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Pass Zika Virus Response Emergency Supplemental Appropriation


[144103:092016] D.K., Broomfield, CO
Pass Zika Virus Response Emergency Supplemental Appropriation


[091310:091916] C.B., Lebanon, IN
This issue should not be connected with some unrelated bill. This is an emergency health crisis. Help get this appropriation passed immediately.


[101918:090816] d.m., Green Valley, AZ
Taking money from the Ebola prevention to confront this epidemic is not wise. Some adults develop dementia symptoms and paralysis when stricken with ZIKA. The horrendous effects on the developing fetus we have all read about.


[010659:090816] P.M., Middle Island, NY
What's "pro-life" about endangering unborn children?


[002449:090816] H.G., Tucson, AZ
Do you really want to risk babies being born with microcephaly just to make a point? It has been estimated it will take 10 million dollars to care for such a disabled child for life and most people don't have that kind of money. It will take A LOT of help from taxpayers.


[161258:090716] A.S., Sherman Oaks, CA

First I want to thank you for all you do.
I am appalled how the people of this nation are disregarded. The people of this nation are threatened by our worst enemy - our government. The House and Senate keep playing life threatening games at every turn. PASS THE ZIKA EMERGENCY N0W. KEEP IT CLEAN. NO OTHER AGENDA ADDED! The rest of the world knows how deadly this is. Stop the politicking and serve the people.


[131706:090716] J.L., Mount Prospect, IL
As one of your loyal supporters I am imploring you to act on "zika".
Please-this is not a "political issue", it is a matter of life and death. Help write and pass a CLEAN, zika-ONLY bill-now
Do the right thing here because it IS the right thing to do


[130824:090716] A.N., Greencastle, IN
Get with it! This is important for women's and children's safety.


[120411:090716] J.P., Port Charlotte, FL
It is deplorable that Republicans added anti-Planned Parenthood language to our much needed Zika funding bill resulting in it's failure to pass. They have doomed adults and especially the yet to be born to terrible deformities and cognitive infirmity.
Where is their humanity for the living? These two issues should be dealt with honestly and independently! Let's see the Republicans allow a straight vote on Zika funding with no attachments so Florida and other states can prevent these tragedies.


[120125:071416] D.S., Angola, NY
Thank you for supporting public health and a logical, thinking Congress.


[054244:071316] P.L., Maitland, FL
Considering that you live in Florida--what is your problem?


[000155:071316] C.L., Addison, IL
I can't even believe I am having to send a message asking that you appropriate sufficient funding to combat the Zika virus.....and not attach it to any other legislation. Time is of the essence. Pass the Zika funding bill!!


[000142:071316] a.g., Modesto, CA
please do your job for the people who put you in office. pass funding for zika response now.
thank you.


[144453:071216] T.F., Vienna, GA
America is under attack just as surely as if terrorists were storming our shores, in the form of the rapidly spreading Zika virus pandemic. There is strong scientific evidence that Zika attacks brain cells in particular, and that it has recently mutated into a more deadly form. Pass the Zika Funding Bill immediately, while the virus can still be stopped.


[142622:071216] D.D., Atlanta, GA
ZIKA is a health emergency. Make this a ONE ISSUE BILL. Simple, clean, transparent piece of legislation, on one topic and one topic only.....legislation that says what it is and that can be taken as that , without other issues 'riding' into law on its coattails. Please.


[062511:071216] E.G., Miami, FL
This virus is devastating to pregnant woman. Time is not n their side. This issue can not wait. Government has a responsibility to protect its citizens from harm. The funds Ned to be released NOW. There can NOT be any strings attached either. Do your jobs. This is your responsibility .


[032221:071216] L.P., Van Nuys, CA
I have pretty much lost all confidence in our government. It does not listen to the people and it does not care for the people. It has sold us out for the money and to prove that it can stop any action it wants without having to pay any consequences.


[013633:062516] J.C., Centerville, UT
Please vote for funding on preventative and post infection treatments for the Zika virus. Given the potential damage this virus can cause, such research could pay huge dividends.


[034636:052516] J.N., Moorhead, MN
An injustice to any is one to all, and if an injustice isn't addressed individually, then it becomes global as well. Know, "the root of all violence in our world lies in science", "we must be the change we want to see in the world", Gandhi. We cannot unbecome into automatons, the evolution is the only 100 % struggle with 'la machine'. "You can't dismantle the man's house with the man's tools", Audre Lourdes. So, while exercising one's responsibility civically, for if one doesn't
Its Siamese twin sister, freedom, will wither like an unused muscle as well, "we(e),...", can turn 360 degrees around, back to the evolution and the future, humanity will only have if we do, will you? You are illimitable potentially and indivisible as life, be! reality


[150318:051416] h.d., Fort Lauderdale, FL
Congress, Pass Zika Virus Response Emergency Supplemental Appropriation ASAP.


[122846:051016] P.M., Farmington, MI
The fertility of the population of the US has been falling for a decade or more and if Zika gets a hold, it will be devastating.


[004653:051016] D.A., Arlington, VA
Research on the currently incurable Zika virus must be promptly financed. Tax relief for the mega-rich must be promptly terminated.


[201049:050916] L.M., Hyattsville, MD
this issue is very important to me


[181833:050716] B.W., Boulder, CO
Congress members, I have a hard time believing that you aren't doing your job!


[212110:050516] M.P., Tucson, AZ
If both My senators children or grandchild were at risk, wouldn't you think they would stay in Washington and do their jobs.


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