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Oppose Mukasey for Attorney General


[121316:112907] S.H., Santa Rosa, CA
Bush and Cheney will get away with MURDER amongst other things if this puppet is confirmed.
Please oppose Muskasey for A.G. !
Thank you
Sally Hitchcock


[084433:112807] A.C., Belton, TX
The Attorney General we have now does't care about the issues in hand... Why should we pay another dummy to do worse? As the Presedent has ruined this country. I see no hope for my 2 children. Thank you for such a free country. you are getting richer Bush... while your own neibhors are getting poorer. I am sure your grandkids will be able to get a gallon of milk a day... Why can't ours?


[090346:111607] S.M., Powell, WY
This might seem a little late and a little slow, and it is--but it still needs to be addressed! As do the issues of nepotism and the hiring of family members and the use of taxpayers' donations intended for campaigning/educating and informing our state's constituency, possible oil and gas influence through their contributions of some $562,085 dollars to Representative Barbara Cubin, alone--how much hasve you, Enzi and you, Barrasso received to date? have pledged during your terms? How is your voting record, your political agenda defined by the contributions funding each of your political careers--how truly accountable are you to us, the simple people and families whose lives are driven by economic necessity? medical costs? insurance premiums? cost of the food we eat? the utilities which heat our homes? the arbitrary cost of gas in Wyoming? The sins of omission and of unconstitutional actions will go down in the history of this universe, this world, this nation, this state, in Park County--how will you be remembered?


[180326:111407] L.P., Jonesboro, AR
Please uphold our Constitution, for once.


[125202:111307] J.M., Landenberg, PA
Everyone in this country must obey the laws or be prosecuted. The Attorney General is given the task of enforcing our laws.


[112452:111207] E.P., New Milford, CT
Congress needs to vote NO to Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey. We need an Attorney General who stands up the Bush Administration on the wrong unconstitutional things that are being done every day. These unconstitutional acts will effect the American People forever unless we all put a stop to it. No one should have a right to secretly check your email or listen to your phone calls with out cause. What is going on in this country??


[111837:111207] T.F., Columbus, OH
This is an important week in both legislative bodies. I encourage elected representatives and citizens across the nation to stand up and od the right thing. We must hold this administration accountable for what it has done.


[102524:111207] C.D., Eureka, CA
Mukasey I do not back. He is crooked. He lies by omission.
He's a yes man. He'll not stand up for what's right. He will stand up only for his boss, who is a war criminal.


[084420:111207] J.G., Edgewater, FL
Please do not vote for Mukasey! Stand up for our country! What kind of country do you want to live and and leave for your children and grandchildren?

Support #333!

Thank you.


[000010:111107] W.W., Alameda, CA
Please do not vote in these horrible people to contributing to matters of the united states. Torture is not tolerated in this country and you should not vote for someone who allows it to go on! Please help to make the united states a safer, freer and better country than what it is right now!


[055145:111007] S.H., Denver, CO
I understand that Bush may appoint a lunatic during the recess. But that doesn't excuse the lack of spine regarding Mukasey. Make his appointment contingent on his making a clear statement against torture and an agreement to appoint special prosecutors to investigate the massive corruption, theft and violations of our civil liberties.
Grow a spine!


[065622:110907] s.r., North Ridgeville, OH
I think the democrats are going to be sorry if they don't stop giving in to Bush. We do have more elections, you know. Bush thinks he is above the law and not living up to taking care of the American public. That's very unpatriotic. Maybe he should volentee to to see if this practice is torture.


[062602:110907] L.W., Cedar Creek, TX
The United States Attorney General is required to be a highly ethical advocate for the laws of the land, NOT the president's
cheer leader and head of a kangeroo court. And anyone who does not oppose torture as no right to any form of authority. I request you join me in opposing Mukasey for Attorney General.


[001205:110907] J.B., Vancouver, WA
I urge you to oppose Judge Michael Mukasey's nomination for attorney general. It seems pretty simple to me: no one unwilling to affirm that the president should obey the law has any business serving as the nation's highest law enforcement officer.


[173857:110807] S.P., Chesapeake, VA
As a 27 year veteran I strongly oppose water boarding. If jackass Mukasey isn't sure then he needs a few sessions on the board to help him decide. He is telling you the wrong answer to your question, you can't possibly confirm him or it makes congress morons. There is no other way to look at this, he is NOT the right person for the position.


[155859:110807] R.W., Littleton, CO
Time to do the RIGHT thing!


[120942:110807] M.R., Chattanooga, TN
I ask that you oppose Mukasey for Attorney General. Now that there is enough support to have a bipartisan majority of Congress reject the attempt to kill the privileged resolution brought by Dennis Kucinich to impeach Vice President Cheney for his unprecedented constitutional high crimes, causing the bill to be sent to the House Judiciary Committee (H.Res 333 is now up for vote). There is no way Cheney would willingly tender a nominee that would even contemplate holding the administration accountable in any way for their wholesale defiance of the law. To quote former assistant U.S. attorney, and professor of constitutional law at Yale Law School, Jed Rubenfeld, in the New York Times this week that, "If Judge Mukasey cannot say plainly that the president must obey a valid statute, he ought not to be the nation's next attorney general."


[111217:110807] V.S., Kingsley, PA
Our gas prices keep rising despite the continuting war in Iraq. What's up with that? Who is making a killing here? Could it be the oil companies and their supporters. Cheney and Bush need to be ousted by impeachment. They have failed our nation and the world. Oppose Mukasey for Attorney General. He will not oppose torture as a means to extract information and support Kuchinich's H. Res. Bill 333 to impeach Cheney. We need to stop the horror and loss of life and wealth that is being primarily carried on the backs of working-class Americans.

Vera S.
Kingsley, Pa.


[103225:110807] A.J., Tarpon Springs, FL
Don't " betray" us/oppose Mukasey for Attny. General/Americans can't be soft on torture by what ever name it goes under or whatever excuse the Bush Admin. has for using it..


[094532:110807] r.r., Lake Villa, IL


[084611:110807] R.B., Moscow, ID
If the democratic leaders can't stand for what's right, then they are no better than their republican counterparts. Do what's right, or you can expect no campaign contributions and no vote from me.


[084326:110807] K.W., Melba, ID
"If Judge Mukasey cannot say plainly that the president must obey a valid statute, he ought not to be the nation's next attorney general."


[081622:110807] p.s., Naperville, IL
The Attorney General of the United States represents ME. I was so sick and disgusted at the rein of Gonzalez, and now we have up for confirmation a judge who won't say that the President must obey a legal statute. Guess who's side he'll come down on when things really matter? Good ol G.W.

When are we going to stand up to king george and demand a government for, by, and of the PEOPLE?

Are schumer and Feinstein the only Senators on that committee who voted 'yes' on Mukasey?

We should target all the yes men when election time comes around again.

Pretty soon there'l be no incumbents relected in NOV. Just throw out the whole lot of them and start over with 535 new fresh faces and w/o cheney/bush to hold us back we can turn this country around.
Democrats wake up and start working for the American people NOW.


[032747:110807] G.W., Austin, TX
We need an AG that understands we don't want torture, will uphold our laws while not toadying to the President.


[011709:110807] R.F., New York, NY
We've stopped fascism twicw. Why make it necessary again?


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