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Pass H.R. 676


[174519:101918] T.H., Kinsman, OH
vote = No


[085445:051617] J.D., Tucson, AZ
vote = Yes
Dear bought and paid for whores pimped out by the insurance industry. Do the right thing, quit taking the money from lobbyists and special interest groups, do your job, server the US citizens for once.


[183326:032817] K.M., Barboursville, WV
vote = Yes


[194136:032717] G.B., Fairfield, CT
vote = Yes
Please cosponsor HR 676. Healthcare is one of the most important issues confronted by Americans as we stand almost alone as a country with for profit healthcare. Everyone I speak with is in favor of a Medicare for all solution due to the efficiency of the current Medicare system vs our private insurance company run system.


[172213:081115] g.S., Westbrookville, NY
vote = Yes


[080551:080715] B.o., Avery, CA
vote = Yes


[182610:010615] s.h., Johnstown, PA
vote = Yes


[095354:100114] j.q., La Feria, TX
vote = Yes


[130146:090914] R.L., Ann Arbor, MI
vote = Yes


[210614:050614] K.C., Chico, CA
vote = Yes


[154052:040314] R.M., Portland, OR
vote = Yes


[144801:010114] G.W., Stanwood, WA
vote = Yes
Michael Moore is my hero? We need his help to combat these Wall Street thugs!! I am 80 years old and know that our Government has been lost to the the Wall Street Tyrants!


[193103:061513] W.S., Vancouver, WA
vote = Yes
Insurance companies are sucking the remaining life out of workers that do not make living wages as it is with high premiums, high deductibles, and denials. Raising the medicare payroll tax only a few percentage points to pay for it and receive full medical, dental, and prescriptions with no co-pays and deductibles makes sense and will save lives.


[194742:052613] A.Y., Emeryville, CA
vote = Yes


[151756:042413] M.O., Fairfax, CA
vote = Yes


[092701:022413] L.B., Chester, SC
vote = Yes


[112016:022113] E.I., Brooklyn, NY
vote = Yes


[065603:022013] K.K., Jackson, NJ
vote = Yes
The Balkanized healthcare system in the US is the greatest coup by insurance co's perpetrated on Americans. Healthcare is tied to your employment so you are both bound by the ideology of the employer (i.e. employers who do not want to have contraception or abortions covered by insurance) and the lack of citizens ability to pursue interests or a living as insurance is too expensive. What makes insurance estimate on for central NJ $450/mos vs. for southern tier of NY $120/mos vs. NE PA $250/mos for a small 2 person company? And insurers have for the 10 years prior to 2010 been increasing premiums by 15-25 percent per year on average! This issue alone leaves me to consider emigrating to other countries.


[055158:020113] B.F., Lebanon, IN
vote = Yes


[115755:121012] K.T., Louisville, KY
vote = Yes
With passage of HR 676, national single payer health care legislation, our nation can expand the best health care to all of our people and solve the deficit at the same time. Amazing, but true! The US spends double per capita on health care what other industrialized nations spend. Yet our outcomes in life expectancy and infant mortality are worse. We can do what's right for our people yet bring costs under control by expanding and improving Medicare so that everyone is covered for all needed care. Take a stand for justice--pass HR 676!


[175159:032411] S.M., Olympia, WA
vote = Yes
Health care is a right


[121813:032211] N.S., Baltimore, MD
vote = Yes


[160635:030911] B.L., Pensacola, FL
vote = Yes
It's ridiculous that in today's day and age a person can be DENIED medical benefits because of a child support obligation. Who's going to pay support for those children when the parent dies due to no treatment?


[152422:081810] W.l., Saint Charles, MO
vote = Yes
Hr676 will bring America to a modern age and until we do we will be stuck in the dark ages


[101421:022410] C.G., Annawan, IL
vote = Yes


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