The People's Email Network Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Total Submissions On This Issue = 8,570 Go Back We condemn the entire Republican leadership ********** [164308:030116] A.M., Fort Myers, FL Not More HATE in the United States. Not More Racial Segregations in the United States. Not More Injustice in the United States. ********** [011107:121211] J.G., Auburndale, FL The Republican Party only looks out for the rich and should be re named the ("Steal From The Needy To Give To The Greedy") because it fits so well! ********** [071030:092408] L.B., Bremen, GA It is seriously doubtful that the president of the United States has much of a conscience about the deaths of thousands of brave troops in Iraq and Afganistan. Plus there seems to be minimal Republican interest in providing healthcare to millions of Americans without healthcare. And I believe the greater guilty party threatening the dismantling of our economic system lies with the Republicans. ********** [133612:031108] J.B., Roslindale, MA Condemn the Iraq war! ********** [112759:012508] G.D., Rancho Palos Verdes, CA This condemnation is necessary to shift this country on to the right track to the rest of the world. ********** [130925:120907] B.G., Eugene, OR It is time for the leaders in Congress to come to their aid of their country. ********** [175927:120507] j.s., La Grange Park, IL G W Bush is a criminal, like Cheney, and they have no guilt over lying and leading others to suffer, as long as they can line their own nests. ********** [051636:112907] J.E., Virginia Beach, VA Almost the entire house and senete need to be cleaned out! Start over fresh by sitting them all down and asking them questions pertaining to the constitution and how they interpete it. Need to look at there voting history and if they are voting against the american peoples best interest if so we vote them out. Make them read the bills they are voting on which is a bill in the house. Need to get everyone legaly able to vote in america doing so and start watching and voteing them out one by one. We also need watch the elites that control these people as they are the ones with the true agenda and if you can see the source and bring them out in the open youll prevent alot of problems there as well. Google PNAC, NAU, Amero, NWO. I for one am taking a stand and doing everything I possible can to tell people and my Reps how I feel and wont just let them sale off my country to corperate america, or global government fantasies of the elite. ********** [225513:112207] M.T., New Port Richey, FL The Republican leadership, and most of their followers, seem incapable of distinguishing right from wrong, moral courage from self-serving political expediency, and plain and simple human decency and integrity. Shame on them! ********** [191050:111907] D.J., Bend, OR Since all the neocon issues were published in the PNAC (Project for a New American Century), the ORIGINAL documents should be reprinted and given out to every member of Congress, the Senate and printed in all newspapers. The group of people that were/are part of the PNAC, have been planning this debacle for many years and all of this should be brought to light. ********** [190258:111907] F.G., Aiken, SC Personally I thought John Boehner was completely out of line, giving another attempted huge loudly proclaimed lie, which Republicans have unfortunately gotten very good at ever since 1999 when George Bush emerged for the first time and a deep insult to a one time compassionate moderate conservative and republican! When both parties believed in truth, honesty and the very best for this country! Every word uttered by Pete Stark, and I clearly heard him and Boehner, was honest, accurate and true and has been true since the first aircraft left the ground heading for Iraq, and the House of Representatives should have begun impeachment charges to forward to the Senate. The main charge, wilfull beginning of a crime against humanity. The action, purpose to attack, destroy, invade and occupy a sovereign country without just cause. ********** [141139:111807] j.p., Clarksburg, CA truth has to be spoken to tyrants even if it means the inconvenience ( BADGE OF COURAGE) of being held up in the airport because your name is on a "list" some where. How many wish down deep that your name was already on a list from the distant past ---civil rights march's, anti vietnam demonstrations, animal testing,redwood trees,student protests----get up off the couch and be a part of history---believe me it will make you it will make you swell up and bring a tear to your eye when in years to come you will look at you offspring and say 'I was there'.. ********** [051124:111807] P.M., New York, NY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS CORRUPT, HAS BEEN CORRUPT, AND IN THE PAST 30 YEARS, HAS WORKED TO SINGLE MINDEDLY DESTROY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE. THEY HAVE PROVEN THEMSELVES TO BE INCAPABLE OF GOVERNING AND HAVE CORRUPTED THE GOVERNMENTAL PROCESS. THE BEST THING THAT WE CAN DO IS TO DISEMBOWEL THE REPUBLICAN PARTY BY PROSECUTING THEIR CHIEF OPERATIVES, AND MORE DIRECTLY, PASSING ELECTION REFORM LAWS TO STOP BUSINESS LOBBYISTS FROM MAKING ANY CONTRIBUTIONS TO POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS. REPUBLICANS WITHOUT CORPORATE MONEY WILL BE CONSIDERABLY REIGNED IN. BUSH AND CHENEY WOULD NEVER HAVE GAINED POWER, FOR A START. ********** [155425:111707] B.A., Christiansburg, VA I am tired of the lies and then no one seems to be held accountable for what they've done. It suddenly dies down "swept under the rug". Our service people need to come home. The wounded need sufficient care not shoddy care. ********** [011553:111707] G.A., Valley Village, CA The Republican leadership will go down in history with the same dark smudge as the Black Sox scandal and the Barry Bonds deceit. ********** [002724:111707] D.R., New York, NY The difference between Democrats and Republicans can be summed up in one sentence: Democrats know that we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us and bear the responsibilty to give something back. ********** [182531:111607] P.H., San Diego, CA I think Pete Stark's mistake might have been he assumed that Bush and consorts knew what a conscience was, maybe even had one at one time. They probably didn't respond quickly because they had to figure out what Pete Stark was talking about, check with their spin folks as to how this was going to play out and get coached as to how to react. ********** [085305:111007] d.d., Montgomery, TX YOU Representatives and Senators are there to SERVE the all the people who elected you! QUIT stalling, DO what you know is RIGHT and STOP the UNCONSCIONABLE ACTS being committed by our top leaders. STOP making Americans ashamed of YOU and DO IT NOW. YOU SHOULD HAVE ALREADY DONE IT. ********** [054826:110907] E.D., Yonkers, NY I simply find it disgraceful that the mainstream media continues to ignore the lies that brought us to war, the war profiteering that continues with the wholehearted support of the Republican party, and the continued dismantling of the Constitution. The Republican party has not once stood up for the American people, choosing instead without reservation to stand with this administration and their party. If today's Republican party was in office during Nixon's second term he would have never had to resign, and who knows where America would be today. ********** [143512:110807] N.W., Wellesley Hills, MA I am so deliriously sick of living in one of the greatest countries in the world which is being run, currently, by criminals, theives, and arrogant fools. ENOUGH!!!!! ********** [134757:110707] C.P., Toledo, WA Time for a big change.... ********** [085636:110707] K.G., Houston, TX Pete Stark told the stark truth when he said that this President has no conscience. Neither do those around him. Sociopaths don't. This administration shames America before the entire world. Condemn them? Oh, yes! Impeach them? Absolutely! ********** [145354:110607] G.H., Walthill, NE Not only do I condemn the entire Republican Leadership, who suck at the corporate teat, but also the spineless Democrats who have let them get away with murder and other criminal acts! I've never been so disappointed in my government in all my 64 years. We've had a presidential coup, and no one seems to care. We no longer have a democracy. It is an oligarchy, a theocracy, and a Hitlerian dictatorship. Anyone who isn't protesting this is no patriot, and no friend of democracy! ********** [091221:110607] v.c., Orrville, OH Stop the madness! ********** [065354:110507] p.j., Jacksonville, FL I have finally become ashamed to be an american - i hate what this nation has become. My only hope is that this can be turned around and we can recapture the united states we were before the neocons, bush, cheney, rove and the rest of the thugs stole a great nation and systematically destroyed it. Are you going to let them invade Iran, also???? SOMEONE NEEDS TO SPEAK OUT - THANK YOU PETE STARK - HE IS A TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT!! ********** Go Back |