NOW you can send a Letter to the Editor of your local daily newspaper, at the same
time as you send your personal message to all your members of Congress using this special action page.
We've done all the leg work to match you up
with your nearest local paper, all you have to do is have something you
want to say.
Messages log for this
In the spirit of transparency and based your requests, you may now
Click Here To View The Last 25 Messages Transmitted. This will allow you to confirm that your messages have been received and logged accurately by our system (much like a weblog), allow our participants to get a sense of what their fellow constituents are thinking, plus allow any party receiving digests from us to monitor the integrity of the messages transmitted by us to them. We will endeavor to truncate most personal contact information (otherwise included in those digests and in your direct transmissions) from the display here for privacy reasons, though in the case of such information included in the body of your comments themselves, we may not catch some variant spellings.
Please tell us if you like this new experimental feature by
Your Kind Support, and we will extend this capability to our other issue pages, and we will continue to respond your requests for the innovative functions you want to see on the site.
Please submit your arguments on the question:
If you have a reasoned persuasive position please immediately Submit your pro
or con statements and we will post them here. We will give priority to published authors and those with their own websites, but all thoughtful submissions will be considered. Opinions expressed therein are not necessarily those of The People's Email Network.
Mission Statement:
Our democracy is only as strong as the participation of the people.
Do your representatives only hear from you once every two or four years, assuming you vote at all?
There are members of Congress who publicly bemoan the fact that they don't hear from more of
their constituents more often. Our leaders are our generals in the political arena,
but we are their troops. They can't do battle for us against opposing interests
without being able to demonstrate our ongoing support. The People's Email Network
is constructed to facilitate communication with our elected officials.
By your participation you can establish that you are a voter who will call your
government to account at each successive election. Your views do count.
They will be heard. And most importantly, when you cast your votes in the
section above, be sure to use the ground-breaking input
functions of our website to also submit the email addresses of everyone you know. In this
way we can together mobilize the entire country to speak in the loudest possible voice.
The People's Email Network exists to give you an avenue to more
effectively communicate with your legislative representatives. We take
no political
position here on any of the questions presented. That is your
responsibility as a citizen.
Help us spread the word
about this resource to everyone you know.