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Reject Mnuchin For Treasury Secretary


[130750:041918] R.J., Guerneville, CA
Your Bought or your still fighting, this is for the people still fighting.


[233033:072017] s.l., Redlands, CA
Nearly the most outrageous choice one can make!!!


[123734:020317] T.E., Brush Prairie, WA
I plan to continue to contact you frequently until ALL of these problems are resolved. This may be a long arduous fight, but the US public is not going away


[164743:020117] D.S., Ormond Beach, FL
This man tried to hide $100 million by lying before Congress and used robo-callers to foreclose on innocent Americans' homes. He should definitely NOT be the treasury secretary for America!


[142944:013117] A.R., Fort Bragg, CA
Do not ever allow the Foreclosure King to be put into a Government position to work his brand of evil on the American public! Not only did he lie about his wealth, he committed fraud in order to seize the homes of hard working people.


[192513:013017] M.R., Ashland, OR
This is a ludicrous appointment. We cannot entrust our nation's funds with this corrupt person.


[104640:013017] J.O., Bronx, NY
This man does not deserve the office or the trust of the people.


[100037:012917] W.T., Edgar Springs, MO
If you approve this Nominee, all I can say is "YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID". PLEASE - quit playing Puppets to a Puppeteer. A little common sense will go a long way.


[025926:012917] R.W., Wantagh, NY
Mnuchin is the worst possible nominee of all!!! I wouldn't trust him to hold my wallet!!!


[000959:012917] M.V., New Orleans, LA
If he is the best choice, then all Americans may need to take a Valium, as Senator Robert's suggested at for Senator Wyden at the Munchis hearing. So much has been done already, I need you to keep a close eye on things and fight when you need to.
Melanie Vaughn


[132429:012817] K.F., Chicago, IL
Mnuchin is unacceptable for Treasury Secretary. As your constituent I am asking you to vote against his confirmation. Thank you.


[125353:012817] A.R., Fort Bragg, CA
This heartless foreclosure King must never be confirmed to run our US Treasury!


[222458:012717] J.T., Stratford, CT
Please fight harder to block Trmp's choices for cabinet positions! PLEASE!!


[050003:012717] A.P., Oakland, CA
No more crooks in our government!


[030603:012717] P.M., Gleneden Beach, OR
Pass the word.. Tell colleagues: Stop the Munchkins and other SwampCabinet or face being Primaried in '18 and beyond!


[014537:012617] T.H., Chapel Hill, NC
A corrupt individual like Mnuchin should not be ANYWHERE NEAR the finances of the US! His "little" $100,000,000 (100 MILLION dollar "mistake") on his application form is clear indication that he can't be trusted with the complicated finances of the US.


[213536:012517] Y.S., Fort Atkinson, WI
To say this nominee has conflicts of interest and a record displaying extreme unsuitability for the post for which he is nominated is to vastly understate the case. Do not confirm him to be Secretary of Treasury.


[191616:012517] J.O., Bronx, NY
Can't believe he was even chosen!


[131116:012517] D.M., Lenexa, KS
I believe that Congress should reject all of Trump's nominees for Cabinet posts - they are all unqualified, and have been nominated only because they are loyal to or have the same views as Trump. Being a billionaire, being Republican, or mistakenly believing the "alternative fact" (aka, lie) that environmental regulations "kill jobs" is absolutely not a qualification for any of these posts, but that is about all any of the nominees so far have going for them. Please stop this insanity and reject them all. Congress can help Trump pick more appropriate nominees with the input of your constituents!


[124307:012517] K.M., Fort Lauderdale, FL
Your constiuents deserve better than this.


[100235:012517] K.K., Portsmouth, VA
We're retired military and strongly object to Mnuchin's nomination! Didn't serve this country for 25 years to have our own citizens mistreated by people like mnuchin!


[052445:012517] R.L., Jefferson City, MO
Mnuchin's previous unethical conduct is indicative of how he would act as Treasury Secretary. He is unfit to hold that position. He must not be confirmed.


[000126:012517] M.V., New Orleans, LA
Protect the American people.
Thank you,
Melanie Vughn


[233027:012417] W.S., Santa Monica, CA
The superfox who ate the henhouse.


[195721:012417] M.M., Palo Alto, CA
A criminal who defrauded mortgage holders should not be treasury secretary and who lied on his asset disclosure. Trump is filling the swamp with criminals.


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