Headline News: Stacey returns to New Orleans - March 20, 2006

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Stop the confirmation of John Bolton as United Nations Ambassador!
Friends, once again, John Bolton, most unqualified appointee of the Bush Administration, is up for confirmation as United Nations Ambassador. When he was refused confirmation the first time, President Bush took the highly unusual step of making a temporary Senior Level appointment while Congress was in recess. Now that period has expired and John Bolton, is once again up for confirmation by the United State Senate and faces serious opposition.

Since the under-handed recess appointment to the UN, he has alienated our allies, stripped every opportunity for diplomacy in favor of confrontation and even fought with our own State Department, undermining the already weak Secretary of State. John Bolton is a dangerous US Diplomat as he doesn't believe in diplomacy! How can we allow such an appointment to stand?

By the way, thanks to your generous donations I have been running call to action radio spots for a couple weeks already, calling for our troops to come home from Iraq now. People in my district are responding to those spots by speaking out themselves. I have already recorded a new anti-Bolton radio commercial. As a Congressional Candidate, I intend to build as much immediate public support as possible to stop this appointment by airing that commercial. It is especially important in my state of Lousiana where we need the vote of senator Landrieu to sustain a filibuster. You can help, truthfully, with a donation. (You'll hear the commercial after you send your letter to Congress opposing John Bolton and, after hearing it, make your own choice.) Your letter is the most important thing of all!

When you hear President Bush say, "We cannot change the Ambassador at the UN in the midst of this International Emergency," remember that he also said, "Good job, Brownie," to Michael Brown as my city of New Orleans drowned. This is not the time for "Good job, John!", while the innocents of two nations are blown up daily in Israel and Lebanon. Perhaps if we had a real diplomat at the UN we wouldn't have an international crisis.

As progressives, as Americans, we must oppose John Bolton's confirmation. Please write your letter below immediately. Time is crucial to get your comments to your Senators as soon as possible! Don't let John Bolton sneak in as United Nations Ambassador. America cannot afford this man as UN Ambassador. Tell your Senators how you feel about this man who would disgrace America!

The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "Oppose Bolton nomination for U.N. Ambassador." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.

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All comments should be appropriately respectful and in acceptable taste. If one of your recipients is also a newspaper there is a minimum of 10 and a maximum of about 250 words. Your signature will be added automatically. Submission of this form constitutes authorization to publish your letter in your local newspaper if that option is selected above.

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