The People's Email Network Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Go Back Replace The ACA With Single Payer Health Care ********** [062938:091420] A.G., Boutte, LA Shut down border wall. No pat security at police station air ports. Etc. no biometrics. No real ids. No national ids no human scanners. No chip implants for animals No government control. No human chip implants. No Netanyahu No saudi. No trump peace plan. No trump Netanyahu bond. No fracking no keystone pipelines. Fracking is causes California fires. No deforestation's. Tear up. Gretna and New Orleans for wild life I hate. Louisiana because all this deforestation's. No fracking no keystone. No real ids no federal purposes ids. No. New world orders. Of. Government control ********** [191911:013120] R.U., San Francisco, CA We need Medicare for all since all will finally be covered, as with all other developed and less prosperous countries, and it will cost much less than the current system. the great /va system that I experience shows that we can do it. No more 'we can't', we can! ********** [171048:112319] B.D., Portland, OR Mediocre (Medicare) must be improved.. ********** [150618:011319] B.L., Huntingdon, PA It is long past time for the USA to join the rest of the modern world in recognizing that medical care is a right, not a privilege reserved for the wealthy. ********** [142749:011019] N.B., Black Mountain, NC Tax the rich their fair share - 70%, like the old days, when we had funding for our infrastructure. ********** [103645:010719] L.D., Manhattan, KS The American people, including most Republicans, want this and will thank you for doing it. Meanwhile I thank you very much! ********** [171230:121918] A.M., Orford, NH Single payer NOW!!!!!!!! ********** [140235:101718] C.B., Ashland, OR Single Payer with Medicare for All would make health care possible for us all. It is time to do so! ********** [212658:091318] D.S., Penngrove, CA After climate change concerns, this is my highest priority. ********** [114131:072418] G.G., Ruckersville, VA A No Brainer! ********** [160943:041118] V.V., Millersville, MD This is WAY, WAY WAY past due for WE, the PEOPLE of the United States of America. The House and Senate members refuse to acknowledge what WE want and need. ********** [203900:022318] J.P., Tacoma, WA Do the right thing for the Nation. If you support the above, screem like a banshee to get it done. Be the leader you are expected to be, without the theatrics, hype and lies. ********** [082306:020918] M.F., Jacksonville, FL Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself For The Love Of God. We need to think about where we will spend eterniry. ********** [083204:122017] V.B., Kansas City, MO DO EVERYTHING THAT CAN BE DONE TO UNDO THE TAX DISASTER JUST PASSED. ********** [192038:121817] j.d., Grants Pass, OR the only acceptable replacement for any part of "Obamacare" is Medicare for All. Please "get that" once and for all. ********** [164026:121817] B.B., Cottonwood, AZ I've experience living in a country that has a single-payer health care system. We will not be silenced until we have a single-payer healthcare system in the U.S. Obamacare was a step in the right direction, but was not enough. Give us a true single-payer health care system here in the U.S.. ********** [163449:121817] S.M., Cincinnati, OH Affordable Health Care for all should be the goal, as in Medicare for all! Think and act positively. Don't trash the Affordable Care Act. Make it better! ********** [005500:121817] M.P., Woodstock, NY Medicare works for everyone over 65 so it will work for all ages. It is the only fair solution for all citizens. You took an oath to protect ALL citizens. Honor that oath, or resign! You were elected to serve your constituents. If you can't do that, then you should step down. Period! ********** [073843:121717] J.A., Ft Mitchell, KY Medicare for all will be cheaper with better healthcare outcomes. ********** [052411:121717] J.H., Montgomery, AL I know that there is no way to convince you to vote against this horrible tax bill that is coming up. I just wanted to inform you that I have been so taken aback the past few months at the sheer dishonesty exhibited in presenting what this bill will accomplish. Among other things, inserting the action to remove the individual mandate for Obamacare without anything in place for the effect that will have is beyond careless and uncaring. Also, nobody is fooled about how the blowing up of the deficit will be taken care of, because there is no way the economy can expand fast enough to keep up with how fast the deficit. Instead, this is a setup to cut Medicare, turn Medicaid into block grants, and cut Social Security and eventually try to turn it into 401(k)-type private accounts. I am embarrassed by and ashamed of my party. ********** [034405:121717] C.H., Palmer, AK Taxation with representation... ei. FICA= Fed Ins. COVERS ALL! I am a person, not a corporation Individual taxes are worthy of your time and attention REMEMBER we are the United States citizens you work for, with Honesty, Integrity, Truth and Transparency from the heart. ********** [230624:121617] D.M., Guilford, CT Gutting ACA, drilling in the arctic, jeopardizing Medical Marijuana dispensaries, etc., all things that are peripheral to tax reform. Putting them in the tax bill are just so that there will be no debate or even input from the Democrats, or for that matter, anyone else. The tax bill is bad in and of itself. This larding on of favorite conservative/right wing favorites just shows how little governing, in the old sense, is happening in the Republican controlled government. ********** [191142:121617] J.B., Belen, NM Mr. Pearce, you will not have a chance to even run for governor of New Mexico if you don't quit ignoring the people of New Mexico. You are also a member of the "Freedom Caucus" which is a subversive group in the House and we don't like your kissing up to Ryan and his boss the Kochroach Brothers. ********** [180545:121617] C.H., Saint Petersburg, FL The time has come when the best coverage for the health of all of our citizens is now. MEDICARE FOR ALL. ********** [180354:121617] R.N., Bellevue, WA Medicare for all is cheaper and covers everyone!!!!!! Perfect! ********** Go Back |