Finally now, at least in the House, there is a growing movement to finally have Congress put its foot down and say no more.

As of today, 81 members of the House of Representatives have signed on to a letter [list of who has signed] drafted by Out of Iraq Caucus Chairs Reps. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), Barbara Lee (D-CA), and Maxine Waters (D-CA) to the White House, declaring that they will appropriate no more funds for this war except to redeploy and protect our troops.
This is the best opportunity we've had so far to rally around an initiative, to thank those who have already joined in, and to encourage all others to sign on as well.

There can be absolutely no doubt that when we speak out in sufficient numbers, Congress ACTS. This was proven yet again a small while back when a million people (many perhaps not even citizens) demonstrated against an immigration bill, and within 24 hours it was dead on arrival in the Senate. Who could witness that and seriously maintain that Congress won't listen to us? Any such thought is a insidious lie, promoted only by sad defeatists and those who would con us out of our own participatory democracy.

We can stop the endless and escalating blood flood is by refusing to appropriate any more money EXCEPT to bring the troops home. That does not take 67 votes in the Senate or even 60. It only takes 41 votes there and a majority in the House. We must bring maximum pressure on the House this week to take a stand to stop the insanity NOW.

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