Many of you are calling for information on how to contact NY1 to protest their censorship of political debate. NY1 has declared Jonathan Tasini ineligible to participate in their debate series at Pace University because they say he does not meet their "threshold" of $500,000 in campaign funds either raised or spent. He does meet their other criteria, polling at 5% or better. Tasini was at 13% in the most recent Marist poll. Most importantly, he was the only other Democrat to qualify directly for the ballot, gathering 40,000 nominating petitions signatures, far more than the 15,000 required.

Tonight NY1, the main all-news cable station in New York City, which is owned by media giant Time Warner, is sponsoring a debate between the Republican Senate primary candidates. It appears NY1 set an arbitrary dollar cutoff, that would allow the Republican candidates to both debate, but would shut out Mr. Tasini. No Democratic Senate primary debate is scheduled. August 22nd is their U.S. Senate Candidates Town Hall Meeting. Jonathan is not invited.

Please call NY1 today and demand that the media power-brokers stop censoring political debate. Any candidate who has qualified for the ballot should be allowed into the debates. You might let them know that if they do not correct this injustice you will proceed with a further complaint to the New York State Public Service Commission. NY1 is NOT acting in the public interest by disregarding a duly qualified candidate, Jonathan Tasini.

Please submit this form and follow up by calling Robert Hardt, Director of Politics, NY1, 212-379-3330.

You should ALSO call Howard Szarfarc, president of Time-Warner Cable of NY and NJ. His phone number is 212-598-7396 and his fax number is 212-420-4803.

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