The difference between
an opinion & one that
The People's Email Network exists to give you an avenue to more
effectively communicate with your legislative representatives. We take
no political
position on any of the questions presented. That is your
responsibility as a citizen.
Help us spread the word
about this resource to everyone you know.
Updated June 2005
Your privacy is important to us.
By your participation in this website you agree to use your own
email client program to send emails based on the inputs you provide,
and authorize us to submit that information to various congressional
email gateways on your behalf. You also expressly declare your
willingness and permission to receive notice by email approximately
once a week of the question at issue on this site, or for any other
related purpose, either directly from us, or added by us to an email
forwarded by another participant with their consent. You are advised
and acknowledge that any email addresses you input may be used in the
same way to spread the word about this website.
Virtually all senators and representatives require a complete mailing
address with all incoming emails. Some require a phone number as well.
If you have the capability enabled, we may use cookies to store your
personal information at your end for your convenience. This information
will be transmitted to the senators and representatives associated with
your district, or other policy maker recipients designated on a particular
action page, together with your message, but except for your name, email
address and question preference will not be disclosed in any other emails
you send to friends or other parties through the functions on this page.
We may disclose this information upon authorized request. No personal
information, including email addresses, is shared with any other
party except as it relates to the mission of the website.
We may send you a notice no more than about once a week related to
issue questions on the network, including but not limited to sending
test messages to verify the proper operation of the network.
Anyone who no longer wishes to receive emails through this facility
may ask us to block such communications by using the adjacent
"Remove me" link. Once such an opt-out is placed, we will use
our best efforts to filter your email address out of
any messages that are submitted through this
system. You are advised that it is still technically possible for
another friend to manually add you as a CC to a particular
email sent from the client side at their sole control. We reserve
the right to confirm by email your election for removal. If you
should ever change your mind and wish to remove the opt-out, you
must return here and affirmatively opt-in.
© 2004, 2005 The People's Email Network, Patent Pending, All Rights