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Give Judge Merrick Garland A Hearing For Supreme Court


[222959:052316] M.D., Emporia, KS
Senators have a constitutional obligation to vote yes or no on a president's nomination to the Supreme Court. Senators who refuse to do so apparently don't know what they're supposed to be doing in Washington. Show that you understand why (some) Kansans sent you to Washington and support a fair review of Merrick Garland's merits. It's more than past the time when Senate Republicans should have gotten over their little fit about Barack Obama. Time to grow up and do the right thing. Geez, I can't believe I'm writing to a U.S. senator in such a way, but what can one do when senators act like children instead of U.S. senators? Stop listening to McConnell and demand a vote on Merrick.


[233514:032716] T.B., Albuquerque, NM
Please stop the obstruction of this President's work.


[235814:032616] J.S., Oregon City, OR
For 7+ years the NO Republicans/Obstruction Republicans have vilified and otherwise shamefully treated the President twice chosen by the American people showing not only their contempt for Pres. Obama but also extreme contempt for the US citizens and America and our Constitution. And now they are following the directive of the Koch bros and spitting on the judicial system as well. I say they should all be fired and sued to get the money we ave paid them for salaries etc. Then move forward the hearing for Judge Garland. No more trying to work with them, they have proven it is impossible.


[222627:032616] D.B., Boise, ID


[184910:032616] C.K., Smyrna, DE
The least little thing and they SURE let ME know I need to do my job! And I make a lot less than you do. See because I'm dumb enough to do what I'm supposed to do and ensure all you "gentlemen" can stay rich.


[131336:032516] B.L., Huntingdon, PA
A President's term is FOUR FULL YEARS. President Obama has done his part of the job in naming a nominee - now the Senate should do its part.


[055950:032516] a.h., Fort Lauderdale, FL
Our Senate is shameful. Give Judge Merrick Garland a hearing for Supreme Court.


[191626:032416] K.S., Ward, CO
This is the consequence of an election -THAT ALREADY HAPPENED - Pres. Obama has nominated Judge Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court. Now do your jobs and Advise and Consent. Or is the Constitution just another bit of scrap paper to you?


[173815:032416] R.P., Oklahoma City, OK
I don't know if you noticed, but by not even meeting with Garland, you are coming across as brats.


[172436:032416] D.T., Wheat Ridge, CO
I urge you to uphold your duties and the Constitution. Give Judge Garland a fair and honest hearing and vote.


[164047:032416] M.G., Glen Mills, PA
Merrick Garland deserves at least a hearing and a vote.


[160029:032416] C.v., Albuquerque, NM
We cannot tolerate GOP obstructionism.


[144359:032416] c.f., Milford, CT
I ask the Senate to be fair and not aspire to be the playground BULLY. Just because there was distention in the past "be a better man"---DO WHAT IS RIGHT. You call upon Christian values--so follow them. ""Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets".


[113914:032416] K.G., Milford, MI
Do the right thing for the American people.


[110211:032416] L.G., Santa Fe, NM

MORE on the Presidential Primaries
You may be aware that we expect you, as our elected representative and a SuperDelegate, to support the candidate for President that we, the electorate, support. That's democracy with integrity.

MORE relating to the value set running the Congress:
The U.S. Government is not a gravy train. Those who believe it is don't belong in government, they belong in food-service.


[105035:032416] P.B., Summerville, SC
May "We the People" respectfully request the refund of the money Congress is wasting by being so obstructionist? I sincerely hope and pray that this comes back to bite them come elections time, but know (alas) that it probably will not.


[103216:032416] M.S., Fort Lauderdale, FL
I understand categorical opposition to an indicidual or a movement. I found myself opposing anything President Nixon said or did - and my attitude in that respect was unAmerican. So please do the job that you obtained at the cost of much money and even more arduous effort. Hold hearings. If you feel that Judge Garland is not qualified for the position, vote against him. But do your job.


[100453:032416] N.J., Bainbridge Island, WA
Giving Judge Garland a Hearing needs to be a priority.


[041129:032416] S.S., Houston, TX
As your BOSS, I DEMAND that your do your damned job and quit f--king off on duty. If you worked in the private sector, you would be fired for non-performance of duty. We the People elected President Obama TWICE to his office. You may vote yes or no, but refusing to interview and vote for an appointee is dereliction of duty. Get to work NOW!


[233505:032316] J.H., Santa Cruz, CA
You need to figure out how to bring a motion on the issue of whether to have hearings to the Senate floor for a vote, so that the public can see where their Senators stand, *just* on holding hearings!!!


[233145:032316] w.n., Elizabeth, NJ
I'm glad that my senators support the President in this matter. And, I thank them.


[231452:032316] K.M., Cleveland, OH
don't make new precedents. Get the supreme Court functioning again.


[225844:032316] D.K., Suffern, NY
He's a moderate. Let's get an up or down vote!


[214116:032316] C.B., Media, PA
I as a taxpayer am paying you to do your job.
It is your job to give a fair hearing and an up or down vote to the supreme court nominee
Judge Merrick Garland


[213415:032316] D.S., Denver, CO
Without 9 members the Supreme Court is partially crippled yet the Republicans refuse to do their job and consider the President's nominee. Obama was elected overwhelmingly twice to, among other things, nominate judges at all levels. This the Republicans have slowed and obstructed for his entire time in office. Now they refuse to do their job with an eminently qualified candidate who is better than they deserve. The fact that Republicans gained control of the Senate in a very low turnout election in 2014 with a very favorable (for them) lineup of races does not justify their refusal to do their job and leave the Supreme Court partially disabled for many extra months. Confirnation of Garland soon would allow him to take his place on the court before the start of the next session. Republicans who are not willing to do their job should resign. They don't really want to govern but to block the government from working.


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