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Stop Nestle From Taking CA's Drought Water


[025753:052716] G.P., Belmont, CA
Nestle's behavior is so offensive, I ask that everyone who has carefully saved water in their homes for months, even years, and everyone who believes that public water should not be sold to corporations for their profit, who believes that responsible behavior is important to a working society, and everyone who remembers the appalling scandal of Nestle's deliberate infant formula disaster, please boycott Nestle now.


[051442:052116] O.L., Davis, CA
Bottled water is a wasteful luxury. Water remaining in our forests, however, and not being drained by Nestle, that is what is important.


[150204:051816] M.V., New York, NY


[050054:051716] N.B., Los Angeles, CA
This is an absolute outrage to have to fight for clean water. Are we now a third world country?


[142414:051616] D.C., Lompoc, CA
Farms are restricted from water use due to drought. Nestlé must respect water restrictions, too. Stop draining our water tables long-term for short-term profit.


[124713:051616] E.M., San Francisco, CA
Don't let nestle extract ground water during our drought


[112526:051616] D.R., San Francisco, CA
Is this what they call "the free market" system, a for-profit company extracting water from a public place in a time of drought?


[165158:051516] B.A., Redondo Beach, CA
Local water should stay local!


[232949:051416] H.D., El Cerrito, CA
Because of your greed I am not buying ANY of your products, and neither are my adult children or their friends.


[185829:051416] J.A., Santa Barbara, CA
Nestle should support what is best for the Public's health!!
John M. Ackerman, M.D.
Lt. Cdr. (1968-1970)


[150001:051416] M.R., Sacramento, CA
People are more important than your making money at the expense of California.


[101228:051416] S.F., Pioneer, CA
Big money wins, people lose.We have already allowed cororate farmers to drain the aquivers in the central valley for profit. People need to unite and stand up for themselves and our resources.


[005844:051416] J.K., San Anselmo, CA
Boy it Nestles! They are greedy and anti American.


[231933:051316] D.H., Santa Barbara, CA
The cost to water my twelve rose bushes monthly is about $30.00., which I can not afford. My lawn is already completely dead, and now I am losing the roses. No company should profit by selling California water. Legislators must act to stop this theft of California's assets.


[212442:051316] E.A., El Cerrito, CA
It makes no sense that water is exported for profit from our drought stricken state, not even from private land, let alone public land. I don't know why Nestle's right or permit is not revocable under emergency conditions, but I think that the state Resources Board and the US Forest Service should look into it and act decisively and quickly.


[205919:051316] M.B., Roseville, CA
Nestle is a corrupt company. This is only one thing they have done that is totally corrupt. Do your research!


[200641:051316] C.B., San Diego, CA
As a California citizen, I find this both shameful and ridiculous. Get your priorities straight!


[175352:051316] J.K., San Anselmo, CA
Boy it Nestles! They are greedy and anti American.


[171731:051316] M.Z., Novato, CA
Water is our most precious resource. It should not be for sale to the highest bidder.


[121038:051316] J.A., Santa Monica, CA
This should be illegal


[093251:051316] A.H., Long Beach, CA
Nestle should not be taking California's water when we have drought conditions. To make matters worse, they are making money off of it. Not a good thing.


[074653:051316] E.P., Sarasota, FL
California needs good drinking water Nestles can find theirs else where!!!


[011457:051316] A.C., Hermosa Beach, CA
The water belongs to we, the people. Hands off. End of discussion.


[001516:051316] N.S., South San Francisco, CA
Please stop this water grab!


[001044:051316] C.W., San Diego, CA
The Southwest States need to start water line piping to assure their safe supply of water. Build reservoirs where water is plentiful and/or flooding occurs, and pipe it out to states that need it. Don't worry, they will be happy to pay (fair price) for it. --Cfw------


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