you, President Obama, for taking the first step toward making our country a safer place. Let's hope Congress can step up and finish the process.


[184231:010916] W.R., Yorktown, VA
This was WAY past due.


[163810:010916] j.j., Camino, CA
Thank you President Obama! You have truly taken a bold step in controlling gun violence. I am a strong 2nd amendment advocate and highly approve of your action on this as fair to all.


[110548:010916] J.L., Mount Pleasant, MI
Thank you for introducing common sense to this issue.


[125836:010816] J.B., Crescent City, CA
These are small steps that responsible gun owners have no problem with. It is the gun manufacturing lobby that doesn't like it . . . and they already make plenty of money.


[110733:010816] B.B., Salt Lake City, UT
Yes, I am totally support of you stance and the actions you
are taking.....keep it up!


[103450:010816] T.D., Albuquerque, NM
Thank you President Obama for making more gun sales supervised and keeping more people from dying in gun outrages. Thanks for doing what Congress could not do.


[191107:010716] G.A., Vero Beach, FL
It is time to stop all of these violent attacks on Americans by American Terrorists. It is time for gun control.


[183056:010716] C.K., Camarillo, CA
I think it especially imperative that ALL background checks include an extensive check for any remote signs of mental illness.


[174558:010716] B.F., Redmond, WA
Well Done.
Pitty that the spine was only developed last minute. Imagine what you culd have achieved otherwise.


[162646:010716] w.S., Pollock Pines, CA
The idiots in Congresswho are whores for the NRA
refuse to take any actions to remove danger from
guns from our populace as have the civilized countries
in Europe and Canada....banning handguns and assault weapons....The 2nd amendment didn't intend that we have more guns than people in the US...The murder rate in the US by guns is astounding compared to those civilized nations.
A woman on the news this am told of a mentally disturbed felon having his GF buy a gun for him
and he then killed her husband. Background checks alone aren't the answer....outlawing guns designed to kill other humans must be outlawed in order to have us qualify as civilized.


[162028:010716] C.R., New York, NY
It crystal clear we can not reason with those that endorse violence. American has the worse record for gun violence in the world. It interesting anyone can get a gun without insurance, training, certification, ID, background check,or take a class to own a gun which is design with one purpose in mind, KILL. Yet every profession, owing a car, or house requires traing, lisences, insurance, certificate, or continuing ED. The evidence speak loud but to people that believe in the false-notion of security, no amount of death will convince them, we need to revisit the 2nd amendment. These people who support gun ownership have put together the most eloquent to profane argument anyone can ever hear in support of gun-ownership without regards to end result of what a gun is design to do. As long as it is not them or their love ones it doesn't matter who, why, when, and where others get KILL. Gun-owners think their opinion, lives, and material possessions are more important than that of others.


[161333:010716] S.J., Columbus, OH
It's about time! Put common sense restrictions on gun sellers now.


[160424:010716] M.A., Sacramento, CA
We need common sense gun laws and not be strong-armed by the NRA. What they have become is a disgrace to any self respecting gun owner.


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