Headline News: Stacey returns to New Orleans - March 20, 2006

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There are only days remaining until the Nov 7, 2006 election.

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The Blockage of the Federal Minimum Wage Increase is a Disgrace to the USA
Once again an increase in the Federal Minimum Wage has been blocked. We all know that no family or even one person can live on the Federal minimum wage of $5.15 per hour. The fact that it is still this low is disgraceful.

We, the voters of this country, must force all members of Congress to understand that we cannot be fooled by political maneuvers or phony dialogue about the proposed increases costing The USA jobs. We must force then, with our letters and words, to understand that WE, the voters in their Districts and States, know their arguments don't hold water and that people are being hurt everyday in America as a result of this freezing Federal Minimum Wage while they give themselves fat pay increases.

Let both your Senators and your Congressional Representative know exactly how disgusted you are by the blockage of a reasonable raise of the Federal Minimum Wage on The Hill. Only by knowing that you will remember their final vote and exercise your power at the Ballot Box will they begin to listen and pass this important bill.

The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "Raise The Federal Minimum Wage." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.

Constituent info:
First: Last:
This information is required by all members of Congress and by most local newspapers for consideration for publication, but is not transmitted in messages sent to any additional "friends" emails.
Addr: Apt/Ste: City:
State: Zip: Phone:
Select your recipients:
 Both my U.S. senators    My member of the House of Representatives  
 My nearest daily newspaper    I'd like to choose   No paper
Next add your own personal message on the subject:
All comments should be appropriately respectful and in acceptable taste. If one of your recipients is also a newspaper there is a minimum of 10 and a maximum of about 250 words. Your signature will be added automatically. Submission of this form constitutes authorization to publish your letter in your local newspaper if that option is selected above.

View last 25 messages sent
Submit the email addresses of friends to invite to write as well:
The way to have maximum impact is by sending speak out invitations to as many of your fellow constituents as possible and encourage them to make their voices heard also. You can either enter them directly.
I would like to hear more about this and other issues.
Now send your message(s)
  Just click once

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