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Please Waive the Recount Expense Requirement in the National Interest


[042946:012208] s.b., Portland, ME
This is not a fight by a disappointed loser, it's an effort to ensure that the vote was fair. If democracy matters the public should pay that cost, not a struggling voice of hope and dissent.


[104517:012108] j.z., Bloomsburg, PA
I demand a recount. We will no longer tolerate fraudulent and/or flawed elections.


[044909:012108] J.B., Bala Cynwyd, PA
Diebold machines have a bad reputation for being vulnerable to hacking and fraud. Americans can be careful to see that their Hollerith cards have the holes properly punched out. They can see if the officials have tried to present the ballot in a confusing way. They cannot see what a rogue program has done with their vote after it has been cast.


[110337:012008] M.S., Northampton, MA
All voting machines must have a voter-verified paper audit trail. Let's not have the Diebold company running AMerica.


[105453:012008] E.B., Algonquin, IL
Please allow a complete recount of the recent Presidential Primaries because of the significant disparity between the physical and virtual count in some contests. It is crucial to maintain confidence in the legitimacy of the electoral process. Furthermore, the maintenance of the efficacy of election outcomes is too important to foist the cost of the recount on those who have clear evidence of significant differences in election results. Judgments must always be made so to eliminate frivolous claims. However, the use of inflexible rules should never be the reason to mask potential errors in the counting systems.

Thank you for your consideration.


[091447:011808] J.M., Albuquerque, NM
Recount till you get it right.


[085051:011808] r.h., Los Angeles, CA
Seize the day, the time is now 4 democracy!


[075617:011808] A.F., San Anselmo, CA
Without election results we can trust, our democracy is in the toilet!


[073806:011708] R.C., Norwalk, CT
IT is disgraceful that we have to ask for a recount. Rest assured that the rest of the world is watching. What kind of message are we sending when we try to bring democracy to other countries and we don't even have it here!

You NH are to blame. You knew the machines were not reliable and you used them anyway. If you feel the count is reliable what are you hiding then. We want a recount. Thank you.


[045049:011708] d.r., Chicago, IL
if we as the only democracy in the world cannot trust an accurate vote by making sure that every vote is counted and accurately by using a backup paper system , then we can not expect any other country to do so !! we might as well be like all the third world countries out there !!! the republicans will do anything to steal another election for their candidates ....


[044128:011708] j.b., Watertown, WI
This action will go a long way toward restoring my confidence in our electoral process.


[134059:011608] D.M., Allentown, PA
The more Dennis Kucinich (or Ron Paul) is obstructed, the more suspicious Americans should be of the democratic process. It is one thing for NBC/GE to limit the democratic debates out of self interest, and quite another for government itself to do their bidding. How can anyone still believe in democracy after the mandate of the last election has been obstructed by the very people elected.


[124325:011608] K.N., Phoenix, AZ
New Hampshire, as the first Primary state, needs to be a role model for all the upcoming State Primaries. Please waive the recount fee.


[094904:011608] W.D., Trinity, TX
I'm truly floored that my fellow citizens (state motto notwithstanding) are allowing decisions to be made for them. We have an obligation to bring light to the proposition of our governance. How can we ever entertain the pursuit of justice otherwise?
The honorable Dennis Kucinich is being forced to commit his monies to argue injustice. To pay for a service like that, would be money well spent. It's very sad to see beautiful commercials for armed service being paid for instead.


[091117:011608] A.B., Port Angeles, WA
You are supporting a fascist system if you do not hold accountable elections.


[090852:011608] C.B., Port Angeles, WA
You are supporting a fascist system if you do not hold accountable elections.


[061744:011608] K.S., Madison Heights, VA
A Paper trail of some kind should follow each and every election. Why is there such avoidance of this? What are folks trying to hide? Gotta always have some sort of backup system on paper, just to have a record of it in case the system fails. Data is not a hard copy. If you lose data and don't have anything else to back it up it can be hacked into as well. You need some other way of gaining the same info in another way in order for this electronic voting system to have any sort of credibility here.


[212110:011508] W.W., West Chester, PA
Please waive the recount expense requirement for the New Hampshire Primary Election. We need to get to the bottom of the many alleged discrepancies in the vote count. It would be a shame if the election were allowed to be stolen in the apparent manner of the last two Presidential elections.


[154146:011508] J.J., New York, NY
Maybe it wasn't the woman's vote but flawed machines that made everyone predict the outcome of the vote so wrong.


[115002:011508] E.C., Santa Fe, NM
I are not concluding that there anything amiss. What I are saying is that New Hampshire has a special obligation for diligence, because it has the special privilege of having the right to hold the first presidential primary election every four years.

Dennis Kucinich understands all this, has the leadership to call for a recount, and will pay for it himself if he has to. But we are asking the New Hampshire secretary of state to waive the recount expense requirement in this situation, in the national interest of the voter confidence of all.


[113745:011508] A.A., Las Cruces, NM
If there is a question, it doesn't hurt to be sure. In NM in 2004, Gov. Richardson change the expense of a recount from $100,000 to over a million so that a recount couldn't be done. I hope NH will waive the fee so our election results will never be questioned.


[101829:011508] j.h., Aurora, IL
Only paper ballots to be used.


[094111:011508] K.I., Torrance, CA
100% trustworthiness is the object for American voters - its our way or the highway for corrupt and corruptible politicians


[065412:011508] C.D., Eureka, CA
One person = one verifiable vote. What is so hard to understand ? If our politicians find this to be to hard for them to do, they shouldn't be in office.


[063449:011508] K.B., Hickory, NC
Please wave the expense of recounting New Hampshire's primary votes of last week. I think it is very important for the protection of voter rights that we know if there is a discrepancy between manually counted votes and the machine-tallied votes. If there is no discrepancy, then it provides assurance to Americans that their vote will count. If there is a discrepancy, then we must do something to correct it. In either case, I think it is in the best interest of New Hampshire to sponsor the cost of the recount, to assure voters that the system works.


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