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Pass The Employee Free Choice Act H.R. 800/S. 1041


[012056:092507] P.S., New Springfield, OH
Unions made this country. We can see that without them the country has gotten weaker. Vote for a strong country.


[004719:092507] S.B., Raleigh, NC
Despite the scandals that plagued some unions in the past, history has proven that they are benificial to the American economy by providing middle class workers the ability to fight corporate abuses. Without doubt, today's corporations are dedicated to their investors to a degree that all else goes without consideration. This disregard extends to workers as well as entire American communities. Unions give voice and bargaining power to the shrinking middle class of workers. Please support H.R. 800 and S. 1041.


[004705:092507] N.L., Atlanta, GA
The right to free speech without true freedom of association means I can only whisper to myself. I have witnessed the vicious anti union campaigns conducted by employers against employees who have sought to unionize at work. The freedom of association to join a union is the employees choice alone. It is none of the employers business. Americans join all kinds of organization voluntarily by signing a membership card. This includes political parties, religious organizations, civic organizations, the AARP etc etc. Why is it that workers need to prove TWICE that they want to join a union, once by signing a card and then forced to vote again, after being forced through an employer propaganda and fear campaign? Working people should have the same right to join the union as they do to join other organizations. Also, right now there is virtually no penalty if an employer breaks the law during a union campaign. They have NO incentive NOT to break the law. It's time for the Employee Free Choice Act.


[093951:082407] L.C., Athens, GA
Companies daily harrass their employees and interfere with employees right to unionize. These companies have no fear because it is so hard to prove and the penalties are too light. I support the Employee Free Choice Act H.R. 800/S. 1041. Please vote for this important legislation.


[151927:080907] T.B., Brooklyn, NY
Restore what regan took away in the early 80's It's time for the middle class who built this country to get workers rights back.


[211607:080107] M.S., Union City, CA
Please support this bill.


[123731:072407] b.h., Coraopolis, PA
being a menber of IAM /1976 of USAIRWAYS meant good pay, although as a retiree they cut retiree health but my pension is guarenteed and , as a member of the airline industry, Ican fly w/my wife anywhere


[164313:071607] j.h., Clarksburg, WV
when they break the one will have a chance at a job with benefits.and decent pay.if our Rep's in D.C. had a choice to give up thier big many would do it????we all need unions.


[233220:071107] B.V., Cedar City, UT
I want my representatives to pass the employee free choice act H.R. 800/S. 1041. Its time for stronger penalties for those who violate employee rights when workers seek to form a union. They need to be provided with mediation and arbitration for first-contract disputes. Also, allowing employees to form unions by signing cards authorizing union representation. Its time to put workers rights back on the forefront again. Its time for unions to be a viable way for the workers to come together and state their grievances. Unions are safe places for the common worker to find support. Together we can make a difference. Unions should once again be able to represent the interests of the worker, without threat of violence or retribution. I urge you to vote yes on The Employee Free Choice Act H.R. 800/S. 1041. Thank You.


[193149:071107] J.S., Charleston, WV
A woman's place is in her union!


[132021:071107] M.Q., Ketchika, AK
Please pass HR 800/S 1041. It's the right thing to do...


[055314:071107] R.F., Burnsville, MN
It is unions that got YOU a 40 hour work week and stopped child labor. Now YOU can help stop corporate greed.


[200403:070707] l.l., Eugene, OR
I was a member of the Oregon Education Assoc. and the National Education Assoc. for 20 years, and I know how my union membership helped me.


[182637:070607] M.M., Mission Viejo, CA


[180659:070407] M.G., Ukiah, CA
Without unions, corporations will continue to make american workers slave workers


[153713:070407] N.S., Philadelphia, PA
America's working people are struggling to make ends meet these days and our middle class is disappearing. The best opportunity working people have to get ahead economically is by uniting to bargain with their employers for better wages and benefits.

Recent research has shown that some 60 million U.S. workers would join a union if they could.

Please take a stand FOR the American worker, the backbone of our nation.


[081305:070407] S.B., Salem, OR
Unions, with all of their "warts" are the backbone of this country's workforce. American workers must retain the right to organize.


[044809:070307] M.P., Tucson, AZ
To my representatives,

Please support HR800/ S.1041. We need protection for workers. Corporations have become too powerful and anti-workers. Thank you for your support


[215925:070207] M.B., Benicia, CA
Individuals should have the basic right to join a Union
if they so choose.


[071412:070207] C.M., Pulaski, TN
This is important to me. I have been a 'blue collar' or service employee all my life. It is my experience that unions are beneficial to the working class and that without one we are too often subject to the excesses of management. Current CEO pay packages are on the rise and working wages are on the decline in large corporations. It's time to support the people on whose backs this nation is carried.


[215135:070107] a.w., Van Nuys, CA
The right to form a union has been enjoyed by Americans long enough to make it an American right.


[204718:070107] M.W., Valley Village, CA
As the percentage of private sector union membership has declined, so has income and wealth inequality increased in America. Allowing workers to form unions by signing cards would eliminate the danger of employers intimidating workers that exists under the current system of elections.


[154948:070107] B.S., Walnut Creek, CA
Workers should have the right to form a union if they vote to do so.


[131359:070107] M.O., Lansdale, PA
The income disparity gap between the struggling families in this country and that of those in the corporate "top floors" and in the country's financial elite is becoming more and more pronounced. The socially caring executives at the top, like Warren Buffet, are becoming an ever smaller proportion of this country's financially successful middle managers and top executive leaders. For most executive, it's only the ever higher "quarterly P and Ls" demanded for stock price growth that counts and that is usually down by keeping static or lowering the real income of most American workers.

Only the pressure of unions, becoming ever more necessary also for white collar workers, can help save America's shrinking Middle Class and protect those least educated workers in our country abiity to survive. This can be done only through revitalization of Trade Unions (and Professional Unions, like Guilds) by forcing our representatives to provide the assistance and legal means to protect present collective bargaining and foster introduction of new collective unions and guilds vs. the middle managers/VPs and "Top Floor" demands of those ever "higher quarterlies" for their bonuses.


[101756:070107] P.B., Seattle, WA
We are becoming South America - only rich and poor people. Now is the time to stop this process!


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