The People's Email Network Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Go Back Reject Admiral Blair for Director of National Intelligence because of East Timor massacres ********** [121857:032809] T.K., Santa Cruz, CA I received a reply from senator Feinstein that rejected ALL the truths about this "American Butcher of East Timor"!!! She believed his provable lies, and has the gall to admit this to her constituents This is unacceptable, and particularly scurrilous since he was caught lying to Congress in the past. Just like that proved liar Elliot Abrams (sp?) who became persona non grata in Congress for lying several times while covering up for Ronald Regan and his death squads in Central America during the Iran-Contra scandals..... If Congress can't beat them they just JOIN the liars for their own inscrutable, probably nefarious purposes. Tony Kuspa ********** [195456:021609] J.T., Carmichael, CA Admiral Blairs Cruelty clearly disqualifies him for the post of National Intelligence Director ********** [064734:013109] S.A., San Diego, CA Please end torture and black ops by not confirming Admiral Blair. ********** [064122:013109] t.c., Chicago, IL Admiral Blair may be quite experienced, but his past actions in East Timor cannot be overlooked. Please be certain to examine his record of human rights abuses before confirming him to this important position. Recent war crimes in Iraq have shown us that this country has lost its moral compass. Let us be certain that only individuals with the utmost integrity are placed in positiions of power! ********** [162026:013009] S.C., Culver City, CA Those who keep quiet while genocide happens are just as guilty. ********** [235118:012809] J.B., San Francisco, CA NO ROOM IN THIS ADMINASTRATION FOR ADMIRALBLAIR. ********** [144148:012709] A.G., Suffern, NY Some of Blair's past actions are horrendous, and shouldn't be overlooked. President Obama should be able to find another equally qualifed, but more decent person to fill this post. ********** [105339:012709] R.G., New Hope, PA We can do better than Admiral Blair. ********** [062652:012709] J.K., Hermitage, TN No more war-mongers. ********** [060541:012709] S.B., Jupiter, FL If substantiated, this charge of dereliction of duty should not be rewarded with ANY appointment in the Obama administration. ********** [160238:012609] J.F., Florence, OR Can we really trust anyone who lies to Congrees as head of Intelligence. Admiral Blair will probably continue to lie because he knows he can get away with it. ********** [142247:012609] J.P., Hartly, DE WAR MUST END! And the killing of innocent woman and children stopped. American citizens are starting to wake up to the acts of unnecessary violence and the decision making by US officials who do these acts in our name. STOP! ********** [093453:012609] D.W., Bryan, OH Why is the Obama team even nominating someone like this? Do not approve this nomination. ********** [084625:012609] E.G., Albuquerque, NM DO not pass on Admiral Blair's appointment We cannot continue to bring these kind of men ( or women ) into our govenment if we the people intend that we have change. I don't care how experienced he is, he is a man of low moral fiber and cannot lead our nation in any capacity even if he does say he followed government guidelines. Isn't that Nurenburg logic? Eve from Albuquerque ********** [042429:012609] D.S., Havana, FL It's a new Congress and a new day. Please start off on the right foot and reject the Adm. Blair nomination. I supported the candidacy of President Obama but I will NOT stand by and watch you rubber stamp All of his nominees. This nomination stinks to high heaven. Blair is the epitome of the "Mackrel In The Moonlight". Thank you, Don Schneider, Havana Florida ********** [191934:012509] J.D., Philadelphia, PA I am disturbed to tlearn of Genral Blair's actions in East Timor. I expect the Senate to thoroughly investigate his actions, whether or not they conformed at the time to US policy there. ********** [173757:012509] h.h., Toledo, OH Admiral Blair should not get this post but should be tried for war crimes for supporting Suharto during the East Timor Massacres. Also Hillary Clinton should not get her post because of her husbands involvement. How can we have change when Obama is putting the same corporate war mongers from previous administrations in his cabnet. ********** [120615:012509] C.D., Denver, CO Admiral Dennis Blair, Obama's nominee for Director of National Intelligence, aided and abetted Indonesian mass murderer, General Wiranto. Blair encouraged the war criminal Wiranto and assured him of US support even after Wiranto's troops massacred unarmed civilians taking refuge in Liquica Church. In doing so, Blair disobeyed his orders, which were to tell Wiranto to stop the killing. Wiranto, encouraged, believed the USA supported his atrocities, and went on to commit still further church massacres and outrages against civilians. Dennis Blair has no business becoming the USA's next Director of National Intelligence. ********** [055330:012509] S.L., Navajo, NM Although I admire President Obama's appointments of those whose views are divergent from his own, these must be honorable women and women who fearlessly tell the truth to those in each branch of our government. Admiral Blaire did not tell the truth to Congress about East Timor despite the severity of the genocide there. It is imperative that gathered intelligence be shared not horded as though only one person is wise enough to deal with the issues. Since Blaire already has a history of avoiding the truth, I do NOT want him as our future Director of National Intelligence. ********** [204753:012409] A.T., Santa Rosa, CA Having heard about Admiral Blair's role in Indonesia and East Timor, his failing to make every effort to prevent the massacres there when he had an opportunity, I stongly object to his becoming Director of National Intellligence! ********** [134608:012409] k.a., Madison, TN I Have no idea ,all involved, they should be convicted also. ********** [122109:012409] T.B., Anchorage, AK This appointment could gum up the smooth transition from the machine of a war profiteering ecconomy to a green, sustainable ecconomy of peace. Let's urge all of our leaders to step out of the mess that has been made of the world and move forward. ********** [132455:012309] J.H., Seattle, WA I am worried about Admiral Blair's actions with the Indonesian government with respect to the massacres in East Timor. Please look into this when considering his nomination for Intel Chief. Thank you. ********** [064444:012309] c.o., Spencertown, NY Admiral Blair has said that he did not deviate from gov. policy. Regardless if that is true, he participated in a crime. ********** [160755:012209] C.l., Redway, CA Please do not allow Admiral Blair to be confirmed a Director of National Intelligence. A man who gave the green light to the brutal massacre of the people of East Timor should not have any place in this new administration. ********** Go Back |