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No Telecom Immunity Of Any Kind


[233433:081808] M.G., Ukiah, CA


[103651:062108] E.M., Joplin, MO
No Telecom Immunity of Any Kind


[002220:032108] D.H., Santa Cruz, CA
I was so happy when the Dems took the houses, thought there would be a balance of power. Please do not let this man (Bush) get away with giving Immunity to the Telecom company's. It's a violation, a crime. Our rights were taken away from us when YOU allowed this to happen. Now you have a chance to make it up and demand that the criminals pay for their crimes. I don't care what the dictator is threating to veto. Open your eyes Congress and Senate. Aren't you tired of being cowards? Living in fear? Looking out only for yourselves. Don't you care about the people who put you in office? What we think you? You have lost a lot of respect from us, allowing this to go through will end any faith we have left. If your cowardice in these matters continue, I would suggest you all start packing up your offices and seek employment some place else . Maybe McDonald's!


[194321:030608] F.S., East Saint Louis, IL
This Immunity covers a wide range of criminal transgressions including Ist Ammedment violations.


[190511:030408] J.S., Los Angeles, CA
This is the time to get tougher, not to cave in to the criminals in the white house and the board rooms of these criminal corporations. If they broke the law, let them pay for it - revoke their corporate charters, and let some honest people replace them.


[134739:022808] j.w., Mayfield, KY
use the laws you have no on TELECOM IMMUNITY


[114716:022708] B.J., Lincoln, NE
There is no reason why the Democratic Majority in Congress should kowtow to The Idiot in the White House in the issue of telecom immunity for violation of our constitutional right to privacy. Let him veto it if he wants to. then he will have no FISA reform at all. He can just live with it the way it has been for years. Call his bluff! Stop caving in to him!

Please don't spend tax money sending me a response letter. I'll see your response when you vote!


[035036:022508] S.C., Batavia, IL
There is only a short time to go before this national nightmare known as the Bush Administration leaves for good. However, we can not allow their continued removing of Constitutional protections become part of their legacy. Stop any bill that allows immunity for criminals in the telecoms.


[222622:022108] R.P., Sunnyvale, CA
No immunity for Telecoms - Do not compromise on this issue - Telecoms are fully protected when they work within the law - This issue is about Presidential Power wanting to say what is lawful and NOT about protecting us from terrorists. - We have to protect our constitution and the Rule of Law from a Presidential power grab - Founding father James Madison wrote to Thomas Jefferson about how the loss of liberty at home is tightly associated with a perception of threat from abroad - Madison wrote about the use of secrecy concepts mischievously to cloak the dealings of the Government. The Government can disclose half-truths and mislead just as effectively as by telling lies.


[130658:022108] J.L., Omaha, NE
No telecom immunity of any kind, period. thank you.


[182258:021908] S.B., Atascadero, CA


[075748:021908] J.H., Seattle, WA
No one should escape resposibility. Do we tolerate a Stasi State?


[174426:021808] S.W., Lynnwood, WA
Please continue to fight for protection of the 4th Amendment to the US Constitution against unwarranted search. Do not allow the "good faith standard" allowing telecoms off the hook for past illegal actions, as the concept is so absolutely weak and ridiculous.


[173135:021808] r.s., Pomona, CA
put a stop to the criminal behavior of Bush and this gang


[152141:021808] J.P., New Richmond, WI


[101110:021808] D.E., Jacksonville, FL
I'm certain you will agree that there are perfectly legal ways to fight terrorism in this area without resort to facist methods. Please do not let these precedents stand in the greatest country the world has ever known. We need your protection as a functtioning, independant public sevant to maintane the work and foresight of the founding fathers that so many have paid the ultimate price for. Thank you for your time and consideration. David t. Ellis


[060734:021808] D.D., Deltona, FL

There should never be a blank check for secretive operations with no congressional oversight. Who makes the decisions and how do the people of America know this is as represented. The Bush/Chaney machine is trying to steal the government from the people. Vote no to warrantless wiretaps.


[060519:021808] B.K., Syracuse, NY
I've known for a long time that if you have lots of money you can buy almost anything like five homes around the world or a yacht. BUT, all the money in the world cannot buy MY CONSTITUTION and that is what the Telecoms and our erudite President are working very hard to do. Our rights are the most precious things that we own. I'd hate to see them go slip-sliding away. When you commit a criminal offense and are caught you pay the penalty but this time it's not more money but REAL JAILTIME. Please contact your Senators and Representative and ask them to vote for no indemnity for the Telecom criminals and no 'Get Out of Jail Free' good faith standards. There is no good faith among these corporations. There are a couple of other sneaky things attached to this bill that will only help the BIG GUYS to gut our rights. Our Congresspeople must vote against all of it. You can help. Please do.


[200503:021708] m.p., Eugene, OR
I am a concerned, and proud American, who is outraged at the way congress is allowing the executive branch of government to act illegally, without fear of the consequences. I am not alone. Most all of my friends believe as I do. So I am urging you to start acting in ways that reflect the majority of the people who voted you in office. Start impeachment hearings and stand up to an unpopular president. And I thank you for your time.


[164722:021708] I.C., Wentzville, MO
This encroachment on people's rights will not, and should not be tolerated. Privacy is a top priority to me and 10's of thousands of others all ovr this country and the world for that matter.


[163805:021708] I.C., Wentzville, MO
This encroachment on people's rights will not, and should not be tolerated. Privacy is a top priority to me and 10's of thousands of others all ovr this country and the world for that matter.


[095834:021708] P.R., Cloverdale, CA
The House must stand up to Bush regarding the FISA bill, now that the Senate enablers have bowed again. It's heartening to see the House leadership rejecting the Bush fear tactics, to get the Senate version of the bill passed. Majority leader Harry Reid and other conservative Senate Democrats gave Bush the bill that he wanted. The House must stand firm!


[065047:021708] A.A., Middletown, NY
We know you all hate the Constitution but we don't. Protect it or be gone!!


[050144:021708] D.S., Tuckasegee, NC
We need to have representatives who have backbone step up and do the will of the people of "OUR COUNTRY". Where are you now?? you asked for our help to get into office but seem to forget who put you there and how easy it is to take you back out of there. Do what you your job requires of you. The will of the people.


[174130:021608] A.H., Walnutport, PA
I want my Habeas Corpus and Bill of Rights restored!!!


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