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Impeach Trump Now


[062247:091420] A.G., Boutte, LA
Trump has malgrant narcissism is what I heard shut down borderwall bridges only please No deforestation's. No keystone pipelines no fracking Because it's hurting California for fracking. Tear up New Orleans. For wild life. Way too much filth in New Orleans. With all those stinkin houses please. Please please


[171010:071819] R.B., New Port Richey, FL
I only vote Democratic since W showed up. I signed up as a Republican to vote for Ike twice. Beyond that it was an individual choice regardless of party. Gore and then Obama then followed. Hillary would have been next in line. Richard


[151700:071019] L.C., Rhinebeck, NY
Senate Republicans need to be SHAMED into removing him once the house impeaches him or there will be no reason to impeach in the first place. How much longer can they ignore his lies, incompetence and stupidity?


[133328:070919] M.P., Sausalito, CA
If you don't impeach he will steal another term.
Gerrymandering, Voter suppression, foreign interference have guaranteed a corrupt election. So, to not impeach because you think he'll be voted out in 2920 is hopelessly naive and plays right into the republican strategy.
Impeach now. If not this totally incompetent and corrupt president who has clearly broken laws, violated his oath and the constitution, then who?
And, if not now then when?
To not impeach sends a clear signal to all that this destructive criminal behavior by a president who lost the popular vote and has the lowest approval ratings ever, is all ok.
If the democrats don't impeach then they've lost the war and republicans will have achieved their long stated goal: permanent republican rule, thereby completing the transformation of the US into a true banana republic.


[153719:070819] c.G., Sanford, ME
Trump is a disgrace. His legacy will be a blot on the USA for a decade at least.


[132959:070819] G.J., Fremont, CA
Please at least START an impeachment inquiry so that you can get the docs and testimony without further delay, due to Administration stonewalling!!! DJT IS a CRIMINAL!!!!! He needs to be held accountable! NOT ABOVE THE LAW!!!!


[110856:070819] B.L., Tucson, AZ
Save us from a dictator. Trump is un-American , foolhardy and a danger to all humanity.


[103730:070819] A.A., Kansas City, MO
Please take a stand and get our Country back on a better path - and while you are at it, find that pathway to Citizenship for undocumented in the U.S.


[091736:070819] b.h., Philadelphia, PA
This a--hole needs to go


[091704:070819] w.h., Philadelphia, PA
F--K this idiot


[032012:070819] M.R., Galt, CA
Trump must be called on all his flouting of the law


[011137:070819] J.N., Las Vegas, NV
I would like to suggest that we adopt an anthem
that would energize and inspire, perhaps strike
a chord with the undecided. I nominate The Times They Are A-changing. It worked for us once before. Thanks. Joanne L. Nivison


[004135:070819] D.S., Tacoma, WA
He is ridiculous. He must go away.


[212703:070719] E.S., Sacramento, CA


[204141:070719] D.C., Rochester, NH
There has got to be ACCOUNTABILITY. It is time.
Please do the right thing!


[202702:070719] W.K., New Orleans, LA
We need a leader who takes his (or her) role as president seriously, understands the issues, knows American history, and is seen by our allies as steadfast and trustworthy, and not as a laughingstock on the world stage. MocK.refugees from Central America, ordering family separations and having immigrant children locked up in cages in overcrowded detention centers, violates every norm and standard of humane treatment of those coming to our country for refuge. The Mueller report is very clear about President Trump's violating the law, during the 2016 presidential election. Congress must now hold him accountable.


[195246:070719] R.A., Micanopy, FL
Deport Melania!


[194922:070719] C.H., Greenbrae, CA
If not now, when, and why not?


[181615:070719] J.H., Perrysburg, OH
DT is totally unfit to hold the office of President of the United States.


[181052:070719] J.D., Union, WA
Do something! Start Impeachment proceedings! Please stop this madman, an idiot out of control.


[180417:070719] J.B., Union, WA
Impeachment cannot happen fast enough!


[174626:070719] L.B., Santa Ana, CA
Trump wants to destroy our Republic. Get him out and lock him up!


[174243:070719] R.H., New Haven, MO
t cares only to make one thing better: Himself

NOT America first t rump first.

The piper leading Ameria to the ocean to down our democracy.


[173850:070719] L.K., Morgantown, WV
previous presidents have been impeached for much less crimes than this one has committed. Impeachment will reveal the facts IMPEACH him NOW. What are you waiting for?


[165236:070719] A.D., Chandler, AZ
If Pelosi still impedes impeachment, retire her to an old age home! She is past her time! Hold all Republicans accountable.


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