The People's Email Network Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Go Back Censure is Not Enough, Impeach Them All ********** [141432:111307] a.h., Roseville, CA As an american citizen I demand that you start the the imeachment hearings....remember you are accountable to us the american citizen! ********** [130644:092507] L.N., Forest Knolls, CA The crimes of the Bush-Cheney cabal are vast and clear to the world. These are vicious criminals controlling the greatest military in the history of the world. The damage they have done is incalculable. And Congress has failed the American people by not taking them to task. Impeachment is imperative. Do it now, and then we can start putting the country back together again. ********** [113920:092507] C.L., Olema, CA I strongly urge you to support H.Res. 333, Representative Kucinich's Articles of Impeachment against Dick Cheney and to oppose Representative Hinchey's proposed censure resolutions. If it is true, as Hinchey asserts, that Cheney and Bush lied about about Iraqi WMDs and links to Al Qaeda (and there is more than enough irrefutable evidence indicating that they did), those are monumental constitutional crimes which require and demand impeachment. And if it is true, as Hinchey asserts, that Bush and Cheney willfully instituted torture violating the Geneva Conventions, corrupted our system of justice by firing prosecutors at the highest levels for partisan political reasons, defied Congressional oversight and obstructed justice about these matters on top of it all, there is one and only one adequate response -- impeachment. If it was ever too late for another act of grandstanding political theater (as Republican politicians and pundits describe everything the Democrats do) this is that time. Indeed, a censure resolution may well garner less support than one for impeachment, for it will be ridiculed by the Republican spin machine, and rightfully so, as a toothless and meaningless gesture which doesn't actually DO anything to confront these abuses. Censure under these circumstances would make a mockery of our Constitution and its imperative that Congress shall exercise its power in the face of such outrageous abuses. It is not entirely critical who is impeached first, but it is critical that Congress commence the process immediately. The Democrats cannot grandstand their way through another election puffing hot air. In November, Congressional Democrats told us they were ready to lead. Americans are still waiting to see that leadership, and if the Democrats do not act soon, they will not likely not get another chance. Please uphold your oath to protect the Constitution. Impeach, prosecute and imprison (as appropriate) Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gates, Powell, Rice, Wolfowitz, Perle, Gonzales, et al. The evidence against them is solid. Please act now. ********** [211653:092407] B.T., Rusk, TX Dear People who are suppose to represent me in congress: I am flabbergasted that Bush and Cheney are not impeached already. Why are they allowed to keep on the same track of destruction they have been on since the first day they were in office? Frankly, I do not understand! I DO NOT SUPPORT THE ACTIONS OF BUSH OR CHENEY! Please do what you can to remove them from office so our country can start to heal. The sooner, the better for all! ********** [205919:092407] L.S., New York, NY This is un-American. I am talking about how the Pres. has such disregard for the American people. For the first time in my life I am imbarrased to be an American. We , as a country , are killing people with NO regard for them. It get me sick. Impeach NOW. ********** [205857:092407] M.C., New Orleans, LA This is a matter of preserving our Constitutional balance of powers mandated by the founding fathers, and reaffirming the rule of law. It is not, as some have suggested, partisan politics. Impeachment for crimes committed by this Administration is the patriotic thing to do. Let's get it done. ********** [205848:092407] b.r., Sioux City, IA Quit trying to walk around justice and get some action. If this fails your relection will follow I am afraid. time is running short and damage is moving foward. We need to get back to doing what laws say not what they think. America is not going to be able to stand this kind of dicatorship much about bipartisanshipnow is the time to do it ********** [205712:092407] C.H., Carmel, CA I believe it is imperative to do a thorough investigation of the President and his staff and determine if it is true that VP Cheney and Pres Bush lied about Iraqi WMDs and links to Al Qaeda. If so, these are monumental constitutional crimes. If it is also true that they willfully violated the Geneva Conventions and corrupted our system of justice by firing prosecutors at the highest levels for partisan political reasons, defying Congressional oversight and obstructing justice about these matters , I believe it is necessary to take decisive action and hold these people accountable. I favor impeachment. Those that are not part of the solution remain part of the problem. lId appreciate knowing what specifically is being done regarding specifically addressing these matters. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Carol Harrington ********** [205656:092407] J.C., Los Angeles, CA Censure: like a gnat on the back of an elephant. Seriously, these people are criminals. NO slap on the wrist. Attica. ********** [205238:092407] C.N., Scranton, PA Warrentless wiretapping of Americans, torture, murdering American servicepersons in a senseless war (Bush has killed more Americans than died 9/11), are these actions not at least as important as with whom someone sleeps? How I long for the politicians of the 1970's, who had the integrity and guts to pursue and oust Richard Nixon. Bush and Cheney have proven to be much worse - there was a time when I didn't think that was possible. Americans fear to answer polling questions on the telephone for fear that their government will "get" them for giving truthful answers - is this the type of country which we want? Impeachment is not enough, impeach and imprison! ********** [204917:092407] T.H., Bay City, MI The poloticians and the big buisnessmen who have bought them off to put big buisness intrests before it's citizens all need to be tried for treason, murdering us with pollution and mass murder of third world peoples ********** [204828:092407] S.R., Southampton, PA We want to wait 15 months for these criminals to do damage? This is plenty of time to declare martial law, start another war, plan another 9/11............. ********** [204812:092407] L.R., Newfield, NY Iam shocked every day by the news I hear from Democracy Now and various internet news sources, and even NPR, about further lies and distortions of truth coming from this adminstration. I am daily shocked that our Democratic Congress is doing nothing to enact the protection our Constitution gives us against the crimes the adminstration has committed. Please start impeachment proceedings. ********** [204756:092407] A.L., Portland, OR Forget the blackmail threats---we already know that the administration had been spying on you guys for years, and you all must be scared of what he has shown you he'll do if you don't cooperate. Hit them all in their blind-spot with impeachments and removal of all of their executive power---quickly, before they can retaliate! We the people gave you some muscle---use it, and use it now... While you still can. ********** [204743:092407] E.E., Eugene, OR Stop the Bush Administrations march toward a unitary president. Repeal the Patriot Act. Get our soldiers out of Iraq. ********** [204646:092407] T.G., Del Mar, CA Let the world know what democracy means! ********** [204631:092407] G.L., Schaumburg, IL There are many reasons to impeach these so called leaders. Beginning with the lies they spunned for the INVASION of Iraq. They have not upheld the Constituion, they have taken" our liberties" away, they have destroyed the checks and balances of our government,and are quilty of war crimes! I have been an advocate for impeachment since the INVASION. Being hopeful that Congress would do something after the mid election in 2004 was very disappointing after Speaker Pelosi announced " impeachment is off the table"! Well, we know the lifers are in for their careers and forget what is right/correct. The story being "thou shall covet my career in Washington rather than do what Should be Done" ! Representatives Conyers and Kucinich have been on target with the paper trail and impeachment proposals. Show the Americans and the world it is time. IMPEACH Bush, Cheney, Gonzales . God Bless America. ********** [204618:092407] C.F., Santa Monica, CA We have to stop these extra-legal actions, this assault on the Constitution, before it is passed on as precedent to the next President and his gang. ********** [204602:092407] C.I., Tucson, AZ My response to obtain clean and open government is Impeach them all. My response to criminal acts, abuse of executive powers, terrorizing prisoners, vetos and threats of vetos, invasion of privacy, breach of religious separation of church and state, ignoring and not supporting the constitution and the bill of rights, STARTING WARS FOUNDED ON LIES, creating laws against abortion, LGBT rights, sponsoring criminal acts is, unfair taxation without fair representation of all of the people governed is the IMPEACHMENT OF ALL INVOLVED FROM THE PRESIDENT ON DOWN. ********** [204552:092407] D.W., Houston, TX Impeach them - then hang them as traitors to this country that we all love. They have shamed us and they need to be gotten rid of now. ********** [204536:092407] w.h., Arcata, CA Not only is impeachment vital in matters of treason and human rights abuses, it is possible, nay, even easy with the voter base you will have on this cause. ********** [204437:092407] L.S., El Prado, NM It is past time to stand up to this administration and let them know they can no longer use their fear tactics to control this country's citizens and it's Congress. Please take action now. ********** [204417:092407] A.F., Livingston, MT "Censure"?!? Censure is like slapping the wrist of a muderer! And that is exactly what George W. Bush, Dick Chaney and the rest of the PNAC/NeoilCon Bush Administration members ARE! M U R D E R E R S ! Murderers of over 3680 innocent American G.I.'s... by invading Iraq to STOP Sadaam Hussein's plans to extract his oil (Post Gulf War Sanctions) and market it outside of the control of OPEC...and, instead, to turn Iraq's oil over to America's "Big Oil" Corprations via The Iraq Oil Laws! Censure for MURDER? Shame on you all! IMPEACHMENT...then... Trial for War Crimes! That is what an "Honorable" Senate and Congress should be enacting. To STOP THE MURDERS! ********** [204405:092407] L.G., Marina Del Rey, CA We voted for you to represent our wishes and needs. We wish to have you forward our need for a fair and LAWFUL government. Impeach the Bush Administration. ********** [204341:092407] J.I., San Pablo, CA The Bush administration is destroying the United States. While you were in the minority, there wasn't much you could accomplish. However, since becoming the majority party, your actions and/or lack of have put the lie to everything you promised to do! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED! Waiting Bush out isn't an option and could possibly be the last nail in the coffin of Democracy! Your behaviors reflect on WE THE PEOPLE since you are made up of us, by us and supposedly for us! ACT WHILE YOU STILL CAN! TO QUOTE BUSH, YOU ARE EITHER WITH US OR AGAINST US, AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, YOU SERVE AT OUR PLEASURE! ********** Go Back |