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Tell Congress To Pass Expanded and Improved Medicare for All
We are the only major industrialized nation without universal health care. Although we spend far more for our health care than any other nation, we lag woefully behind in fundamental things like life expectancy and infant mortality. Why? Because we insist on a medical system run not by medical personnel for the benefit of patients, but by insurance and pharmaceutical lobbies for the benefit of corporate stockholders.

Many physicians have grown tired of seeing patients suffer needlessly. Over 15,000 of them along with two former surgeons general and the deans and faculties of some of America’s most prestigious medical schools, have come up with a Physicians National Health Plan.

I endorse this plan. For about 5% of wages (instead of paying for employer plans) and a 0.5% tax on stock and bond trading, the plan provides comprehensive health care for all Americans. This includes prescription drugs, eye and dental care, physician's care, hospitalization, even psychiatric care. The plan now languishes in the Republican Congress as HR 676. Proposed by John Conyers and co-sponsored by over thirty-five other legislators, HR 676 would solve our heath care crisis.

Unlike my Republican opponent, I am fighting for this bill to become law now. Please join me in speaking out.

The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "Pass HR 676 Comprehensive Health Coverage." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.

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This information is required by all members of Congress and by most local newspapers for consideration for publication, but is not transmitted in messages sent to any additional "friends" emails.
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 Both my U.S. senators    My member of the U.S. House  
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Next add your own personal message on the subject:
All comments should be appropriately respectful and in acceptable taste. If one of your recipients is also a newspaper there is a minimum of 10 and a maximum of about 250 words. Your signature will be added automatically. Submission of this form constitutes authorization to publish your letter in your local newspaper if that option is selected above.

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The way to have maximum impact is by sending speak out invitations to as many of your fellow constituents as possible and encourage them to make their voices heard also.
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