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Join Operation Lame Duck Hunt, To Stop The TPP


[171224:091616] L.P., Seattle, WA
this is not working.


[210709:083016] T.S., Reno, NV
Glad to see Sen. Reid voting NO on the Fast Track bill. Of course Rep. Amodei was absent as he usually is, even if he is in Congress. Nevada republicans got ripped off when they put that F..F... in office. Paying him to be absent when this state can't even afford a decent educational system. And Dean Heller, our good looking senator being groomed for a higher position, (yes it is all about women voting for movie star good looks), voted YES for the Fast Track as expected. He's a good little republican that does as he is told. But there are plenty of Dems in other states that voted YES and to them I say...nothing because you are worth nothing to the common populace. You only butter your own bread, never thinking to help make this country better by concentrating on developing and bringing back our industries that were taken over seas, bought by foreigners, or managed purely for profit and those are kept off shore in some tax secured haven. We need laws to reform corporate policy in this country, NOT other countries telling and litigating us to do what they want to do. You will find a back lash coming soon, you TPP supporters. I hope the lash stings like the hell you have put us through with your regressive politics.


[193025:082916] L.H., Manchester, MI
F--k uou Walberg!


[192919:082916] L.H., Manchester, MI
Any Congress person voting for the TPP is a traitor!


[171237:082916] H.A., Gladstone, OR
If you vote to pass he TPP you do not believe in democracy or US sovereignty, nor do you work for your constituents or the american people. You are just shills for multi-national corporations and wall street. The TPP will shred our constitution, our laws, our environment and the health and welfare of our people.


[155435:082916] T.C., Umpqua, OR
Make a name for yourself and help block the TPP. If you vote for this miserable trade deal, you will be recognized forever as a member of the corporatist sell-outs who sold out the American people. The pacific trade deals are the most cruel of the trade deals and essentially hand over the fate of our world to a small group of morally damaged, short-sighted narcissists. Please pay heed to the criticisms of these horrible deals. Thank you.


[154148:082916] K.G., Arroyo Grande, CA
I will actively work against the re-election of any politician who votes for the TPP or any of the other Obama "trade" agreements.


[123009:082916] R.T., Vallejo, CA
As written this legislation should NOT be passed. Vote against it, or at least email telling me why you support it.


[112349:082916] B.O., Ellsworth, WI


[105016:082916] R.B., Raleigh, NC
Please publicly pledge to vote against TPP in Lame Duck session.


[103528:082916] D.O., Staten Island, NY
no lame duck TPP


[072652:082916] J.K., Ely, MN
This bill is not in the best interests of the American people or the working people around the world. It benefits wealthy corporations and needs to be defeated. I will vote against any one of my district who doesn't reject this bill.


[005912:082916] J.B., Glen Gardner, NJ
Thank you Sens. Menendez and Booker. Change your vote or pack your bags, Rep. Lance.


[005405:082916] J.B., Glen Gardner, NJ
Make this an automatic defeat for any pol supporting TPP>


[155655:082616] D.S., Aurora, IL
Politicians: Don't think for a moment that your constituents aren't paying attention.


[012006:082516] E.S., San Francisco, CA
Whatever happened to for the people?


[185606:082416] M.F., Butler, OH
Sen. Portman, I am a constituent in OH, which was devastated by NAFTA, as you know. TPP is worse than NAFTA and will cause great harm in OH, the US and the world. Please honor your constituents' in OH, and not the transnational corporations.


[123439:082116] B.D., Hyde Park, VT
We must not permit the American worker to be further undermined, and the US must maintain sovereignty over its trade agreements.


[091952:081516] R.C., Barrington, IL
No TPP now or ever. Renegotiate ALL trade deals.


[073358:081516] S.C., Seattle, WA
As a biologist and a person concerned about worker's rights I am solidly against TPP.


[231003:081416] S.W., Oklahoma City, OK
The TTP is against all mankind in every way. Pollution of all sorts of environment, manipulation of people, costs of living, and too many to list. It will degrade all ways of living a healthy and sane means of living for all who live on this Earth. It is already near this now. Would only be made worse if allow to organize against people of the world.


[210926:081416] C.R., Schererville, IN
The TPP is bad for everyone except corporate profits. It should not be passed. Who needs corporations with enough power to sue countries?


[162816:081416] r.v., Surprise, AZ


[143333:081416] L.M., Louisville, CO
Just say NO to the TPP sellout of America!


[122323:081416] A.G., Clinton, WA
No TPP or other draconian trade deal. Not one has lived up to a good deal for workers in any country. Stop the TPP! No lame duck deal for bad trade.


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